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Thai Girls And Online Dating Websites


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Hey party people,

Almost every Thai girl I meet online immediately asks me the following questions (order sometimes varies):

1. What's my name

2. What I do?

3. Am I married/have a girlfriend

4. If I am actually living in Thailand

However, has anyone ever had the following experience with meeting Thai girls online:

Maybe one out of every five or six Thai girls I meet online asks me if I have a job for them or if I can help them find a job. Well, normally I wouldn't mind answering this question or even helping them out, but I didn't think a dating website was really the best choice for professional networking.

Is this a normal thing for Thai people to do or are they just trying to leverage knowing a new farang that may have better access to jobs for them?

Or is something else going on?


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I think it’s just a ploy…..

To grab your attention that they are “not” looking for the money from men,… by pretending to be a professional/ independent/ educated career minded women,…. because they know that many guys nowadays don’t like clinging, financially dependent on them women.

And if they are “truly” looking to “work” outside Thailand, and not into the dating, they know “too well” that they shouldn’t be on the dating sites.

This is just me thinking here :o

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I think, as SBK said, not really relevant to this forum, but before it is moved or closed, my thoughts.

As I understand it (having been here for 12 years) these are normal questions asked about you when you meet Thai people, as I have been asked when touring "Up Country" (Even "do you own this Cab [pick-up] or rent it?"). OK, in "The West", it may seen invasive and impolite, but over here it is normal.

Now I ask "What is your GENUINE reason to be on these sites?".

The reason I ask is I know a guy who come for holidays twice a year and uses these sites, claiming he is moving to Thailand for work and looking for a permanent relationship, where in fact, he is looking for SEVERAL CONQUESTS for his 2 week holiday, with most falling for his charm and leaving his quality hotel the following morning waiting for "That" phonecall........

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Now I ask "What is your GENUINE reason to be on these sites?".

The reason I ask is I know a guy who come for holidays twice a year and uses these sites, claiming he is moving to Thailand for work and looking for a permanent relationship, where in fact, he is looking for SEVERAL CONQUESTS for his 2 week holiday, with most falling for his charm and leaving his quality hotel the following morning waiting for "That" phonecall........

You are right also, forgot all about that....

Yea I used to know some farang guys just like that also, not personally tho .......CREEPY!!!

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Hey party people,

Almost every Thai girl I meet online immediately asks me the following questions (order sometimes varies):

1. What's my name

2. What I do?

3. Am I married/have a girlfriend

4. If I am actually living in Thailand

However, has anyone ever had the following experience with meeting Thai girls online:

Maybe one out of every five or six Thai girls I meet online asks me if I have a job for them or if I can help them find a job. Well, normally I wouldn't mind answering this question or even helping them out, but I didn't think a dating website was really the best choice for professional networking.

Is this a normal thing for Thai people to do or are they just trying to leverage knowing a new farang that may have better access to jobs for them?

Or is something else going on?


Well, :D I can see no harm from his post asking for our opinions or views on this issue.In fact, I heard many friends complaining or joking about the same usual lines in a conversation with few girls.

I am ready and willing to give him a thoughtful analysis for such an observation. :D But ,I need to know few of the information regarding this matter at first ,such as:

whats your name?

have wife or gf or no?

what you work?

stay Thailand or no? :o:D

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Hey party people,

Almost every Thai girl I meet online immediately asks me the following questions (order sometimes varies):

1. What's my name

2. What I do?

3. Am I married/have a girlfriend

4. If I am actually living in Thailand

However, has anyone ever had the following experience with meeting Thai girls online:

Maybe one out of every five or six Thai girls I meet online asks me if I have a job for them or if I can help them find a job. Well, normally I wouldn't mind answering this question or even helping them out, but I didn't think a dating website was really the best choice for professional networking.

Is this a normal thing for Thai people to do or are they just trying to leverage knowing a new farang that may have better access to jobs for them?

Or is something else going on?


Well, :D I can see no harm from his post asking for our opinions or views on this issue.In fact, I heard many friends complaining or joking about the same usual lines in a conversation with few girls.

I am ready and willing to give him a thoughtful analysis for such an observation. :D But ,I need to know few of the information regarding this matter at first ,such as:

whats your name?

have wife or gf or no?

what you work?

stay Thailand or no? :o:D

That's a great post!

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Well takes significant time to date a normal thai person..... go through chaperone process, and you are never truly alone. For the avg tourist doubt they have the time especially if their only interest is a shag.

good call.

