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Can Anybody Teach Me How To Start A Small Internet Concern

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I am living in the UK. I am working 40 hours a week in a callcentre. I have severe emotional/mental problems and the stress of the job is really becoming unbearable, I am truely stuck, opressed and really not well. The place is like a prison, the management treat the workers like shit and I feel like I am on the verge of a breakdown. I am 33 years old and I can't see a way out. With a severe anxiety condition I am trying to meet the living costs in the South of England and just about manage the minimum repayments toward credit card debt- which again was used just for living purposes - no holidays/extravagance.

I shouldn't be where I am today but numerous life events have ended up with me cornered in this hellish position. for 40 hours of work per week in this modern day victorian mill I net about 200 gbp or 800 gbp per month. This amount is just enough to keep me spinning on the spot. But I really can't take the job anymore.

Could anybody here, please, please, please teach me how to start a small internet concern which will net me about £1k gbp per month. I spend every minute of my spare time scouring the net for online businesses and I don't know where to start. I really need some help before I completely lose it - I really can't handle another day £1000gbp per month will cover my bills and give me some breathing space and the ability to seek proper/help treatment for my illness. Please guys I'm not joking I'm in a pretty bad way at the moment

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I can't give you advice regarding your specific request for information but I sympathise with your predicament and, for what it's worth, will offer some advice.

Call centres are very stressful places and few people thrive in them for very long. It's not usually the work so much as the pressure imposed by the way the telephone system is set up by the owners. There's no satisfaction even in passing the extra minute chatting with a customer. Now, if you take on a course to learn new skills whilst suffering as you are, you may add even more stress. Rush to a solution and you may make matters worse.

I suggest that the first thing you must do is learn how to relax. It's just a coping mechanism for now but, judging by your post, you really need it. Learn to step back from this and any other problems that you have - give yourself a break.

Now, while you're relaxed, why an internet business? Do you have some experience? Does it interest you? Or is it something that you have thought of merely as a way out of a difficult bind? Don't go into anything that you don't really enjoy otherwise you may end up feeling again much as you do now.

Also, you've come for help to a forum for people who have some connection with Thailand. Why? Do you have a connection yourself? Is there a possible solution for you that involves Thailand?

In short, take a step back and do nothing else for the moment to restore some sense of balance or control. And go to a solution, not away from a problem.

Good luck. Put yourself first in all things until you feel stronger. Be patient and ask whatever is in you that guides you to find whatever the right solution might be.

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Morden. What a lovely, thoughtful, kind reply. I truely appreciate your advice. Morden, I am really not a well man at the moment and I am finding the pressures of life incredibly difficult. I am so stressed/distressed with my circumstances here in the UK that I am inarticulate. I keep jumping ontto this forum, seeking help I suppose. Nobody around me, here in the UK is of any help at all at the moment ,but I really need somebody to talk to/a listening ear, somebody that talks a bit of sense, there aren't too many people like that in my immediate enviornment.

I have recently been to my Doctor to ask for a referal to a mental health professional, but this is likely to take several months. My connection with Thaivisa/land is a loose one - I have a Thai wife with me here in the UK who's tolerence limits are probably being pushed to the limit considering the state that I am in. Things really aren't good. My job/financial obligations are the straw that is breaking my back. As mentioned I am 33 years old - certainly should be established by now - career wise etc but due to severe emotional problems which I have battled with since teenage years I have not made ay progress in this sense.

I mention online business's as I need out of a working enviornment completely, certainly callcentrre. I truely can't take the stress. My working day starts at 8:00am and by 9:00am I really am losing it. I spend my break/lunch hour like rliterally quivering in the toilet - I think I am having a breakdown. As already mentioned, as well as meeting the cost of living in the south of england I am barely able to cover the minium r/payments towards my credit card debt, and I am behind a months rent - my landlord isn't the most sympathetic guy in the world, a bully even. But I don't need symapathy. If I could find a way to make 700-800gbp p/month without the stress I am under now, this would keep me afloat, bills paid. hence the thought of something online. I just don't have a clue where to start. My words my convey weakness. I am not weak - just unwell, lots of issues. And the stresse's which we are all subject to are just a little difficult for me at the moment. So again, if anybody can offer any advice for a small, ethical biz of some sort which isn't to difficult to manage then I am all ears


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First of all, get your Doctor to sign to you off work.

