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Expat Americans - Have You Registered To Vote Yet?


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i just registered, but now i have to remember to print it out and mail it(!) i agree, by now you would think you could just do it all online.

i have never once voted. something always happens to prevent it. i would like to get one in for obama this year though.

Edited by girlx
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i just registered, but now i have to remember to print it out and mail it(!) i agree, by now you would think you could just do it all online.

i have never once voted. something always happens to prevent it. i would like to get one in for obama this year though.

There is no reason not to vote. There are many ways to cast your ballot so if you have never voted the fault is your's and not circumstance.

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i just registered, but now i have to remember to print it out and mail it(!) i agree, by now you would think you could just do it all online.


As voting is controlled by the individual states and administered at the local city/county level, that would be one hel_l of an online database and application to do that.


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This option will not be available to everyone, but for those of us who maintain a home or mailing address in USA, you can request an absentee ballot and vote that way.

That is what I have done for the past several years...take whatever steps are needed to request the absentee ballot, it comes to my mailbox in USA. Our admin sends it to me in my twice-monthly "mail FedEx"...I fill out the ballot, mail it back to the election commission...done.

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Can I vote for Nixon, again?

(Doesn't everyone need a 'Tricky Dick' in office?) :o

Didn't we just have one that is (Thank God one the way out!) only difference instead of taking himself out- he decapitated the U.S. at the kneecaps & altered the rest of the world economies as well. Gotta be lonely to to GWB!!!!!

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Normally I'm a republican, mainly because I'm a small bussiness owner and Democ just hasn't done anything for me that much.

It will be.....Obama - this time for me.......got sooo sick and tired of ongoing war and esp the money used for rebuilding other countries.

WE need those money back in our country for rebuilding of our own economy.......may be through govt public projects perhaps, just to give a little kick start to the economy, and along with those little trickle down effects.

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Can I vote for Nixon, again?

(Doesn't everyone need a 'Tricky Dick' in office?) :o

Didn't we just have one that is (Thank God one the way out!) only difference instead of taking himself out- he decapitated the U.S. at the kneecaps & altered the rest of the world economies as well. Gotta be lonely to to GWB!!!!!

Of course the US economy had the highest growth and lowest unemployment of any of the G7 nations (the developed world) until about a year after the Dems took over both houses of Congress, but go ahead and ignore the man behind the curtain.

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Never voted in my life. I will vote this year to defeat nobama.

McLame is a jerk too. Demos horsed up our primary.

Yes...once again, I will be voting against a candidate instead of having one that I want to vote for :o

The Republican party has not fielded a candidate that I have voted for since Ronald Reagan in 1984.

I have voted in all six presidential elections that have taken place since I was eligible to vote...2 votes "for", 4 "against"

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Can I vote for Nixon, again?

(Doesn't everyone need a 'Tricky Dick' in office?) :o

Didn't we just have one that is (Thank God one the way out!) only difference instead of taking himself out- he decapitated the U.S. at the kneecaps & altered the rest of the world economies as well. Gotta be lonely to to GWB!!!!!

Of course the US economy had the highest growth and lowest unemployment of any of the G7 nations (the developed world) until about a year after the Dems took over both houses of Congress, but go ahead and ignore the man behind the curtain.

At some time the buck has to stop somewhere when Clinton left office we had mega surplus on hand no war Not to much secrecy lies & deception. When our man flint came in right down the poop shoot his own agenda still no bin. I am a registered republican & there is no way I would allow them to cause any more devastation to my home country. Think about this . as most of my friends with 6 digit figure incomes can no longer pay for their homes & vehicles due to lack of houses being built & sold.They lost it all.They won't be voting republican again for some years to come. Perhaps you enjoy your spending power 25% down from previous years. I came here 2004 before his last term 42 baht to a dollar. Corruption now at an all time high

Most people caught with their hands in the till in govn. to date. No need to defend the thinking impaired!

And still the war machines are rolling. Dems had very little to do with his failed policy as his doom was sealed for the first 6 years of failed policy& till recently the reps have been swaying towards the dems trying to straighten up the mess & polish their tarnished image.And don't forget this is from a registered republican.

Ordinarily I would consider this off topic but it directly affects us all as the world economy has changed our spending power in Thailand..Does not matter what country you are from....since we are based off the dollar we live & die by the sword.

Up to you how you vote it is your right.Just take off the rosy tints & see the stark reality of what is going on.

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I have a feeling a lot of numbskulls on this forum are going to be voting for 4 more years of Republican nonsense.

Just remember when the U.S. spends another trillion on another war with some stupid backwards country by sending the nation plunging deep into debt that it's your vote that probably encouraged it. However, actual fiscal conservatism or introspective thinking was never a strong suit of your average Repub. I'm sure the usual parade of morons will vote for policies that best reflect their fairytale religion, feelings about brown people, and whatever other paranoid inclinations.

The irony is that voting Repub is a good way to sabotage the U.S.

Edited by wintermute
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I have a feeling a lot of numbskulls on this forum are going to be voting for 4 more years of Republican nonsense.

Just remember when the U.S. spends another trillion on another war with some stupid backwards country by sending the nation plunging deep into debt that it's your vote that probably encouraged it. However, actual fiscal conservatism or introspective thinking was never a strong suit of your average Repub. I'm sure the usual parade of morons will vote for policies that best reflect their fairytale religion, feelings about brown people, and whatever other paranoid inclinations.

The irony is that voting Repub is a good way to sabotage the U.S.

