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Discovered Sister In Law On Internet Sex Sites


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Sure lots of professionals/hi-so do these sort of things. :D

Better question why are you getting involved in something that is clearly not your business?

Ditto, this seems a bit of a puritan rant from a busy-body who needs to take peepers away if it bothers him :o

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I thought it was kinda interesting until I saw there was no link to form an objective and impartial opinion. So much for a bit of uplifting voyeurism. As the the OP I agree with the rest of the dissenters, why embarrass her with the bothers, really tacky, and yes, unlikely to win you any brownie points with the family.

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So now I am wondering, is working in Thailand within the sex industries acceptable to most Thai families and embedded into and as part of Thai culture?

Crawl back in to your cave, troll.

I'm not sure what a Troll is in Web Jargon ( I've got an idea but not 100% ) but what i will say is the attitude towards S*x not only in Thailand but in most ( not all ) SE Asian & Asian Countries on the whole, is VERY different compared to what the West's perception of S*x & the S*x Industry is & that simply can't be argued against..

The Brother's reaction in this particular case is proof enough..

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My wife and I had an awful shock recently.

My wife's brother and his 32 year old wife were married only 7 months ago. His wife is very educated, has a master's degree and is a high flyer executive for an insurance company in Chiang Mai.

My daughter gave me a tip off that something strange was going on with her Uncle and aunt. So this led me to do an Internet search.

2 weeks ago I discovered my wife's sister in law's profile on MSN. From there I found she has a profile on a social networking site called *Tagged* and after doing some more searches in Google found that she had also been advertising herself on dating sites.

In Tagged and on the dating websites she described herself as single looking for a guy. So I created a profile in Tagged as an alias to find out what was gong on.

Anyway to cut a long story short, it transpired that she is running a pay to view web cam show with the knowledge of my brother in law and that she went on Tagged so as to advertise her contact details for the cam chat.

I thought I'd seen everything in my lifetime, but this really took me by surprise. Because if anyone saw this upper class professional girl, they would never have imagined that this sort of person could ever be involved in such activities.

I emailed my wife's sister in law and explained that we all know what is going on. She replied and said, it is because her work has dried up with the insurance company but tried to tone everything down by saying that her Tagged activities is only for fun. My brother in law and his wife did not realise that I had copied parts of her website and chats onto my computer as evidence. I sent copies to my wife's 4 other brothers, who somehow managed to convince them to delete the profile from Tagged. I took this action because my wife is worried about her families reputation and worried that her mother may find out.

But although all my brother in laws showed concern after I informed them what is going on, their re-action to this news was rather less dramatic than I would have thought.

So now I am wondering, is working in Thailand within the sex industries acceptable to most Thai families and embedded into and as part of Thai culture?


Will you tell us the website details?

Ans: NO

first of all- I am amazed you are surprised, this thailand. The worlds number 1 most corrupt whorehouse.This sort of thing is business as usual here.

There really is no such thing as "upper class professional"= it does not exist here.

Secondly-what the heck do you think you are doing getting involved like that, sending and making known what she is doing....

Poor girl....I think you should quietly step back and stop causing grief

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Reasons why it exists

Prostitution in Thailand exists because of several factors, but its primary economic cause was the lack of employment opportunities for large numbers of uneducated rural women, particularly during the period of the Vietnam war when a large number of US troops passed through Thailand.

Another reason contributing to this issue is that ordinary Thais deem themselves tolerant of other people, especially those who they perceive as downtrodden. This acceptance has allowed prostitution to flourish without much of the extreme social stigma found as in other countries.

However, the most important reason for prostitution being a lasting industry in Thailand is that many Thai men of all levels of society,..., actively protect and promote the sex industry, the latter through entertainment-related media and activities.


Just because it happens doesnt mean it is enevitable. This woman has educaton, she can work elsewhere without lowering the status of herself and this country. Imagine if you had a loog krung. Would you be happy to let her follow this Thai 'custom'. I suspect many here are married or living with (ex) prostitutes. I hope they have stopped selling their bodies, and would you be happy for her to make some money on the side via a webcam?. Im really shocked quite how many posters here are quite happy to see the sex industry here remain as large as it is. For the OP, i probably would have approached it a bit more subtly, but sounds like he had the backing of the 'high-so' aunt.

Edited by SomNamNah
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:D I cannot, for the life of me understand why you and your wife did not try to help your sister in law and her husband if they needed money badly. After all, you must have spent a fair bit tracking and "talking" to her online?

You then went ahead and told her brothers, why? what did you expect them to do, or say!!

This is Thailand and you have opened a can of worms and done untold harm within the family, for which I believe you will pay dearly, in the coming months and years.

They are both CONSENTING ADULTS and you should never have got involved.

Why did your wife not speak to her sister and keep you and her other brothers out of it?.