Then you can get help and re-assess your situation. I've been there...nothing worse than not enjoying work/being in debt. :o

Good luck, I hope it work's out... :D


Edited by RAZZELL
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Personally eBay and web store is the way to go and you need capital investment and product investment and brains and time to see what’s a hot selling item.

Thailand- Thai boxing gear, Thailand made crafts, aphelia .ect ect.

China – Fake crap if small product investment.

And you would probably be kicked off the eBay for selling fake goods as well as all your money frozen in a paypal account. Unless you can use direct deposit.

All the work at home advertised is the biggest full of shit to bee seen on the interne and Its either product or information and advertising that can make money Via the Net.

Unless you have some skill as web or graphic designing or anything IT relevant or even being a really skilled writer you could land a wage form just working anywhere behind a computer but you better wait in line.

So yeah you need the capital to kick something off.

My advice is. Call in a few sick day. And during that time find some night packing work. Good cash I think. And if land a the job go and quite the call centre.

I personally liked night packing when I had it. No supervision can pop out for a smoke.

And it is relatively easy work with a good wage. And it helped my brain get in to the product market. And now gives me a wage in Thailand.

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I am living in the UK. I am working 40 hours a week in a callcentre. I have severe emotional/mental problems and the stress of the job is really becoming unbearable, I am truely stuck, opressed and really not well. The place is like a prison, the management treat the workers like shit and I feel like I am on the verge of a breakdown. I am 33 years old and I can't see a way out. With a severe anxiety condition I am trying to meet the living costs in the South of England and just about manage the minimum repayments toward credit card debt- which again was used just for living purposes - no holidays/extravagance.

I shouldn't be where I am today but numerous life events have ended up with me cornered in this hellish position. for 40 hours of work per week in this modern day victorian mill I net about 200 gbp or 800 gbp per month. This amount is just enough to keep me spinning on the spot. But I really can't take the job anymore.

Could anybody here, please, please, please teach me how to start a small internet concern which will net me about £1k gbp per month. I spend every minute of my spare time scouring the net for online businesses and I don't know where to start. I really need some help before I completely lose it - I really can't handle another day £1000gbp per month will cover my bills and give me some breathing space and the ability to seek proper/help treatment for my illness. Please guys I'm not joking I'm in a pretty bad way at the moment

Unhappyfarang. What is the minimum wage there now? If I remember rightly 200 quid a week, per person, was the minimum wage at least five years ago. Does your wife work aswell to make up your income? You should also have a Tax allowance for your wife too, if she isn't working. How are you being taxed?

If you are on the breadline you can go to Social Services and speak with them on how to make ends meet, about your dispair and anxiety over your situation and is there any assistance they can give for you. Sometimes, even a minor assistance like your rent being paid can be a major bonus for you and a relief from the weight on your shoulders. They have been known to help in various senarios and are not just for the use of the unemployed.

As you stated in you other thread you are looking to find something to do in Thailand, so an evening class would probably be ideal for you and if you are on baseline income you should be able to get, at least, a petrol/bus allowance from them to go to college. This could be advantageous for you:

1. Your learning something new, which could benefit your future prospects.

2. It will take you mind off your worries and give you something else to think about.

Not sure about online businesses a lot of them just want your money for their courses and you get nothing in return.

Presently, though, I would deal with the situation you are in right now and it seems to me that you are on the verge of a nervous breakdown. You need something instantly to take your mind off your family and financial woes. My advise would be to find a nice friendly, busy bar and ask if they need someone to clear the tables or do a bit of security. It might only be a small monetary reward but it would help to make new friends, aquaintances and potentially a new boss with more to offer than you have right now and also give you another occupation other than thinking about what disaster is going to happen tomorrow.

For me, the only way you are going to get ahead is by letting everyone out there know you are around and available. If you stay at home through lack of funds or motivation, no-one knows you are there to even be able to help.

I sincerely wish the best break you can get for both you and your wife.

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Wise man once said to me. "If you cant change your situation, change your location !"

Move to Thailand, you have a Thai wife so its a start. Hey, even if you have to sleep on the in-laws floor up in Isaan, its sounds much better than what you have over there. You might be bored but boredom is much better than stress ! Im sure your wife will appreciate this too.

