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Almost Killed By Crazy Police Motorcyclist In Cm


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Was just driving north on the outer moat road towards Huay Keaw. All of a sudden a motorcade approached from the rear, approximately 10 or so vehicles. Not sure what it was all about, but it didnt look overly important.

The lead police motorcyclists (two) on large Hondas (havent seen them in CM before) started weaving in and out of traffic, and I mean in and out of traffic, just missed clipping the front of my bike wheel by less than an inch. If it had clipped my wheel, I wouldnt be writing this now. Watched as this guy continued the weave in and out as he continued. Either a complete lunatic with no concern whatsoever for other road users, or just no brains, or a combination of both I think.

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Was he wearing a helmet?

Was there less than 6 others on the motorcycle with him?

Then, what's the problem?

True.... were you the guy a while back that had problems with the black truck, maybe they were related.. who knows??

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i got knocked off on friday by a <deleted> saengthaw on chang moi road. of course he stopped and checked on my wellbeing afterwards rather than scarpering round a corner in a cloud of black smoke. thankfully i was wearing my lid.

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i got knocked off on friday by a <deleted> saengthaw on chang moi road. of course he stopped and checked on my wellbeing afterwards rather than scarpering round a corner in a cloud of black smoke. thankfully i was wearing my lid.

Close call... glad your okay (alive)

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Maybe I've been driving here too long, but in the daytime, anywhere I go, most everyone drives nice, and most know how to communicate with each other quite well, in my estimation. I can't remember having/seeing a problem driver for many years

Nightime is a different story. I drive at night rarely, because it seems that everytime I go out at night, I witness crazy driving...

Edited by Ajarn
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Ajarn, maybe we have something in common in not seeing problem drivers, I can not see much at night (blurred vision) and during the daytime, there has been times I was so scared that I just shut my eyes and give it hel_l.

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Ajarn, maybe we have something in common in not seeing problem drivers, I can not see much at night (blurred vision) and during the daytime, there has been times I was so scared that I just shut my eyes and give it hel_l.

:D Maybe I just shut my eyes without realizing it! :o

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Maybe I've been driving here too long, but in the daytime, anywhere I go, most everyone drives nice, and most know how to communicate with each other quite well, in my estimation. I can't remember having/seeing a problem driver for many years

Nah... You just take all the crazy stuff as being normal. Expect people to drive on the wrong side of the road, jump red lights, cut corners, drive without lights wearing black at midnight, react at random at every intersection despite any indications of right of way, do their hair in the mirror at 80 while making a phone call etc, etc.

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I can beat all these. :o

The other morning (around 0800), a truck load of building workers (you know how they stack them in the back of a pick up), cut across the path of a motorbike. Motorbike mouthed something suitably insulting which the truck driver deserved. Maybe the truck driver was totally brainless and thought he was in the right, so shouted something back. (Not a smart move). Motorbike really annoyed (he was a soldier). Drove in front of pick up to make it stop, got off motorbike (totally quiet not saying anything). Stormed over to drivers door, opened it and punched driver squarely in face. Got back on motorbike and drove off.

The approx. 20 workers are still on the back of the pick up truck so I guess they didn't think much of him either. This was on Kampaegdin Rd in the middle of town.

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Was he wearing a helmet?

Was there less than 6 others on the motorcycle with him?

Then, what's the problem?

Thanks dingdong for the best laff I had this week.

You summerize what to expect to see while driving a 2 wheeler in this mysterious country. Expect the unexpected. There are no rules of the road here.

The white lines are for show and maybe a little guidance, but don't count on it. I think this thread has much to offer us all in terms of shared experience on the road. Steve had an encounter with the RED DEVILS, thats what I call them now. I went down twice in the first month because I thought that staying in the left lane was the safest place to be. OUCH!!, boy was I wrong. Now I ride in the middle of the road. I most agree with Ajarn, the Thais for the most part are good drivers

and show respect to other drivers. The crazy drivers are in every other country too, don't drive at night

if possible and never, ever give the Finger to a Thai.

Defensive driving is the name of the game here.

Don't become a chalk outline on some road. Sorry for the lecture, I was a teacher in a past life :o My bad.

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Was just driving north on the outer moat road towards Huay Keaw. All of a sudden a motorcade approached from the rear, approximately 10 or so vehicles. Not sure what it was all about, but it didnt look overly important.

The lead police motorcyclists (two) on large Hondas (havent seen them in CM before) started weaving in and out of traffic, and I mean in and out of traffic, just missed clipping the front of my bike wheel by less than an inch. If it had clipped my wheel, I wouldnt be writing this now. Watched as this guy continued the weave in and out as he continued. Either a complete lunatic with no concern whatsoever for other road users, or just no brains, or a combination of both I think.

Thailand + motorcade = try to be somewhere else............. they are ALL important and you are not. :o

Having said that, I've been on the same stretch of the moat road and had the misfortune to be the last vehicle to get onto it before everyone else was stopped for a VIP motorcade. Suddenly my rear-view mirror is filled with flashing lights on a police car and seconds later I have two more police cars boxing me in on either side - all waving their arms like crazy. I'm thinking "am I supposed to stop or accelerate or what?" - finally settling for keep going at the same speed. They stopped at the Suthep Road junction and I kept going - while the motorcade turned right into the old city. Not wanting to criticize, but I have seen VIP's escorted through all parts of London with just three pairs of motorbikes leapfrogging ahead to close side roads - very smoothly and with minimal disruption. TIT.

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I would second one of the above comments.

Anytime you see a Thai policeman on a motorbike, whether he be the lead for a VIP motorcade, or just riding solo....and he exhibits aggressive riding behavior- just get to the side, move over. Full Stop. TIT.

