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Tattoo Removal - Advice/experiences?


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In my teens/twenties I stupidly had tattoos om my arms, and a small tattoo on my hand. I regret these things more than anything else I have done in my life and they have caused my significant phsycological stress, I won't even go to a public swimming pool, here, where I live, in the UK.

I have decided that I want them off, all off. There seems to be different methods of removal, from creams that apparantley penetrate the skin and break up the ink paritcles over time, to the more common method of laser treatment.

I have never seen the outcome of a treated tatto by either/any method. My local hospital has a skin laser clinic (non-nhs) and they claim that laser is the best way. The fees are incredibly expensive.

This is a major decision so if anybody could share knowledge/experiences of tattoo removal - Best methods, where, recommendations etc then I would be very grateful.

If neccassary I will travel to another country for treatment if it is of sufficient quality/price. The costs, including travel, may work out cheaper than treatment in the UK.

I spoke with my GP about possible funding for treatment and he said it was out of the question.So please, how/where/what should I do to get these wretched, self - imposed scars off my body??

Also. My skin seems to "keloid" really easily, would this effect choice of treatment?

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In my teens/twenties I stupidly had tattoos om my arms, and a small tattoo on my hand. I regret these things more than anything else I have done in my life and they have caused my significant phsycological stress, I won't even go to a public swimming pool, here, where I live, in the UK.

I have decided that I want them off, all off. There seems to be different methods of removal, from creams that apparantley penetrate the skin and break up the ink paritcles over time, to the more common method of laser treatment.

I have never seen the outcome of a treated tatto by either/any method. My local hospital has a skin laser clinic (non-nhs) and they claim that laser is the best way. The fees are incredibly expensive.

This is a major decision so if anybody could share knowledge/experiences of tattoo removal - Best methods, where, recommendations etc then I would be very grateful.

If neccassary I will travel to another country for treatment if it is of sufficient quality/price. The costs, including travel, may work out cheaper than treatment in the UK.

I spoke with my GP about possible funding for treatment and he said it was out of the question.So please, how/where/what should I do to get these wretched, self - imposed scars off my body??

Also. My skin seems to "keloid" really easily, would this effect choice of treatment?

Email the  Yanhee Hospital and ask them about their laser treatment for tattoo removal.  Stepson had such for both hands, good job and not expensive, altho I don't remember the exact figures now.



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If the tattoos are all black, you can expect a fairly good removal with laser. Colours are much more difficult.

The size of the tattoos will determine how many laser treatments you'll need. Laser is not cheap.

Laser use will also alter the pigmentation in your skin. If you have dark skin, you can expect to have a white patch remaining after the tattoo has been removed.

In that regard, some people feel that the tattoo looked better than the mess the removal made of their skin.

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I had the same feelings about a tattoo i had on my right arm when I joined the Navy. I had it removed, almost completely, using a ruby laser about 10 years ago. 20 treatments at 150 UKP a time was a huge chunk of my disposable income. It was okay as a naive sprog when I joined the Navy but going to France opened my eyes where they (at the time) had the attitude that only criminals have tattoos and not so good when I advanced into management positions.

Even though it was only one tattoo, I stopped the treatments for several reasons.

1. It took many treatments and a fair recovery time in between. It was too expensive and I had other obligations that were more important than vanity.

2. While it was an improvement, it didn't do much for my self-esteem. My mind just found something else to hook onto like beating myself up over the expense.

3. The laser created huge blisters on my skin and I couldn't go unprotected in the sun for months due to the loss of pigmentation. The white patch eventually fades.

4. This one was the crippler. Sean Connery was voted 'World's Sexiest Man' at the time. He's got tats on both arms yet I didn't see him beating a path to the tattoo removers door. :o Did you know he used to be a bricklayer?

I suppose I was trying to change my life, myself, hoping it would bring me happiness. I'm not saying don't do it but if money is an issue, unless you look like an axe-murderer, is it so important right now? Does your wife love you any less?

If you do decide to go ahead, why not just start with your hands and take it from there.

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I had my tattoos removed by laser. Worked very well, although took five years of treatments to get all the green and red out. Quite cheap, maybe $4000 total. Did leave the skin where the tatto was slightly whiter than surrounding skin.

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Yanhee hospital. Nd-Yag laser.

Can't say that I recommend it yet since they aren't quite done with mine. The charge depends on how detailed/total area etc. of the tattoo itself. Mine has been 4,000 Baht per treatment so far, with an estimated 8-9 treatments required. Most of it is indeed gone though after 3 treatments.

Cute/friendly nurses at the hospital though, more so than other hospitals I patronize.


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Yanhee hospital. Nd-Yag laser.

Can't say that I recommend it yet since they aren't quite done with mine. The charge depends on how detailed/total area etc. of the tattoo itself. Mine has been 4,000 Baht per treatment so far, with an estimated 8-9 treatments required. Most of it is indeed gone though after 3 treatments.

Cute/friendly nurses at the hospital though, more so than other hospitals I patronize.