I think your wife and sister in law have issues and your wife has used you to get one over on her sister.

I think out of the two sisters, your brother in law got the best deal, as your wife seems to control you and pull your strings like a puppet.

If the English on the web site was good, I suspect she had been getting a lot of help from another English speaking member of the family, who is rather to close to home for comfort.

As for your reference to her being well educated and "upper class" what the he*l has that got to do with it!

Do you think that these attributes stop them enjoying sexual activities, that Millions of other people around the World enjoy. Get Real !!!

I cannot think why you copied parts of the web site to your computer, after all you only had to tell her that you knew what she was doing, so why copy and save what you call "such activities". I have my thoughts on that one. :wai:

Excuse me for pointing out that you have been a fool and have been used by your wife. I give you 1 chance in a 100 that you will remain part of this family for longer than six months.

Good luck but start checking the cost of one ticket on a one way flight home. :D


I shall put this as delicatly as i can,who the fuc_k do you think you are???You know your post has angered me more than any i can recall for a long time and how the OP must feel after you writing that he is going to lose his family,your words in essence.Get a grip fella,you appear to think you have intelligence that i suspect is grossly overestimated on your part.You in reality have no idea what is happening in the OP,s family situation other than what and i agree he has foolishly posted on the net.This beside you have no business in casting wild aspertions.I must ask why you felt the need to write your posinous piece,did it make you feel importand?Is perhaps your own life so empty and shallow you have to fill this void by predicting the ruination of some-bodys family.I wish sometimes people would maybe try to consider others feelings on this forum,you know,its not a fuc_king game!

Rant over :P


:D I shall also try to be as delicate as I can.

First of all I'm not your "mate" and have no wish to be. :D

The OP himself admitted to being a fool and that his actions were carried out at the request of his wife against his better judgement!

He posted the article to invite comment and promote discussion on the Thai families attitude to sex and many many of the answers he received have said basically the same as I did.

This is Thailand and he has lost face with the 4 brothers as well as sister inlaw and if you think that they will simply forgive and forget what he has done, then you have little or no comprehension of Thai culture but I suspect the OP knows he has upset the status quo.

If he is lucky (and I do wish him all the luck as I said in my post) he will survive what he has done but trust between his sister/brothers inlaws will be strongly tested over the coming months, at worst the situation will get worse and the relationship between him, his wife and her family may well become much worse (I hope they don't), though I believe the OP knows this may well be the case.

In his post he admitted that his daughter had been "helping to translate etc for his sister inlaw, NO ASPERTIONS there I think!!

As for me predicting the ruination of his family, I believe the OP himself knows that he may wll have been the author of his own demise.

Now we come to your STUPID RANT

Nowhere in my post did I claim to be superior nor more important than the OP, or to anyone else, perhaps your view from your position on your

high horse means that you are unable to read my post and those of others correctly.

The OP is well able to defend himself and I expect him to post, if he feels upset, on any points I made.

As to my life being "empty and shallow" you suppose this, (after having a go at me for doing just that about the OP) without knowing the first thing about me.

My life is my business and not for discussion with foul a mouthed "person" like you.

If I want opinions about my life, I will post a thread on this site and invite discussion, as the OP did.

You should have read all his post and then edited your post but it seems from your poor composition, that you did even stop to draw breath, let alone THINK before you hit they keys.

Wishing you a Happy New Year and all the best for 2009 (just don't fall of that lofty perch you may hurt yourself) :o

Edited by khundon
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If I want opinions about my life, I will post a thread on this site and invite discussion, as the OP did.

Go on Khundon, you know you wanna start a thread that discusses very personal issues with total strangers on an anonymous internet forum....... :o

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If I want opinions about my life, I will post a thread on this site and invite discussion, as the OP did.

Go on Khundon, you know you wanna start a thread that discusses very personal issues with total strangers on an anonymous internet forum....... :o

Sorry Maigo but the bottom section of my last post was meant for TOTLANH

Happy new year to you though :D

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If I want opinions about my life, I will post a thread on this site and invite discussion, as the OP did.

Go on Khundon, you know you wanna start a thread that discusses very personal issues with total strangers on an anonymous internet forum....... :o

:D Sorry Maigo6, the last post was meant for TOTLANH

However I wish you a Happy New Year :D

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So now I am wondering, is working in Thailand within the sex industries acceptable to most Thai families and embedded into and as part of Thai culture?

Ask your wife, she's Thai, ask her mother, ask her brothers, ask the neighbours......

Why ask a bunch of Farangs on an anonymous internet Forum who may, or may not know anything about Thailand at all ?

My view is, your starting a troll post to diss Thai women but it's backfired on you...... :o

If on the very slim chance the story is true, why on earth would you inform her 4 brothers when you don't want the mother to find out ? :D

Now that's the first "completely" true statement so far. As the Japanese would described it as "BULLSHITO"

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