I hate to see this sh*t, this guys only 33 ! :D Thats the UK for you, ive just got back from there and I wont be in a rush to go back again.

Unhappyfarang, dont listen to the Psychiatric experts on here. Your not losing the plot and you dont have a mental problem, your symptoms are simply down to living in an open prison, otherwise known as "The UK" ! Your not alone.

PM me, send me your resume. If you have sales/telemarketing experience I might be able to point you in the right direction for work in Thailand.

Good luck ! :o

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"Call centres are very stressful places and few people thrive in them for very long. It's not usually the work so much as the pressure imposed by the way the telephone system is set up by the owners. There's no satisfaction even in passing the extra minute chatting with a customer. Now, if you take on a course to learn new skills whilst suffering as you are, you may add even more stress. Rush to a solution and you may make matters worse.

I suggest that the first thing you must do is learn how to relax. It's just a coping mechanism for now but, judging by your post, you really need it. Learn to step back from this and any other problems that you have - give yourself a break."

So true and excellent advice and thoughtfullness!

I worked in a very large call centre for BSKyB but in the IT department - I used to feel sorry for those guy's on the floor and the turnoverwas massive.

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Although your post does not specify the desired location, this forum's focus is Thailand.

Working in Thailand is not so easy for a non-Thai person and requires a lot of visa and work permit loopholes that must be dealt with, this will require funds before you start earning as will the set up or purchase of your 'new' company. Coming to Thailand to work requires money and a level business head, I would suggest that your health is your first priority and re-training to carry a higher skill set would be time well spent in England.

The first step now, this minute, would be to identify ALL your currently spending and identify savings. I have an English friend that told me about the website www.fool.co.uk there is much information on that site that might help you.

Just to give you some rough figures on the idea of an internet cafe in Thailand: (Prices in Thai Baht.)

GBP1,000 = 62,000

Basic PC for surfing 15,000

PC for gaming 25,000

Chair and table 1,000 - 3,000 per PC

Games, software free - 2,000+ per PC depending on your approach to licencing.

PC operating system free - 8,000 per PC depending on your approach to licencing.

Rent for a small office/shop front 15,000 - 40,000 per month depending on location/lease duration.

Electric for computers, aircon, lighting about 4,000 a month.

Salary for staff 10,000 a month add 5,000 for good English skills might have computer skills.

ADSL connection 1,000 - 3,000 a month depending on provider.

Costs for you to live 40,000 a month.

Typical income from customers 1 -2 Baht per minute usage depending on location.

You make money on sale of drinks, ice cream, toasted sandwiches, pictures, CD/DVD etc.

Popular location = more income but great costs in rents and competition.

Excluding food handling and a fridge (10,000) your set up costs are about 250,000 for ten PCs, with about 50,000 costs per month.

Break even costs for your running expenses and pay off the PCs etc over one year would require roughly an occupied rate of PCs of between 20 - 30% assuming about ten hours a day opening.

I'm not in this business but talked to a guy a number of months ago to help him understand the costs involved.

I have not touched on the many issues connected to PC software support (if you could do this yourself you would be in an IT job already), and within Thailand dealing with and protecting yourself from 'legal' issues resulting from certain MP3 files found on your computers for which 200,000 Baht fines are not uncommon.

I would suggest that you befriend one of the IT staff that handle your call center, ACD programmers do quite well earning about GBP 80,000-150,000 per year depending on industry and whether perm or freelance.

Call centers and computing in Thailand is not for you - develop a new skill set, work on your health.

Spend some time on this book and this book.

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the thing with the internet a lot of it is free so you can try different things and see what works, you could, for eg, write a blog or several, they arent going to make you money unless you get a lot of people visiting, but it doesnt cost anything to try and you never know, once you begin you will learn more and find different ideas

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Prepare for a move to ............. (Insert wherever you would like to live). It will give you a renewed purpose of sitting in your cubicle in UK.

Meanwhile, look at what all the 'Dave's' (as a Brit you know what i mean. All the guys you are meeting in the pub who are sidelining doing this and that) are doing to earn money on the side.