Sorry you got your cage rattled, and I'm glad you were not clipped by him, and went down.

Everyday here many of us who ride motorsai have similar close calls; it just goes with the territory. :o

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. . . If it had clipped my wheel, I wouldnt be writing this now. . .

Why not? Were you not wearing a helmet?

Same goes as the above....

What is it with losers on TV. You post a serious topic and you get dumb responses..

Actually, I don't think my response was dumb at all. As I read your post, you either were not wearing a helmet at the time of the incident or were dramatically overstating the risk to yourself in it. My question to you, which you have not answered, went to that issue.

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Was just driving north on the outer moat road towards Huay Keaw. All of a sudden a motorcade approached from the rear, approximately 10 or so vehicles. Not sure what it was all about, but it didnt look overly important.

The lead police motorcyclists (two) on large Hondas (havent seen them in CM before) started weaving in and out of traffic, and I mean in and out of traffic, just missed clipping the front of my bike wheel by less than an inch. If it had clipped my wheel, I wouldnt be writing this now. Watched as this guy continued the weave in and out as he continued. Either a complete lunatic with no concern whatsoever for other road users, or just no brains, or a combination of both I think.

That's how they drive in Thailand, not just police. Sometime safety are not their priority. They can cut infront of a big bus with nothing to worry about, it's just their habit. In Thailand they make their own lanes.

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Ajarn, maybe we have something in common in not seeing problem drivers, I can not see much at night (blurred vision) and during the daytime, there has been times I was so scared that I just shut my eyes and give it hel_l.

That's always been my theory Slapper, especially on the Quacker. Remember?

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Was just driving north on the outer moat road towards Huay Keaw. All of a sudden a motorcade approached from the rear, approximately 10 or so vehicles. Not sure what it was all about, but it didnt look overly important.

The lead police motorcyclists (two) on large Hondas (havent seen them in CM before) started weaving in and out of traffic, and I mean in and out of traffic, just missed clipping the front of my bike wheel by less than an inch. If it had clipped my wheel, I wouldnt be writing this now. Watched as this guy continued the weave in and out as he continued. Either a complete lunatic with no concern whatsoever for other road users, or just no brains, or a combination of both I think.

That's how they drive in Thailand, not just police. Sometime safety are not their priority. They can cut infront of a big bus with nothing to worry about, it's just their habit. In Thailand they make their own lanes.

I agree. This is just normal motorcycle driver behavior. I have been clipped twice by drivers doing the same thing--both times stayed upright by a slight miracle.

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Maybe I've missed it but "were you or were you not wearing a helmet yourself"

If you were good, but if you weren't you are no better than all the rest of the folk who come to the realm and lower their own standards to the local level. Nuff said :o

Edited by john b good
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Maybe I've missed it but "were you or were you not wearing a helmet yourself"

If you were good, but if you weren't you are no better than all the rest of the folk who come to the realm and lower their own standards to the local level. Nuff said :o

Was wearing a helmet..

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What is it with losers on TV. You post a serious topic and you get dumb responses..

Seeing that my last post was deleted, I will repost it somewhat more politely. This is in no way a serious thread period. It happens daily in Chiamgmai, and is far from serious. As far as calling me an idiot goes, well I'll just let that slide, as you are obviously under tremendous strain from your " near death experience" Try avoiding VIP convoys in future.

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I would second one of the above comments.

Anytime you see a Thai policeman on a motorbike, whether he be the lead for a VIP motorcade, or just riding solo....and he exhibits aggressive riding behavior- just get to the side, move over. Full Stop. TIT.

Sorry you got your cage rattled, and I'm glad you were not clipped by him, and went down.

Everyday here many of us who ride motorsai have similar close calls; it just goes with the territory. :o

'nail on the head . . .


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I would second one of the above comments.

Anytime you see a Thai policeman on a motorbike, whether he be the lead for a VIP motorcade, or just riding solo....and he exhibits aggressive riding behavior- just get to the side, move over. Full Stop. TIT.

Sorry you got your cage rattled, and I'm glad you were not clipped by him, and went down.

Everyday here many of us who ride motorsai have similar close calls; it just goes with the territory. :D

'nail on the head . . .


everytime i see a huge silver vigo on my rear view mirror, i do the same! :o

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I would second one of the above comments.

Anytime you see a Thai policeman on a motorbike, whether he be the lead for a VIP motorcade, or just riding solo....and he exhibits aggressive riding behavior- just get to the side, move over. Full Stop. TIT.

Sorry you got your cage rattled, and I'm glad you were not clipped by him, and went down.

Everyday here many of us who ride motorsai have similar close calls; it just goes with the territory. :D

'nail on the head . . .


everytime i see a huge silver vigo on my rear view mirror, i do the same! :o

You can reclaim some driving time TB, I've got plates so you can identify me now, no need to keep pulling over for the other 100,000 silver Vigos around town.

Back on the BiB topic - was pulled over at a Highway Patrol check on the Chiang Mai Lampang road, no plates, no tax sticker on display, no insurance sticker on display, was asked to show my licence, did so and was sent on my way - I drove away mildly confused but counting my blessings!


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I would second one of the above comments.

Anytime you see a Thai policeman on a motorbike, whether he be the lead for a VIP motorcade, or just riding solo....and he exhibits aggressive riding behavior- just get to the side, move over. Full Stop. TIT.

Sorry you got your cage rattled, and I'm glad you were not clipped by him, and went down.

Everyday here many of us who ride motorsai have similar close calls; it just goes with the territory. :o

Good advice.. will do..

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