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  1. Possibly.. But that clearly shows you the law exists doesnt it ?? You cannot be charged for a crime that is not a crime.
  2. Only on a DTV (and possibly LTR tho it isnt clearly exempted in the Royal gazette publications for the LTR) it is not 'generally' legal. Also what is nonsense.. These cases have been very public knowledge to anyone who looks.
  3. No or she would have dropped the case not needing the judges involvement. She has pushed consistently for his punishment and deportation. Considering the sheer volume of dodgy things on Phuket it seemed petty at a minimum. Only in any way news because she was a 'Dr' and enough status to push it.
  4. So how about the teacher working online ?? Not paid in Thailand no Thai clients. Arrested, processed through the IDC and deported.
  5. Your not reading him.. The OP falls under the work from Thailand professional category and can't get a digital work permit for that category. You can not obtain a work permit on the work from Thailand professional category, for your non Thai work. There has to be a Thai employer to obtain a work permit. Which means someone who is on the wealthy pensioner who wishes to work in Thailand, can apply for a work permit for that work which they do for a Thai entity but not for work done for a non Thai entity.
  6. I was not aware of that rule.. However I hope the edit should make it clear why the statement works.. There is a conditional in the statement which you seem to seek to avoid.
  7. The DTA states "Any pension paid .. in respect of services of a governmental nature rendered to that State or subdivision or local authority thereof shall be taxable only in that State." The caveat of 'in respect to' should also be clear ?
  8. Private pensions absolutely should not be taxed at source in UK. What pensions are you claiming are UK taxable for a non resident ?
  9. You can gift your wife 20 million per year.. tax free... Send it to her if she would be buying the land.
  10. Pensions 100% not, I used to supply SIPP pensions from a previous business and the process is file a P85, obtain an NT tax code, do not get taxed at source. The only caveat for the UK is armed forces pensions and some senior civil servants which ARE always taxed at source. https://www.gov.uk/tax-on-pension/tax-when-you-live-abroad#
  11. Local tax offices are frankly clueless.. I went to mine early in the year and they had so little understanding of the new rules, DTA's etc it was laughable.. Plus that WAS they way it was, now with the rule change, is that the way it is next year ?? I would liek them to put it in writing (I bet they resist that !!). This was recently published but still crucially does not adress the point we are both discussing. I agree with you that at this point we dont know, I tend to be suspicious enough to thing they will demand it, maybe not year 1, but over time as the noose tightens. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1l0uv2e9anPg9tgs9WzuBTQSETFQhzqJu/view?usp=drive_link
  12. I dont believe you should pay any UK taxation other than arising from a fixed domestic asset (rental returns, forestry income, that kind of thing). I would need to check dividends, its not on my radar, possibly from a REIT I could imagine it being domestic source.. .. But people frequently think you need to pay uk tax on pensions etc and thats 100% incorrect.
  13. Of course.. But theres a 'where the rubber meets the road' consideration in this, and also in how Thailand tends to treat things. They cast a wide but leaky net in general. Everyone should have a plan, If you have a spouse make use of the tax free gifting that is possible, if you have taxed at source income elsewhere, only bring in that much yourself each year as it then has a DTA protection.. Layers on layers of cover. One of my income streams is a very minimal directorship salary I have to take, IIRC its about 15k eur and it HAS to be taxed at source.. I send that 15k for my pocket money.. My wife gets money sent is as a gift for her use (bills etc). Those 2 things can cover my cost of living fully. Until theres clarity I wont be buyign any more land or other inward investments. Thailands loss.
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