Bear in mind that you live and work in the UK. Its a dolemongers dream. Call in sick at work for a week, head down to the doctors for a sicknote and kick your feet up at home, watching whatever is on morning TV these days in the UK after your nicely delayed wake up time of around 10am. Treat yourself to a home made cheapo lunch. Cheese and Beans on toast works wonders for me (Just the act of getting home from the office and making it takes my mind off other stuff). Then, spend your afternoon working on your master plan of where you want to be, and how you are going to get there. I would forget the idea of internet entreprenaurialism as its so dam_n risky, but by giving yourself some time and space, and treating yourself well (Just a bit of time alone will do that) you will be surprised by what you can come up with.

It worked for me, and im pretty sure for many many others. Good luck with it.

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Prepare for a move to ............. (Insert wherever you would like to live). It will give you a renewed purpose of sitting in your cubicle in UK.

Meanwhile, look at what all the 'Dave's' (as a Brit you know what i mean. All the guys you are meeting in the pub who are sidelining doing this and that) are doing to earn money on the side.

Bear in mind that you live and work in the UK. Its a dolemongers dream. Call in sick at work for a week, head down to the doctors for a sicknote and kick your feet up at home, watching whatever is on morning TV these days in the UK after your nicely delayed wake up time of around 10am. Treat yourself to a home made cheapo lunch. Cheese and Beans on toast works wonders for me (Just the act of getting home from the office and making it takes my mind off other stuff). Then, spend your afternoon working on your master plan of where you want to be, and how you are going to get there. I would forget the idea of internet entreprenaurialism as its so dam_n risky, but by giving yourself some time and space, and treating yourself well (Just a bit of time alone will do that) you will be surprised by what you can come up with.

It worked for me, and im pretty sure for many many others. Good luck with it.

He might not be in the type of job whwere he gets full sick pay - if his already meagre income was reduced he might be in a even worse situation.

I do agree he needs to make and escape plan and work at it - I did the same when i was a coal miner and peole back home thought I was daft - I know who looks daft now as they are still there and I have a great life and career in Asia

Edited by Prakanong
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If you want to stay in England and want out of an office environment, why not check out local craft fairs and good markets? You can scan the internet for Thai (or Asian) suppliers of boxed tie gift sets, handbags, hair accessories, childrenswear...the list goes on. Most suppliers will mail orders to your door then you have to think about how to display it (in my opinion the most important part). A good display implies the product is of quality, which means you may well be able to get a better mark-up.

This type of work requires very little outlay but just some early mornings and an hour set-up and pack-up. It's not complicated but you need to have a friendly persona with the public (fake it if you have to). A market will cost about £30 per day and you can take on average £300 for typical market products. A craft fair may be more expensive (up to £100) but that should be in-line with the potential takings.

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Change jobs mate, you should never work in a place that is causing you health problems, Stress is a bad thing and if I was you I would find a easier job but still a challenge.

Money isnt everything, take care of your health first mate

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I know you aren't after sympathy but as a fellow Brit I am so sorry to hear about your situation. I've done some time working in a call center enviroment and the combined experiance made me seek 7 months under the sun of Thailand. I am now back in the UK with a fresh positive outlook. Yes I was bored some of the time but it was better than stress.

I understand that Asia is the place to invest so my plan is to get a job, minimise my outgoings, stop drinking every weekend and save money so I can start a business somewhere. I too had the idea of an internet cafe (10 PCs) since they are so popular in Thailand - crunching the numbers I reasoned I could do this very comfortably on £4,000 (£5,000 better) but getting everything up and running can be hassle - not something you are ready for now. Remember overnight success takes 3 years :o

As mentioned above England is very cushy on benefits and tax allowences. Find out from Social Services and Local Agencies what They Can Do For You! You could be entitled to a pause in mortgage payments or some other allowence. The cost of living is going up in the UK as it is everywhere. Everybody will be feeling the pinch as their "disposable income" becomes less disposable. I highly recommend you take some time out. Work out how many days sick you are allowed then get signed off by a doctor for stress. Very common in call centers. You are not alone. Do you have any family to stay with?

Keep us posted on how things are going. During times of stress your body will be lacking vitamins and minerals. During mental strains your brain lacks B vitamins so get some of those down you. Could I also recommend freshly juiced fruits and vegetables? A couple of carrots juiced this way is without doubt the best way to start a day.



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I am living in the UK. I am working 40 hours a week in a callcentre. I have severe emotional/mental problems and the stress of the job is really becoming unbearable, I am truely stuck, opressed and really not well. The place is like a prison, the management treat the workers like shit and I feel like I am on the verge of a breakdown. I am 33 years old and I can't see a way out. With a severe anxiety condition I am trying to meet the living costs in the South of England and just about manage the minimum repayments toward credit card debt- which again was used just for living purposes - no holidays/extravagance.

