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The Pub Chiang Mai


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I find it amazing that yet again some find it necessary to bash a business of some hard working people on a public and well-read forum and try to cause damage to them.

If you don't agree with something, you find the service bad or you find the staff rude or whatever you are displeased about show some back-bone and take it up directly with the owner or manager at THEIR place and NOT on a public forum hidden behind a nick name.

Whether the chef or manager at the establishment mentioned was rude or not. None of us can verify that as we were not there. We only hear/read one side of the story.

good comment, always 2 sides 2 the story

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When in company and especially indoors, I put my phone onto "meeting" or "silent". This means I know when it rings but it does not annoy others. As far as The Pub goes, I have been there a few times and found the place very welcoming and pleasant.


me 2, a good old northern welcome, great sunday lunch .....order , pay, leave , very happy, no sh*t, maybe caught the chef on a bad day, it does happen you know

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AH I may be missing something here

Yes you are. The Pub is not a cheap, no thrills, boring, girlie, no profit, shithole on Loi Khroh Road filled with losers. It is an establishment that has been running in Chiang Mai since the 1970's.

Have a look here to see what the place is.

hope you're not envolving all bars on loi kroh road ! ! (wink wink)

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IMHO The Pub serves the best Sunday Roast in town.

They don't even charge for extra roast potatoes if you ask for them !!

I have been there many times and never had any problems with the management.

Ahh... but do they provide free water?

ask kevin hunt, oh sorry you can't ! ! bring back kevin hunt,the best comedy on thai visa, a sad loss, r.i.p

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I, ve fond most COOKS , well thats what they are, tend to be full of themselves. Especially since the advent of the TV chefs. You get them now thinking they are Gordon Ramsey. After spending a grand in a place and then being told to turn down your phone would P*&s me right off. I would call someone I knew and tell the very loudly about the lousy, expensive meal I'd just had. :D
I couldnt agree more, i watched parts of some tv programmes in the uk where these arrogant rude @ssholes were obviously playing to the cameras and being complete tossers, no wonder kids are like they are when adults behave this way, as you say glorified cooks,having tantrums and showing off, ! :o

the world problems solved in one, tv chefs, thats why our "kids" are like the way they are, well thought out

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I have visited The Pub 4 times.

Each time there was only available about 60% of the meals listed on the menu.

The waitress treated us as if she was doing us a favour by taking our orders and we litually had to shout across the room when trying to gain the staffs attention when wanting to order something else.

When we spoke to the owner (Graham) about it, he would try and brush it off and his attitute was, take it or leave it.

His last excuse for the miserable waitress was, sorry, it`s the wrong time of month.

The food for whatever was available is quite good, that is why I gave it a good try before giving up after the forth time, because we found the place as not very user friendly and I will not visit The Pub again.

also my experience

many, but not all, farang entrepreneurs in CM seem to have the same poor attitude to customers butb i'm not going to give a list. as i say this doesn't apply to all. in my view

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I, ve fond most COOKS , well thats what they are, tend to be full of themselves. Especially since the advent of the TV chefs. You get them now thinking they are Gordon Ramsey. After spending a grand in a place and then being told to turn down your phone would P*&s me right off. I would call someone I knew and tell the very loudly about the lousy, expensive meal I'd just had. :D
I couldnt agree more, i watched parts of some tv programmes in the uk where these arrogant rude @ssholes were obviously playing to the cameras and being complete tossers, no wonder kids are like they are when adults behave this way, as you say glorified cooks,having tantrums and showing off, ! :o

the world problems solved in one, tv chefs, thats why our "kids" are like the way they are, well thought out

A cook are we old boy !..... :D
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Was at 'The Pub' the other day, sat at the bar with a couple of friends, our phones went off simultaneously and the chef who was sat at the other side of the bar told us very rudely to turn them down, this is after we all had a bill for over 1000baht.

Is it me or has anyone else felt the frost on entering this establishment? :o

The chef is likely to be either the host or his brother.

I don't know about the frost but the management could certainly do with a kick up the a$$$. Many people have been through the doors to the Pub and only a very small number feel the need to return. If even a small percentage did return to the place it would be a very good business, they somehow manage to piss people off. The whole set up makes it difficult to really like the place or the owners.

65craig is right its full of oldies and very few young people, thats been the way for a long time and slowly but surely that will kill the place off. The only trade will be tourists and the way things are that too could soon dry up.............being rude to customers is not a smart move at any time especially just now.

The food is nothing special apart from being over priced. So sadly I agree with Globeliner why give a place your business if its not appreciated, plenty of other pubs/bars who can do it better.............and be friendly.

I agree wholeheartedly.

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100 % agree with you on the managements attitude to obvious newcomers.

ive been there twice in three years and will go back again in 5 years to see if things / attitudes have improved ?

NOT holding my breath for any improvement from these arrogant ar#oles who think they are above EVERYONE

.... dave2

Brilliant. Think the vast majority of us are in agreement. Wonder when this post gets back to them, as I'm sure it already has, it will make them change their ways?

