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Best Apple Pie/crumble In Chiang Mai

Ulysses G.

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I prefer apple crumble to apple pie as I love the texture of the crumbly stuff on top with vanilla ice cream.

IMHO, The Duke's has been number one for years - since it was called the America restaurant, but the new fake Arby's (Texas Roast Beef) has really tasty one for about 90 baht and Ginger Cafe has apple blackberry crumble for 120 baht with high class vanilla "sauce".

Does anyone else have any favorites?

Maybe a mod or someone can turn this into a poll when we get some responses. I can't figure out how to do it. :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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How can anyone make a decent apple pie/ crumble without good cooking apples ? :o

Have therefore yet to have anything approaching decent here.

However Love at First Bite has a decent rhubarb pie - I looooove rhubarb! :D

Love at First Bite has a decent everything. It's one of the only places in Thailand where the proprietors have an inkling of what the dessert they are serving is supposed to taste like. That said, I haven't tried their apple crumble, but I have tried the one at the Hideaway/Dacheeso. dam_n tasty.

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You have my attention 100%. Pray tell where is this Arby's place?

Now if you were say that someone served it with warm custard, and the crumble with some oats and not gritty with excess sugar .... well I would be in the car now!!

I don't miss aharn farang all that much - but this is different


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However Love at First Bite has a decent rhubarb pie - I looooove rhubarb! :D

Me too, but still say that apple rhubarb would be better. :o

I am sure that can fixed but only if we find cooking apples. Let's face it trying to cook with some Golden Delicious is not quite the same.

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You have my attention 100%. Pray tell where is this Arby's place?

Right across Chang Moi road from the original Mike's Burgers with a giant cowboy hat sign above, next to a Gecko Books .

No custard, but the oats and sugar sound about right.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Aren't green aples (Granny Smith) OK for cooking? It seems like there are always been some around. :D

Crikey my grandmother would have you lynched for saying that.

Have you never heard of Bramleys? What a heathen. :D

There are also other varieties, for a little apple education:

Apples - see part 1 to 202

More apple education

Some people are obviously in need of it. :o

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Fern Forest Cafe for good old apple pie.

Is their any other fairly new browser of this fascinating resource (the Chiang Mai Forum) who is mildly irritated by all these old hands who bandy about the names of cafes and other places of interest,between themselves, without a thought for us newbies who have no idea where these places are?

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Fern Forest Cafe for good old apple pie.

Is their any other fairly new browser of this fascinating resource (the Chiang Mai Forum) who is mildly irritated by all these old hands who bandy about the names of cafes and other places of interest,between themselves, without a thought for us newbies who have no idea where these places are?

How many members are mildly irritated by all the follks who are too lazy, lame or otherwise impaired to use a map or directory or guide book or google and continue to ask how to find places which are easily located using common resources? They can be seen about relieving themselves on the street or on themselves because they can not find a toilet or their mommies.

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Fern Forest Cafe for good old apple pie.

Is their any other fairly new browser of this fascinating resource (the Chiang Mai Forum) who is mildly irritated by all these old hands who bandy about the names of cafes and other places of interest,between themselves, without a thought for us newbies who have no idea where these places are?

How many members are mildly irritated by all the follks who are too lazy, lame or otherwise impaired to use a map or directory or guide book or google and continue to ask how to find places which are easily located using common resources? They can be seen about relieving themselves on the street or on themselves because they can not find a toilet or their mommies.

I think including a location is not too much to ask, especially when mentioning one of the lesser known venues,

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Fern Forest Cafe for good old apple pie.

Is their [sic] any other fairly new browser of this fascinating resource (the Chiang Mai Forum) who is mildly irritated by all these old hands who bandy about the names of cafes and other places of interest,between themselves, without a thought for us newbies who have no idea where these places are?

No. They understand that if they don't know the location of a particular place that is mentioned, and are curious to find out, they may ask.

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Fern Forest Cafe for good old apple pie.

Is their [sic] any other fairly new browser of this fascinating resource (the Chiang Mai Forum) who is mildly irritated by all these old hands who bandy about the names of cafes and other places of interest,between themselves, without a thought for us newbies who have no idea where these places are?

No. They understand that if they don't know the location of a particular place that is mentioned, and are curious to find out, they may ask.

Agreed, 100% :o

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Aren't green aples (Granny Smith) OK for cooking? It seems like there are always been some around. :o

Granny Smith apples are not realy a cooking apple and not realy a dessert apple either. Of French descent they do crop well and so are commercialy popular.

