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Dieting / Body-building


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Having real trouble eating a diet to sustain fat-loss and weight-gain here. In the UK it was easy. Brocolli and chicken breast were pretty cheap, easy too cook. Here: stuff like that is expensive, cooking at home frowned on, and almost all the carbs are white and processed. Anyone got good ideas on workign around this?

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Having real trouble eating a diet to sustain fat-loss and weight-gain here. In the UK it was easy. Brocolli and chicken breast were pretty cheap, easy too cook. Here: stuff like that is expensive, cooking at home frowned on, and almost all the carbs are white and processed. Anyone got good ideas on workign around this?


Can you post your daily diet. Just in general? Then, people can see exactly what your eating and get an idea of what your marcros are:

Protein/Carbs/Fat or, p/c/f

How many calories in general are you taking in, per day?

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Having real trouble eating a diet to sustain fat-loss and weight-gain here. In the UK it was easy. Brocolli and chicken breast were pretty cheap, easy too cook. Here: stuff like that is expensive, cooking at home frowned on, and almost all the carbs are white and processed. Anyone got good ideas on workign around this?

"Cooking at home is frowned on".....frowned on by who, and exactly why would you let the opinions of others get in the way of your healthy eating program?

Your diet is as only as good as the effort you are prepared to put into sustaining it. Brown rice is easily found in supermarkets and a cheap rice cooker costs B500 or less even so there's no excuse for complex carbs not forming a substantial part of your diet. Finding brown rice in restaurants is harder but if you are prepared to forgo the meat, you'll find it at pretty much every vegetarian restaurant in the country. Broccoli is expensive but when there are so many other great veggies out there with just as many nutrients, why limit yourself only to that?

I'm not a meat-eater myself so I can't comment on the price of chicken but if you are looking for protein, it's by no means the only dietary source and though some others may be inferior, i.e. incomplete, you can always complete the amino chain by combining them with brown rice or another whole grain.

Oats are not especially expensive (imported Hahne brand are less than B50 a bag) and make a good start to the day when made with either soy or cow's milk.

Buy a juice machine if you are worried about vitamins and minerals.

You gotta put some effort in if you want to eat healthily in this country and consider eating out maybe only once a day but if you're serious about your regime, then it's entirely worth it.

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Having real trouble eating a diet to sustain fat-loss and weight-gain here. In the UK it was easy. Brocolli and chicken breast were pretty cheap, easy too cook. Here: stuff like that is expensive, cooking at home frowned on, and almost all the carbs are white and processed. Anyone got good ideas on workign around this?

Broccoli/chicken are very cheap here compared to my home country.

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