I shouldn't be where I am today but numerous life events have ended up with me cornered in this hellish position. for 40 hours of work per week in this modern day victorian mill I net about 200 gbp or 800 gbp per month. This amount is just enough to keep me spinning on the spot. But I really can't take the job anymore.

Could anybody here, please, please, please teach me how to start a small internet concern which will net me about £1k gbp per month. I spend every minute of my spare time scouring the net for online businesses and I don't know where to start. I really need some help before I completely lose it - I really can't handle another day £1000gbp per month will cover my bills and give me some breathing space and the ability to seek proper/help treatment for my illness. Please guys I'm not joking I'm in a pretty bad way at the moment

Hey unhappyfarang ...

Sorry to here about your predicament mate ... but come on ... u must focus, keep your head up and move forward, you can do it!! You must get control of your own mind.

Heres a tip for you, its not so glamorous but hey, a building site (in the UK), you can get a job as a HOD CARRIER, starting pay for this is an easy £80 per day, as there is a shortage right now the more experienced hod carriers can be on £110 per day, as I say this is not very glamorous but there are benefits, you can work six days per week, maybe seven if a bricklayer at your work needs a hand sometime, that means you can get some good money, weekend work can be cash in hand, tax is 20% and National Insurance is £2 per week, over benefits include working outside, which sounds like it could be a good move for you right now, especially if there is a good summer over there this year. The job is physical and can be quite hard, but you can have a MASSIVE laugh at times.

I am not a physcologist, but I think this could help your state of mind right now, hard, physical work, bit of fun, good money and time to train your mind into calmness.

Do this for the whole UK summer then start making decisions about what you want to, at this point you would hopefully have a bit of extra dough, a smile on your face and a good positive outlook on life.

Right now would properly be the wrong time to come here... FOR SURE ... unhappyfarang do you know the suicide rate for foreigners in Thailand, it is quite high mate, this may sound silly but, if you have no money, insecure mind, little good friends around and a bloody moaning wife around anything can happen.

If you want some more info about a Labourer job get back to me ...

Warm Regards mate and the best of luck

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I am living in the UK. I am working 40 hours a week in a callcentre. I have severe emotional/mental problems and the stress of the job is really becoming unbearable, I am truely stuck, opressed and really not well. The place is like a prison, the management treat the workers like shit and I feel like I am on the verge of a breakdown. I am 33 years old and I can't see a way out. With a severe anxiety condition I am trying to meet the living costs in the South of England and just about manage the minimum repayments toward credit card debt- which again was used just for living purposes - no holidays/extravagance.

I shouldn't be where I am today but numerous life events have ended up with me cornered in this hellish position. for 40 hours of work per week in this modern day victorian mill I net about 200 gbp or 800 gbp per month. This amount is just enough to keep me spinning on the spot. But I really can't take the job anymore.

Could anybody here, please, please, please teach me how to start a small internet concern which will net me about £1k gbp per month. I spend every minute of my spare time scouring the net for online businesses and I don't know where to start. I really need some help before I completely lose it - I really can't handle another day £1000gbp per month will cover my bills and give me some breathing space and the ability to seek proper/help treatment for my illness. Please guys I'm not joking I'm in a pretty bad way at the moment

The current minimum wage in the UK (set October 2007) for adults aged 22 or older is £5.52 per hour. For workers between the ages of 18 and 21 the minimum wage is £4.60 per hour. The minimum hourly wage for all workers under the age of 18 (who are, in addition, no longer of compulsory school age) is £3.40. There is no minimum wage for those still of compulsory school age.

The minimum wage is set to rise again in October 2008 to £5.73 per hour for workers aged 22 which will not leave you far short of your intended target will not help with your job situation thou ,but it may be the stress of the money getting you down

one last point have you any children / if so family tax credits are a wonderful thing b4 i left England nearly 5 years ago you could claim when earning up to 40k a year

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I am living in the UK. I am working 40 hours a week in a callcentre. I have severe emotional/mental problems and the stress of the job is really becoming unbearable, I am truely stuck, opressed and really not well. The place is like a prison, the management treat the workers like shit and I feel like I am on the verge of a breakdown. I am 33 years old and I can't see a way out. With a severe anxiety condition I am trying to meet the living costs in the South of England and just about manage the minimum repayments toward credit card debt- which again was used just for living purposes - no holidays/extravagance.