You have to be a little leery on these Thai dating sites. Really, normal average Thai girls generally are not on these sites. Normal girls in Thailand can find a local boyfriend without having a make believe relationship with someone half way around the world. Myself and my friend have been on there, and from our experience you should be careful. One story is that my friend was writing to a girl that turned out to be a ladyboy. I have met a few girls who immediately ask for money (one girl said she would be kicked out of her apartment unless she came up with 7,000 baht the next day--which was my first conversation with her). Some have very beautiful pictures, but are actually Nigerian fakers. Like one said she was mixed half thai/caucasian, and that she grew up in Phuket but was now living in Africa to get her late father's inheritance. To test her out i started chatting with her in Thai, and for someone who grew up in Phuket she didn't know a single basic Thai word (like "Sawasdee"). Just be careful, use your common sense. A girl with supermodel looks doesn't need to be looking for a boyfriend off of these sites if you know what I mean.

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I suspect that the vast majority of girls on such sites fall into 3 categories.

1. Educated girls looking for a western guy, perhaps sugar daddy.

2. Uneducated girls looking to escape poverty.

3. Sex workers or those so inclined looking for another medium to display their wares.

I have left out the obvious scam artists.

I don't agree that good looking girls from respectable backgrounds would always be able to find their boyfriend of choice through traditional channels but I suspect that the attention they get is more crude than they anticipated from men who are after girls in category 3. above.

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  • 1 month later...

I know guys who've married perfectly respectable Thai girls they've met on chat rooms. I'm way past the point of needing to visit these sites, having been married for a hundred years, but I can't see anything wrong with the idea of them, even if you have to take some care. I met my wife through our workplace and that seems a natural site for people to meet and develop a relationship. Others might meet through friends or family, but if you don't want to meet your life partner in a bar and you work in a pretty much single-sex industry, where are you going to meet him/her? Internet sites, assuming they're well managed, seem a reasonable option to me.

As for what girls are going to ask guys on these sites - questions about occupation, marital status and location seem sensible to me. Most young women want to know if a man has some substance. Once that's established she can probe his thoughts on quantum mechanics, if she wants, and he can seek her wisdom on the benefits of Zen practice if that's his bag. Then they'll soon know if they're a match or not!

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I think it's just a ploy…..

To grab your attention that they are "not" looking for the money from men,… by pretending to be a professional/ independent/ educated career minded women,…. because they know that many guys nowadays don't like clinging, financially dependent on them women.

And if they are "truly" looking to "work" outside Thailand, and not into the dating, they know "too well" that they shouldn't be on the dating sites.

This is just me thinking here :o

very wrong.

many are uni students trying to get a sponsor to continue education.they are not pretending,they have pc and know how to use/milk it.dont comment when you dont know.

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I know guys who've married perfectly respectable Thai girls they've met on chat rooms. I'm way past the point of needing to visit these sites, having been married for a hundred years, but I can't see anything wrong with the idea of them, even if you have to take some care. I met my wife through our workplace and that seems a natural site for people to meet and develop a relationship. Others might meet through friends or family, but if you don't want to meet your life partner in a bar and you work in a pretty much single-sex industry, where are you going to meet him/her? Internet sites, assuming they're well managed, seem a reasonable option to me.

As for what girls are going to ask guys on these sites - questions about occupation, marital status and location seem sensible to me. Most young women want to know if a man has some substance. Once that's established she can probe his thoughts on quantum mechanics, if she wants, and he can seek her wisdom on the benefits of Zen practice if that's his bag. Then they'll soon know if they're a match or not!

meet ladies in.

1/golf clubs

2/supermarket workers

3/ bank workers

4/ internet shop

5/ large superstores

6/certain night clubs

7/car dealers

now did that take plenty of thinking,no it didnt.

can anyone clever,put another 7 lets sart from here.

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me neither.

no can get rid of those questions as long as you are still chattin wif em online! / meetin in outernet wif someone from internet.

P.S. ... asking if u have wifey or if u got some papers and coins in yr wallet helping them to decide whether they should end the conversations or not.

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Hey party people,

Almost every Thai girl I meet online immediately asks me the following questions (order sometimes varies):

1. What's my name

2. What I do?

3. Am I married/have a girlfriend

4. If I am actually living in Thailand

However, has anyone ever had the following experience with meeting Thai girls online:

Maybe one out of every five or six Thai girls I meet online asks me if I have a job for them or if I can help them find a job. Well, normally I wouldn't mind answering this question or even helping them out, but I didn't think a dating website was really the best choice for professional networking.

Is this a normal thing for Thai people to do or are they just trying to leverage knowing a new farang that may have better access to jobs for them?

Or is something else going on?


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Hey party people,

Almost every Thai girl I meet online immediately asks me the following questions (order sometimes varies):

1. What's my name

2. What I do?

3. Am I married/have a girlfriend

4. If I am actually living in Thailand

However, has anyone ever had the following experience with meeting Thai girls online:

Maybe one out of every five or six Thai girls I meet online asks me if I have a job for them or if I can help them find a job. Well, normally I wouldn't mind answering this question or even helping them out, but I didn't think a dating website was really the best choice for professional networking.