As another poster has said...the "King" of cooking apples is the "Bramley"...a wonderful apple with a quite disinctive apple taste....no need for cinnemon,cloves or nutmeg...ie Apple Strudel taste.Unfortunatly I understand it does not grow well outside the UK and so,apart from glass jars of puree'd Bramleys,(available in Rimping recently) its Granny Smith as the best alternative here in LOS.

I must also praise 'love at first bite' for quite excellent rhubarb pie and their chocolate cake is just yummy,by far the best Ive ever tasted.,,,a rich dark chocolate taste.....delicious!!

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IMHO, The Duke's has been number one for years - since it was called the America restaurant, but the new fake Arby's (Texas Roast Beef) has really tasty one for about 90 baht and Ginger Cafe has apple blackberry crumble for 120 baht with high class vanilla "sauce".

Fine examples of the loooooow cost of living in CM. :o

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Ah hah, reading this now I know why the last 2 times I have been to Love at FB.. they have been out of rhubarb pie!!

In future please leave 2 pieces for me !!!!

On the other subject, how would customs take to a suitcase of Bramleys as luggage! :o

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How can anyone make a decent apple pie/ crumble without good cooking apples ? :o

Have therefore yet to have anything approaching decent here.

However Love at First Bite has a decent rhubarb pie - I looooove rhubarb! :D

I might ask what is wrong with the Granny Smith apples that are widely available in Chiangmai. Do you have another type of apple that you consider to be superior to those quoted.

My mother and my grandmother before her (and indeed my wife) cooked up some mean apple pies/apple crumble with the modest Granny Smith.

Whilst not on a par with my Ma and and Gran I have made some reasonable apple pies here in Chiangmai using the available produce.

I admit that nothing comes close to the Granny Smith apples grown in the lower half of the South Island of New Zealand and certainly not the American variety.

Then again it was widely considered to be the top location in the world for apricots as well.

I am pleased Ewe Gee that the thread was not the "cheapest apple pie/apple crumble" that can be found in Chiangmai.

Edited by john b good
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My mother and my grandmother before her (and indeed my wife) cooked up some mean apple pies/apple crumble with the modest Granny Smith.

Whilst not on a par with my Ma and and Gran I have made some reasonable apple pies here in Chiangmai using the available produce.

I admit that nothing comes close to the Granny Smith apples grown in the lower half of the South Island of New Zealand and certainly not the American variety.

I have seen all three of these varieties being sold in Tops supermarket.

I hate to mention it, but the deep fried apple "burrito" with vanilla ice cream at Miguel's Mexican tastes pretty good too. :o

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How many members are mildly irritated by all the follks who are too lazy, lame or otherwise impaired to use a map or directory or guide book or google and continue to ask how to find places which are easily located using common resources? They can be seen about relieving themselves on the street or on themselves because they can not find a toilet or their mommies.

Sorry to be so late in replying but I've been lazing about in the garden, hobbling about actually, as I have only two legs. Exhausted , I then sat down for a bit and poured over a map of Chiang Mai looking for "Upper Crust", but being visually impaired and with the light fading I just couldn't make it out. Earlier, I'd been trying to find Global Hardware Store but after two hours on my motorbike and having failed to locate The First Ring Road ( they all look the same to me ) I gave up , somewhere near Lamphun,and returned home to mommie. She was so irritated that with one blow she sent me flying into the undergrowth and it seems I've broken my ankle. I was now just too tired and lame to bother with using our loo so I relieved myself over the jacquaranda bushes. If I can summon up the energy I'll do it all again tomorrow. By the way, can you tell me where the First Ring Road is? If its not too much trouble.

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Aren't green aples (Granny Smith) OK for cooking? It seems like there are always been some around. :o

Yes Granny Smiths are great for making apple pies they can be purchased from Carrefour, me and the missus made some the other day pretty easy just apples sugar and a little cinemon..yummee! The pastry is a little tricky but it came out well and they freeze well

Topped with birds custurd and vinilla ice cream AROY AROY!!

Will make some apple crumble next week

90 Bht seems a little expensive how big were they?

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90 Bht seems a little expensive how big were they?

I would say good size with vanilla ice cream and I am not tiny.

If I have a Texas Roast Beef sandwich, coleslaw a dill pickle and apple cobbler, I am pleasantly full.

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Upper Crust is right across the Soi that is on the right hand side of the Railway station. Great for packing a picnic lunch to bring on board. :D

Isn't the Global Hardware Store the one that burned down last week? :o

Upper Crust not even worth a visit anymore, unless, as you say, you have business at the train station. The wife took it over from the husband and it went in a slide, and now she just has the staff running it. The owner (husband) had spent some time in the west and was very tunes in to what pleased foreign tastes. Now they just throw anything together. Even that memorable Mango Cream pie doesn't quite cut it. Art Cafe, after a really bad start, has some nice mango desserts now.

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