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Expat Americans - Have You Registered To Vote Yet?


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Aw, what the heck, so long as we are talking politics instead of voting registration....

I stopped voting Republican when an Australian pediatrician convinced me that Reagan was already senile, a bad father and grandfather, and a bloody warmonger. Later I realized the Republican party truly was primarily the voice of the military-industrial complex that a five star general warned us about, on his way out of the White House, even moreso than the Democrats. Then a village idiot from my adopted state, an absolute loser, got elected and re-elected, and he insisted on starting a war in Iraq we never should have been in. So G W Bush is a baby-killer, and what do you think McCain was doing when he got shot down in Viet Nam?

Oh, as for registration and voting. I tried it last election, and failed. The ballot I sent to Texas was so poorly written that the Thai P.O. sent it back to me, and I did not resend it. Besides, with our glorious electoral college system, I have always been on the wrong side of Texas voters and my current vote for Democratic candidates is worthless.

I am no great fan of Obama. I just do not trust Republicans, after having been one until 1984. Usually, government is the enemy. Government is the Nationalist-Nazi war machine that kills people like Jesus.

I will let some other mod decide about closing this thread. Ain't American politics great? :o

What the hel_l does a guy from Australia know about Reagan which makes his opinions (which I believe to be absurd) so special? Oh sorry, I forgot, he is a DOCTOR!! Even a BABY DOCTOR at that! Oh my God! Now I understand!

As far as GW and McCain being "baby killers", hate them or not, that statement is nuts, pure and simple.

In fact, much of what you have said, IMHO, is nuts.....but to each their own opinion - and I respect free speech for you and for me.

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Aw, what the heck, so long as we are talking politics instead of voting registration....

I stopped voting Republican when an Australian pediatrician convinced me that Reagan was already senile, a bad father and grandfather, and a bloody warmonger. Later I realized the Republican party truly was primarily the voice of the military-industrial complex that a five star general warned us about, on his way out of the White House, even moreso than the Democrats. Then a village idiot from my adopted state, an absolute loser, got elected and re-elected, and he insisted on starting a war in Iraq we never should have been in. So G W Bush is a baby-killer, and what do you think McCain was doing when he got shot down in Viet Nam?

Oh, as for registration and voting. I tried it last election, and failed. The ballot I sent to Texas was so poorly written that the Thai P.O. sent it back to me, and I did not resend it. Besides, with our glorious electoral college system, I have always been on the wrong side of Texas voters and my current vote for Democratic candidates is worthless.

I am no great fan of Obama. I just do not trust Republicans, after having been one until 1984. Usually, government is the enemy. Government is the Nationalist-Nazi war machine that kills people like Jesus.

I will let some other mod decide about closing this thread. Ain't American politics great? :o

...and Reagan being a "warmonger"? That's nuts too. He ended the Cold War with the USSR without a shot being fired, caused the Berlin Wall to be torn down which it was, protected the Western Hemisphere from further conflict (in Grenada) and many other positive events made possible by his backbone and strength. A "bad father and grandfather", I don't know but his personal life is of no consequence to us. In my opinion and millions of others he was a great president. Perfect? Of course not. He blew it in Africa regarding AIDS.

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What has this got to do with Thailand? Just because you Americans are living here does not make this a Thai issue

I believe you are suffering from what is known as pot/kettle syndrome. I don't believe Evel Knievel had a lot to do with Thailand either. :o

The topic is for Americans living/working in Thailand and how to register and effects probably a few thousand of us.

As you can see from your link HE was generally well liked globally. Personally roll on November 5th :D

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What has this got to do with Thailand? Just because you Americans are living here does not make this a Thai issue

I believe you are suffering from what is known as pot/kettle syndrome. I don't believe Evel Knievel had a lot to do with Thailand either. :o

The topic is for Americans living/working in Thailand and how to register and effects probably a few thousand of us.

As you can see from your link HE was generally well liked globally. Personally roll on November 5th :D

What is November 5th??

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Yes, I registered to vote. Some posts here make me think that maybe I should vote for a socialist. Since I am retired and no longer productive maybe I could get something for nothing like so many professional welfare democrats do.

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My old state is deep red anyway so I am not very motivated to vote this time. Because of the electoral system US democracy becomes more of a spectator sport than a participatory one if we have to vote in no-contest states. I wonder why Americans think they have the moral authority to push "democracy" around the world when our own system isn't all that democratic either. I will tell you one thing. I wouldn't risk my life to get an inky finger in an election where my vote doesn't count, and I think with modern polling techniques and no mystery in the majority of US states, our presidential votes just don't count. The result is preordained.

Edited by Jingthing
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I have a few questions to ask some Americans here..

But what is VP Cheney doing in Georgia? And why is China's Tibet such an issue among some of you?

What makes that bad and the US occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan okay?

I know many Americans do not agree with the war either but for those who do (at least support the Republican candidate who supports the war), may I ask?

Thanks! :o

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I have a few questions to ask some Americans here..

But what is VP Cheney doing in Georgia? And why is China's Tibet such an issue among some of you?

What makes that bad and the US occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan okay?

I know many Americans do not agree with the war either but for those who do (at least support the Republican candidate who supports the war), may I ask?

A timely question. My opinion is that Bush and Co. are ratcheting up the level of conflict around the world to sway the election to McCain. Consider:

1. Bush described McCain as the best president for a time of danger

2. US forces have now crossed into Pakistan for the first time. Is this an invasion?

3. war in Afghanistan is ratcheting up again. US forces are being moved from Iraq to Afghanistan.

4. rumors persist of a US and/or Israeli attack on Iran. The latest is that Dutch secret forces are now quitting Iran because of an expected attack by the US within 3 weeks.

5. the US has provoked Georgia into attacking South Ossetia which has effectively been independent since 1991. Cheney was there this week giving the Georgians USD 1 billion of "aid" and trying to get them admitted to Georgia.

Since McCain is trailing Obama and felt the need to make a desperation play in picking Palin as the VP candidate, the Republicans will resort to military attacks. In US opinion polls the Republicans routinely come out higher than Democrats on national security issues. Bush & Co have demonstrated that they will stop at nothing in pursuing power.

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I don't think Bush will do anything silly at this stage. Given Bush's record, it isn't as predictable as before that Americans would kneejerk go republican during a military crisis anymore. Most Americans now believe we were led to attack Iraq based on lies from Bush. I agree about the Palin pick: pure desperation politics (that may work). McCain was a war hero: lets give him another medal, he looks like he could use a nice retirement in sunny old Arizona.

Edited by Jingthing
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After reading that Palin stated that she thinks it's God's will that we fight in Iraq I just might have to reconsider my unwillingness to vote just so I can do my part to make sure that Cheney-in-Drag never gets anywhere near the nuclear button.

Agree with you 100% cloudhopper. It is scarry to think she would be in charge if something happens to McCain in the next 4 years, and that certainly is possible.

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alright boys and girls, this thread is only about how to register to vote.

it is not meant as a discussion on who should or should not get voted and why.

the how to has been provided in the first post. unless someone convinces me theres a practical reason for this thread to stay open.....it will remain closed :o

(and no, opening another thread on related topic is not a way to convince me. you can send your comments by PM)

have a nice weekend everyone

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