Sad but sooooo true. I would rather shoot myself in the foot then go down another hateful page in history by giving the republicans a chance to redeem themselves Why bother they already did their damage & I believe Mccain is more of the same -Guaranteed to cost more lives & dollars out the window at U.S. expense.. & No I didn't give bush my vote either elections. At least his father was an intelligent man & really did go to school & was in the armed forces. He wasn't my man either, but at least he earned his respect. And he didn't cry the dems are out to get me wah wah wah.

Edited by Beardog
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I have a feeling a lot of numbskulls on this forum are going to be voting for 4 more years of Republican nonsense.

Just remember when the U.S. spends another trillion on another war with some stupid backwards country by sending the nation plunging deep into debt that it's your vote that probably encouraged it. However, actual fiscal conservatism or introspective thinking was never a strong suit of your average Repub. I'm sure the usual parade of morons will vote for policies that best reflect their fairytale religion, feelings about brown people, and whatever other paranoid inclinations.

The irony is that voting Repub is a good way to sabotage the U.S.

Sad but sooooo true. I would rather shoot myself in the foot then go down another hateful page in history. & No I didn't give bush my vote either elections.

The U.S. never has to fear invasion we have our own moronic citizens to worry about.

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I'm not going to vote.

Instead, I'm going to squat on the white house lawn and be very vocal about having 70% of the US congress be appointed, and presidency to transfer to Bush' daughter in another 20 years or so.

(Hey, gotta be consistent :o )

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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I have a feeling a lot of numbskulls on this forum are going to be voting for 4 more years of Republican nonsense.

Yes McLame is an idiot but at least he's not a communist idiot.

I'll be voting against Barry Barak Haji Hussein Nohope Nobama.

You're part of the reason why the U.S. economy is tanking and is going down the winding path of shitsville. Congratulations on sabotaging your own country.

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Have you registered to vote yet, if not you can do so here..... Voter Registration

sweet thanks, first time ill vote in 16 years

scratch that, too complicated, youd think by now you could just click and vote, hope obama doesnt need my one vote in the end

Complicated ???

I just registered and it was easy as pie (eating it, not baking it).

Thanks a million, GuestHouse.... I've been on the alert for an easy way to register!!

You saved me a trip to the Embassy. :o

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Yanks should vote McCain/Palin!!! :o

Brit if you ran a business & showed an absolute hideous loss along with affecting the lives of many or every person with whom you came in contact with, would you really be willing to go for another 4 years of the same only to say "I knew I shouldn't have made this same mistake again. Meet the new boss same as the old boss.........but this time maybe we can regress to the stone age with coat hangers & unqualified doctors preforming abortions. It isn't bad enough the road has been already paved for devastation & less rights for the Americans but now the moral minority is going to try to think for us again. hel_l with this direction I don't know why we broke away from England...........Meet the new boss the same as the old boss!

the only good thing about Mccain is I respect he was a POW & his running vp in wanting agreed to say she smoked grass & inhaled. Even the republicans got majority burnt by their party as their assets went poof right along with everyone else's. So why would I give them a second chance/

Answer is the same as Donald trump Your Fired!!!!!!!!!!

total reroll even Pee Wee Herman would be better than the lopsided views The party has to offer. as posted earlier a war that can't be won X many bazillions of dollars X most people losing jobs houses & vehicles they worked very hard for. At least Obama offers a slight better hope than MCcain.

Hey all I know is what I see & the last 8 years of republican rule has sucked!

Just my thoughts & everyone is entitled to their own opinion which I respect.

But the absolute thing here in LOS is how it is killing the economy for all of us(even though the dollar is up the corruption ripple affects us all here as well)

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I have a feeling a lot of numbskulls on this forum are going to be voting for 4 more years of Republican nonsense.

Yes McLame is an idiot but at least he's not a communist idiot.

I'll be voting against Barry Barak Haji Hussein Nohope Nobama.

You're part of the reason why the U.S. economy is tanking and is going down the winding path of shitsville. Congratulations on sabotaging your own country.

McCain is not an Arab-oil-pandering lackey, like Bush.

McCain is no idiot, like Bush.

McCain has more experience in his thumb than Obama has in his entire body.

Palin has more executive experience than Obama.

Both are not tow-the-line Republicans, and have more qualifications and histories to effect change than team Obama.

The Dems repetitive efforts to paint him as "another Bush" or "Bush's 3rd term" just shows they have run out of ideas, and have no real comparitive rebutal for Obama vs. McCain.

Obama is a great orator, though, isn't he?

Too bad his record isn't as glittery as his speeches are.

But great speeches are no substitute for a solid record.

If you have been taken in by Obama's flowery speeches, you owe your country a little research into his alliances and associations.

At least McCain doesnt have Hamas supporters on his staff (Hatem El-Hady) like Obama did:




Nor do the Republicans invite a terrorist-sympathizer, Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood supporting, speaker (Ingrid Mattson) to their convention.






Do yourself a favor and research these two characters and their association with Obama.

And do you really believe Obama had "no idea", after 20 years of attending sermons, that his former preacher Rev. Wright was an America-hater? Do you believe he missed all those hate-speaches? for 20 years?? Puh-lease!!!

A vote for Obama will turn the US the way the UK is going - cultural suicide.

You can check with the Brit on what's going on over the pond regarding the erosion of their culture by self-loathing Leftists in the Labor Party.

We need to know Obama better, and time will tell.

In 4 years, Obama will still be quite young to run for the Presidency, at which time he will have 4 times the experience he has today. We know McCain by his long record in the Senate. We don't know much about Obama, who is a first-timer.

Learn a little patience, and get to know Obama over the next 4 years, before voting for someone with questionable ties as the above.

Edited by ChefHeat
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