Heng that seems very expensive = there is a fella from Scotland here in Khon kaen having some removed and I think the prices was about 6/8000 for the lot and he just keeps going until all is well.

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I know EXACTLY how you feel,had my first one at 13, last one at 21,now in my 50s i hate them, but funnily enough since moving to Thailand i hate them more when i see what other people look like with then ( in Pattaya it seems almost like everyone has them,girls included ) ,i had 2 on my hands cut out in 1984 in Canada, (has scars but prefer them to the tattoos,) then more recently in bangkok i had another 2 removed by laser, this stings a bit but was worth it, best done in half hour sessions,id be in the laser clinic for ever if i wanted the 4 on my arms removed ! so i live with them,i can at least wear a long sleve shirt and look half decent,( unlike a guy i saw in pattaya with his complete face covered ,scary ) im sorry i can remember the name of the laser clinic but it was in mbk and not expensive from what i can remember,..what were we on having this rubbish on our body that we wouldnt hang pictures of on a wall ! :o

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  • 1 month later...
Yanhee hospital. Nd-Yag laser.

Can't say that I recommend it yet since they aren't quite done with mine. The charge depends on how detailed/total area etc. of the tattoo itself. Mine has been 4,000 Baht per treatment so far, with an estimated 8-9 treatments required. Most of it is indeed gone though after 3 treatments.

Cute/friendly nurses at the hospital though, more so than other hospitals I patronize.


Heng that seems very expensive = there is a fella from Scotland here in Khon kaen having some removed and I think the prices was about 6/8000 for the lot and he just keeps going until all is well.

You wouldnt know where this guy is having them removed in Khon kaen would you? My Mrs is heading back next month for a couple of weeks and was going to stop over in Bangkok to have some removal work done on her tattoo, if there is somewhere in Khon Kaen this would be alot easier, save her travelling up and down to bankgkok if a couple of treatments are needed.



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  • 2 months later...

I have just searched on Google and I found a couple of clinics in my region (Toronto-Ontario, Canada). The laser tattoo removal is amongst other non-surgical procedures at TC Clinic and they look pretty professional. . You might get a good price but you will have to fly to Canada :o .

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Yanhee hospital. Nd-Yag laser.

Can't say that I recommend it yet since they aren't quite done with mine. The charge depends on how detailed/total area etc. of the tattoo itself. Mine has been 4,000 Baht per treatment so far, with an estimated 8-9 treatments required. Most of it is indeed gone though after 3 treatments.

Cute/friendly nurses at the hospital though, more so than other hospitals I patronize.


Heng that seems very expensive = there is a fella from Scotland here in Khon kaen having some removed and I think the prices was about 6/8000 for the lot and he just keeps going until all is well.

Sorry for the slow reply, been busy.

Everyone's tattoo will have a different cost... depending on size and colors involved. Myself I had to use both the green + black and orange + red lasers. It's all clear now by the way, but I do know some other outpatients there and NOT everyone will be able to get total removal. It depends on your skin type as well.


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I had my tattoos removed by laser. Worked very well, although took five years of treatments to get all the green and red out. Quite cheap, maybe $4000 total. Did leave the skin where the tatto was slightly whiter than surrounding skin.

Same for me about ten years ago, expensive and took a long time.

However I have noticed recently that some of the skin in that area seems to be dying. I have a history of low level skin cancer and very fair skin. I worry now that the laser treatment has done damage that has left this area open for skin cancer.

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  • 3 years later...

bump this thread. .im having a small portion of mine removed now. . just was done poorly and having it fixed up. .

.. there is a new treatment called the r20 method. . they now can do one laser treatment wait 20 minutes and do another . . could do up to 4 lasert treatments in one sitting. . painful as fauck though. . because after they burn your skin 20 minutes later they come back and do it again. . just had one treatment so not sure of the results yet. . keep u posted. .took some bnefore pics and will post the afters a s well for those interested

Heng are yours completely gone? any updates from anyone who's had laser tattoo removal?

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  • 2 months later...


I'd like to get two relatively small tattoos (they are like, 1 or 2 inches wide and high), black color, removed in Bangkok. Any suggestions of where to go for a consultation? I'm hoping they will be relatively straight forward to remove... is Yanhee hospital still a good choice? What of this new technique ("r20"?) mentioned above... how expensive? How did it work out? :D

Thanks for the advice!


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  • 4 weeks later...

Had mine done about 6 years ago in Australia by the Ruby laser. I had about 5 painful sessions in total with 3 weeks break in between. Each time I'd come home with extreme burn marks which eventually turned black after a week or so and peeled off.

Anyway, the Dr ended up scaring me pretty badly in my last ever session as he used the wrong intensity setting. I was devastated, I cried for weeks. Looking back, I should have sued him but I was too young too realise what to do about it. :(

Now I am left with a few spots (the size of a hole puncher hole) that are white as the melanin has completely been destroyed on my Asian skin. Please becareful!

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Any one had any recent tattoo removal in bkk? where did you do it? how much? success or not really?

Looking at getting some removed

Google throws up a few places in bkk. Might go for a look

Sent from my HTC One X using Thaivisa Connect App

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