Is this a normal thing for Thai people to do or are they just trying to leverage knowing a new farang that may have better access to jobs for them?

Or is something else going on?


Hi Jeff,

Have you not figured it out by now? These girls are desparate and will do anything to get out of their life of poverty and they are not stupid either - foreigners are a cash cow to them. I don't know what to say - I've visited Thailand many times, have Thai friends who are maried to locals, and am still amazed at the stupidity of some foreign men. What is your goal here? Are you looking for love or are you looking for anything that might resemble love? You know, there are children all over this world, including Thailand, that need help in a serious way? I have seen many a "Farang" justify their actions by stating they are just helping out. What a crock! If any of you weren't desparate yourselves you would not have to go to these lengths - exploiting a gentle, beautiful people in the name of love (sex!). If you have all that money to spend on a "good time", why don't you seek out the "results" of your hard labor - i.e. the children who are always the one who suffer the selfish ways of empty headed, loser, ignorant. ugly men, who have to leave their home towns to exploit poor, young, beautiful people that have an obligation to support their family and are very limited in resources to do so!

What a crime! A beautiful land, that most people would die to visit, being ravaged by a bunch of old, dying losers!

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I am continually amazed by the degree of prejudice expressed on these pages towards both men and women who use an internet dating site to meet one another.  All the women are poverty-ridden and desperate to escape their life in Issan or they are sex workers, and all the men are old perverts who cannot find a companion any other way.

I can speak with some degree of authority as I was one of the pioneers in internet dating (until I got eclipsed by more corporate types) and I have been a customer. My brother met his wife back in the 1980's before the internet was the world wide web, and he has three grandchildren now. And I still get e-mails from couples whom married over ten yearsa go through my own dating website.

A dating site is nothing more than another interface in which people can meet. The advantage to it is that if a person is a member of such a site, then he or she probabgly is looking for some type of relationship, whereas if you meet someone interesting at the grocery store, that person may be married, in a steady relationship, gay, or just not looking. And if the photo is real and the profile fairly honest, you can at least get an idea on what that person is basically like. Yes, people can lie, but they can lie at the bar, at the gym, at wherever else you might meet them.

Of course, some people use the web for less than honorable reasons, but they do the same anywhere.  I have communicated with many women who have met men who were here, as one poster put it, to "relocate and find a nice wife," but who were actually here on a "shag fest." And if anyone really thinks Thais are different that other women in the world, that some women won't go to bed with her "future husband," well, then they are fooling themselves.

And there are women who are looking for a paying b/f (they are not interested in men who live here), women who are seeking money, or women who are 8 months pregnant and think they need a man to help raise the child (yes, I can write this from personal experience). I won't even get into the Nigerian scams as any resonable person wouldn't fall for that, and that has nothing to do with actually meeting anyone.

But many serious, honorable people are looking, and the web is one way to make the connection. Many Thai women have been burnt by a Thai boyfriend and think that a farang would therefore make a better husband (not realizing that farang men will stray as well). Many women have travelled and think of themselves as more "international" than Thai.  Many women think they will be treated more as an equal by a Westerner.

And men, well Western men think they can get a younger women than they can in their home country, they think Thai women are better at caring for them, and they think that Thais are more feminine. Some are just attracted to their appearances. 

Once they meet and chat, it is a matter if there is a connection or not. If it works out, they get married.  if not, they don't.  Just like meeting someone in any other way.

I have met many Thai women via the web. (I am not the kind of guy who feels comfortable hitting up on a bank teller, as Patklang suggests.) And going out is an easy way to see the real person in back of an e-mail. Yes, some were scammers, and I could tell that pretty quick. Some were sincere but not a good match for me. But of the ones I actually dated with any degree of regularity, there was a graphics designer, two hotel workers (head receptionist and butler), a mini-mart owner, a doctor, and two accountants.  Three of them applied for visas at various times to accompany me to the US on trips, and all three were approved. Somehow, none of these women seem to me to be the type of women so often described here in TV.

Internet dating is not the end-all in finding a relationship, but it is a valid way to find a potential match.  What you do after that initial connection is entirely up to you and your degree of social awareness.

Edited by bonobo
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I've met my ex husband on internet via emails then phone calls and then met in person.

I still have many nice close friends from those dating website(doesnt mean we have to be bf/gf but friend forever).

One of my friend we use to work with she knows her fiance' over dating website and she moving to US in April then married him there. They knows each other for 6 years now.

Many of my friends have met on dating website and now they are happy married :o

I've met my present bf over dating website. :D and chated with him everyday when i was in BKK.

I think its depends on what and who you are looking for :D and over internet I feel free to talk than in person.

Even now, im home and chating with my bf when he is at work so...we just keep doing what we used to do.

Just sharring my experience :D

Edited by thesunset75
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