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Comfort-food For The Cold Season


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My vote is for porridge, in the mornings, and a nice shepherd's-pie with mushy baked-beans in the evening !

What do you drool over ? :o

I cannot answer that on this forum.

Here's a clue.

Breakfast comfort food?

Pot of coffee and a pack of smokes.


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I already posted a thread about Ramen a couple days ago in the heat of the Suvannabhumi drama and it got little love from the CM forum. But I could really go for a decent bowl of tonkatsu ramen at local prices if someone knows where.

I also stop by the khanom jin tables set up under the stairs in Warorot late at night after a few drinks if I'm in town. Just 12B a plate and sometimes gaeng kiaw waan or naam ngiaw hits the spot almost like a good burrito or hamburger after festivities. Anybody know what I'm talking about ? For me it's CM local comfort food.

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roast lamb, cripsy spuds, haggis, blue cheese, smoked salmon, poached salmon, vodka, caviar, parma ham, ham in any shape and form...

aaarggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh im hungry!!! but i havent got a pension to pay for these luxury treats!

so 10 baht mama precooked rice packs (nearest i can find to cup-a-soups) , cups of coffee, canom jeen, and assorted thai snaks it is....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tasted a remarkable Thai sausage the other day :o

about a foot long, reddish skin, about as thick as a ten baht coin.. came in a bunch tied. Had skin that you had to peel.

Tastes almost exactly like Saucisson! Except it was sweet, i mean sweet like honey :D

but it has the makings of a decent Saucisson, i just need to find a version with peppercorns and no added sugar, and a tad drier...

Anyone know if i can get a savoury Thai version of Saucisson, ie: not from a farang supermarket at 300 baht!?



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What you tried could have been a variety of koonchiang (sp?) Chinese sausage? They're indeed ridiculously sweet, but intended to be eaten with the rice soup breakfast or possibly added to fried rice.

I was thinking the same, but he said as thick as a 10baht coin. The Chinese ones are quite a bit thinner, I'd say.

But it sounds like it - sweet, and tied together...

They also serve it with Kao Kluk Kapi - shrimp-paste rice.

There is also a liver version of the same Chinese sausage - I prefer the regular.

Overall, I prefer Sai-u-wa. Chiang Mai lime-leaf sausage. yum

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Thanks :o i will ask the Fan - as soon as we are back on speaking terms!

Anyone know if these mushrooms grow around CM? Back home they pop up like mushrooms.

They are known as hed tab tao in Thai. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boletus_eduli...note-Arora86-13


Boletus Edulus, porcini...

bit of butter, lots of garlic, fresh bread... boooo hoooo im hungry!

All thats in the fridge are those stupid sweet sausages and some brown gunk in a plastic bag (been there a year now) - that apparently is a dip of some sort!!

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I have no idea what a reuben sandwich is, but it looks kind of tasty! Never had pastrami, is it corned beef? I always imagined it to be salami-like.. ah the wonders of google.. its beef. dam_n that sounds good. droool. hope thats cream cheese in the pic...

For the full Pavlovian drool response...


Have to excuse my fave foods, im a mix of nationalities.

Rollmops. pickled sweet fish. cant get any better than that.


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