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Leave Samui N O W

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For the ones who find Samui a trash can I have an -almost unknown and secret- opportunity....and everybody knows that opportunities are very rare...so hurry:

David Beckham is there too... :o

The Golden Mile, for people who love tranquility and beautiful sea views... :D

live safe in a beautiful secluded villa right on the beach... :D

cosy small streets with enough parking space, next to the harbour; similar to Bophut village.

State of the art infra structure and 4+ lanes highways right on your doorstep; don't worry, palm trees will be planted soon !


Almost sold out, despite the lack of British-, Ozzie- and Yankee bars, Girls, Go-Go bars and alcohol !!!


Note: It's possible to meet authentic Thai people; however, most of them work 7 days a week 10-12 hours a day in the service and construction industry.

LaoPo :D

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Love the post, I'm currently living and working in Dubai and you make some interesting points, I would love to say more, give me a chance to get out of this F***ing hel_l and get to Asia and I will get back to you.

Edited by kurtg
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Note: It's possible to meet authentic Thai people; however, most of them work 7 days a week 10-12 hours a day in the service and construction industry.


:D when I wrote the above I didn't realize it was that bad......

"Thousands of laborers arrive in Dubai every year from South Asia. These poorly paid construction workers enter the construction industry in Dubai, and often step into a nightmare of long hour work days with no day of rest, earning meager wages that may be withheld or unpaid altogether. Standard salary for a full day’s of work is in the range of 4 to 6 US dollars."

From: Petition online dot com:


But, the show must go on:

Maybe a nice condo in the World's tallest skyscraper...800 meters: finished in December 2008

If you don't like direct access to the beach there are plenty of other options :o

...and keep an eye on your boat from your balcony

I repeat:

HURRY - HURRY - HURRY or you will miss a one-in-a-lifetime opportunity !


Edited by LaoPo
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Thanks !

Some excerpts from this article:

"Multimillion-pound villas have been squeezed together "like Coronation Street", air-conditioning bills are hitting £800 a month and persistent snags have led some to joke it is more "eighth blunder" than "eighth wonder"."


"But for Rachael Wilds, 42, an exhibition organiser from Surrey who moved in with her family to a palatial villa on one of the Palm's "fronds" a year ago, it was not what she expected. She found her £3m property squashed against a neighbour's and set in a barren, almost treeless, landscape. "It was absolutely nothing as it was depicted in the brochure," she says. "There was a massive gap between the villas and it was full of lush tropical gardens. We were totally shocked at the closeness of the villas."

Despite summer temperatures of 48C and high humidity, access to centralised air conditioning was not included in the purchase price of apartments, and residents are rebelling against plans to ask them to pay extra."

Sunday morning during a business talkshow a promotor told the audience that villa's in Palm island 1 went for € 500,000 and are now sold for € 2,5 to 3 Million.

If you hurry you can still buy a villa (under construction) on Palm island 2 for € 800/900.000. Such a villa will be worth 2,500,000 in 3 years...

So what are you guys waiting for ? :o


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Thanks !

Some excerpts from this article:

"Multimillion-pound villas have been squeezed together "like Coronation Street", air-conditioning bills are hitting £800 a month and persistent snags have led some to joke it is more "eighth blunder" than "eighth wonder"."


"But for Rachael Wilds, 42, an exhibition organiser from Surrey who moved in with her family to a palatial villa on one of the Palm's "fronds" a year ago, it was not what she expected. She found her £3m property squashed against a neighbour's and set in a barren, almost treeless, landscape. "It was absolutely nothing as it was depicted in the brochure," she says. "There was a massive gap between the villas and it was full of lush tropical gardens. We were totally shocked at the closeness of the villas."

Despite summer temperatures of 48C and high humidity, access to centralised air conditioning was not included in the purchase price of apartments, and residents are rebelling against plans to ask them to pay extra."

Sunday morning during a business talkshow a promotor told the audience that villa's in Palm island 1 went for € 500,000 and are now sold for € 2,5 to 3 Million.

If you hurry you can still buy a villa (under construction) on Palm island 2 for € 800/900.000. Such a villa will be worth 2,500,000 in 3 years...

So what are you guys waiting for ? :o


Waiting for bars, girls, discos, stuff like that

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i'll save my visit to hel_l until after i'm dead thanks

not like th culture over there some might but personally ilike the culture here.

i like chicken also . dooo u like chiiiicken lol. i am crackin up

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all joking aside, it boggles my mind that anyone would pay money to live in the mid east. you couldn't pay me enough to live there, even in a Beckham sized villa.

its hotter than hel_l, a barron, treeless deserts, absolutely nothing to do and absolutely no interesting people to socialize with (at least that's my imprrssion, correct me if i'm wrong).

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Standard salary for a full day’s of work is in the range of 4 to 6 US dollars."

At least they dont need a savings-account.

Horrible to see the rich real-estate boys using cheap workers. All over the world. Thais in dubai, burmeise in Thailand........ :o .

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Standard salary for a full day's of work is in the range of 4 to 6 US dollars."

At least they dont need a savings-account.

Horrible to see the rich real-estate boys using cheap workers. All over the world. Thais in dubai, burmeise in Thailand........ :D .

Totally agree, BUT that's how they get rich(er)! :o:D

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Been to Morocco twice, that is moderate compared to the "middle east", Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Damas, Doha...they can keep it and keep comin' to Patty for some "Black Label" Jeans and T-Shirt Parties! :o

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No alcohol, girls.... why should I leave my beloved Koh Phangan!?

Correct me if i am wrong guys but i believe that there is only one dry state and that is Sharjar. Its ok to drink alcohol in Dubai and Ajarman. By the way there are girls all over the place, but they tend to prefer the Arabs due to financial reasons. Still with this in mind i also decline the offer Laopo.

Cheers, Rick.

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