I shouldn't be where I am today but numerous life events have ended up with me cornered in this hellish position. for 40 hours of work per week in this modern day victorian mill I net about 200 gbp or 800 gbp per month. This amount is just enough to keep me spinning on the spot. But I really can't take the job anymore.

Could anybody here, please, please, please teach me how to start a small internet concern which will net me about £1k gbp per month. I spend every minute of my spare time scouring the net for online businesses and I don't know where to start. I really need some help before I completely lose it - I really can't handle another day £1000gbp per month will cover my bills and give me some breathing space and the ability to seek proper/help treatment for my illness. Please guys I'm not joking I'm in a pretty bad way at the moment

You are in a bad way my friend. I agree with others, call centers are the worst place to have a job. It's a place where rejection is rife. You have to have a job or something that makes you feel good about yourself. We are in a very, very, very competative world. I am 78 years old and have been very succesful in business. IIf you prefer to stay in England I may be able to help you if you are a person who can sell on a one to one basis not over the phone. I am launching a new concept worldwide and it will be up and running soon but Thailand is not the one place it will be good for. I know just how you feel as I have always suffered with anxiety and I take medication three times a day,have done for years. Drop me a line at [email protected]


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I am living in the UK. I am working 40 hours a week in a callcentre. I have severe emotional/mental problems and the stress of the job is really becoming unbearable, I am truely stuck, opressed and really not well. The place is like a prison, the management treat the workers like shit and I feel like I am on the verge of a breakdown. I am 33 years old and I can't see a way out. With a severe anxiety condition I am trying to meet the living costs in the South of England and just about manage the minimum repayments toward credit card debt- which again was used just for living purposes - no holidays/extravagance.

I shouldn't be where I am today but numerous life events have ended up with me cornered in this hellish position. for 40 hours of work per week in this modern day victorian mill I net about 200 gbp or 800 gbp per month. This amount is just enough to keep me spinning on the spot. But I really can't take the job anymore.

Could anybody here, please, please, please teach me how to start a small internet concern which will net me about £1k gbp per month. I spend every minute of my spare time scouring the net for online businesses and I don't know where to start. I really need some help before I completely lose it - I really can't handle another day £1000gbp per month will cover my bills and give me some breathing space and the ability to seek proper/help treatment for my illness. Please guys I'm not joking I'm in a pretty bad way at the moment

You are in a bad way my friend. I agree with others, call centers are the worst place to have a job. It's a place where rejection is rife. You have to have a job or something that makes you feel good about yourself. We are in a very, very, very competative world. I am 78 years old and have been very succesful in business. IIf you prefer to stay in England I may be able to help you if you are a person who can sell on a one to one basis not over the phone. I am launching a new concept worldwide and it will be up and running soon but Thailand is not the one place it will be good for. I know just how you feel as I have always suffered with anxiety and I take medication three times a day,have done for years. Drop me a line at [email protected]


When you get to the point of losing faith the whole of mankind.....along comes someone who restores a little of that faith.. :o

Well done sir....OP take this guy up on his offer, you dont get many people coming along who are prepared to try and help a complete stanger...

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  • 3 weeks later...
Heres a tip for you, its not so glamorous but hey, a building site (in the UK), you can get a job as a HOD CARRIER, starting pay for this is an easy £80 per day, as there is a shortage right now the more experienced hod carriers can be on £110 per day, as I say this is not very glamorous but there are benefits, you can work six days per week, maybe seven if a bricklayer at your work needs a hand sometime

By far the best suggestion! Being a hod carrier is a sure thing because it is exactly how so many Brits in Thailand were eventually able to retire here. Then in Thailand if needed you could supplement your pension as a chef. Hod carrier is also excellent preparation for a second career of teaching English in Thailand, as witnessed by the large percentage of former hod carriers among the ranks.

Edited by JSixpack
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Have you thought about being a postman?? As a previous poster mentioned, maybe a good time to be outside. Soak up some Vitamin D.

Well over £1000pcm take home. £1500+ if you are in London.

All the best & good luck

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