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After Sales Service In Thailand


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As an Englishman living in Bangkok for 16 years now, it is certainly my experience that after sales service in Thailand is pretty lousy. Especially in the large flash operations with the excellent image, and the guarantees about their products, when there is a problem the staff always smile sweetly, promise results "tomorrow" and actually achieve nothing.

So I buy a very expensive shelving system (about 65,000 baht), from Index Bang Na. Their team come and fit it in my home. I get a warranty. Two years later I am unscrewing it to dismantle and move the thing. I find four of the steel shelf supports just literally disintegrate. My guess is that the fitting team just screwed them in far too tightly in the first place. So off I go to Index Bang Na to request replacements.

Lots of smiles and great apologies from the various pretty little things and "nothing can be done today because it is a Sunday." I push. "We can phone the warehouse tomorrow and ask if they have replacements. That will cost 700 baht." I push. "Oh maybe we can get the replacements in about a month." I push louder and ask for the Manager. Along comes Khun Sutiya Nannasirikul, the Store Manager, listens patiently to the story, goes off to the back of the showroom area, returns with a packet of four replacement fittings, and says she will replace the faulty fittings. No charge. Problem solved! Happy customer!

Oh, Index Bang Na, why can you not train all your staff to take the positive problem solving and customer caring attitude of your successful store manager, Khun Sutiya. If you do, you will knock out the other furniture store competition, for they do not. I for one will return as a future customer to Index Bang Na. And make no mistake, that is not because you have a fine store and good merchandise, although you do; but I will return because you have a fine store Manager who resolved my after sales problem.

Edited by crocodile
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As I sit at my falling apart Index desk, I must tell you the root of the problem is Index sells poorly designed, poorly installed, poor materials that just aren't worth a darn. And if having to rudely fire the people on the floor and go over their heads is their customer service model, that is also a negative to me. I am glad you have endeavored, but nothing written here would ever bring me back to Index as a customer.

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