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I shall not turn off my phone being in whatever company for the simple fact that I have family around that might find it an emergency to get in touch with me at any point of time.

if you spend all of your waking hours worrying with your phone on "just in case" of some terrible emergency befalling them then your life must be very worrying indeed .... are your family working in afghanistan , climbing mount everest , swimming with sharks ?

if you are so concerned about your family then you should spend less time in the pub and more time at home.

how many life and death emergencies have you encountered in the past five years that necessitated your being constantly available.

how did you manage 10 years ago before mobiles were so commonplace ? you survived , and so did everyone else.

get a life.

peoples reliance on mobile phones has become a crazy obsession , and an annoyance for those in their company.

the frequency with which people keep checking them just in case they have missed that all important message or call , (you know .... the call that never comes ... to tell them that some terrible event has occurred that they cant do anything about except tell everybody else before dissolving in panic ), is surely a symptom of a particularly nasty form of obsessive compulsive disorder.

you people need a doctor.

the sooner bars , resaurants , banks and all public buildings ban their use the better.

:o:D:D Take a bow Taxexile!

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Personally I think when entering a restaurant all patrons should set their mobile telephones to silent mode. It sure pisses me off when noisy phones start wailing and then the idiots using them start yelling into them as if they were having to be heard 2 kms away.

I don't blame the staff for telling you to turn them down. I would have too had I been there. Only 1,000 baht at the pub between 3? You didn't spend much.

Not to call you an oldageo idiot but that was over 1000 each, and you're missing the bullseye on this one buddy.

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Funny, isn't it. Why exactly should mobile phone users irritate so many people? After all, people are usually talking all around us.

Speaking personally it's certainly not the ring tone, which only lasts a short while in any case. And a lot of users speak in pretty normal conversational tones. I think you just don't notice these as it blends in with other ("real") conversations.

The irritation (for me) is caused by those users who have to raise their voice, or even shout, into the phone. Probably less common here than on the trains in the UK, where you are commonly forced to overhear what ought to be quite private chit chat for extended periods of time. You also see / hear them in supermarkets, toying distractedly with the merchandise. And yes, in pubs and restaurants, where the volume of their conversation may even preclude talk between the phone user's colleagues.

Why some people have to do this eludes me. Troublesome, as I seem to one of those people :o .

Solution seems to be to limit the call to necessities.

But the really, really bad news is that their use is slowly being introduced onto aicraft.

appreciate your comments, can we lose the mobile phone thing, the bloke was very rude, thats the situation. We paid over 1000 each (please read before you write) the point of the thread is the guy who is the 'chef' was very rude and all of us will never step foot over the threshold again.

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Not to call you an oldageo idiot but that was over 1000 each, and you're missing the bullseye on this one buddy.

Globeliner, please excuse my ignorance but what is an oldageo?

So you each spent about US$30? Wow, that's impressive. Big day out.

So where is the bullseye? Buddy?

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appreciate your comments, can we lose the mobile phone thing, the bloke was very rude, thats the situation. We paid over 1000 each (please read before you write) the point of the thread is the guy who is the 'chef' was very rude and all of us will never step foot over the threshold again.

I'm sure The Pub will miss you patronage.

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My friend and I visited the pub last Sunday (25th) to have a meal, a few drinks, watch the football, and stay overnight, planning to make it a fairly regular arrangement.

We arrived at 7.30 and found we had to re-order several times due to meals not being available, eventually asking for a list of things that they actually had. We stayed in the dining room, whilst watching the match on the TV in the bar until 11pm. We were the only customers in the dining room whilst we were there.

We moved into the bar to watch the second match and the TV was switched off as the teams came out. The two staff said that the TV was on a timer and there was nothing they could do. There were only 2 other customers in the bar and they left at this point. We finished our drinks and ordered some more but were told that the bar was closed and we were given our bill, it was 11.15.

We decided on an early night and retired to our rooms to find that the vast majority of TV channels available in the room only had a Thai soundtrack and the football was not on any of them. The room itself was very good, very high standard.

In the morning we made a point of telling Graham what we thought of the service the previous night. His reply was to blame the staff, and his attitude was very much "go somewhere else if you're not satisfied".

There are other bars that show the matches and other places to stay the night, so we most certainly will find somewhere else. Judging by the few customers in the bar, most other people already have.

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I think it is a positive thing to hear feedback about people's experience at different restaurants... some people love it and others will hate it. You can have a bad experience at the best of places.

Al lot of back and forth on this thread and calling people names... best to keep it to the facts and be constructive with the criticism...

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appreciate your comments, can we lose the mobile phone thing, the bloke was very rude, thats the situation. We paid over 1000 each (please read before you write) the point of the thread is the guy who is the 'chef' was very rude and all of us will never step foot over the threshold again.

I know that Blinky is fully capable of replying by himself, but since I misunderstood your OP the same way he did:

Your OP said "we all had a bill for over 1000baht". If in fact you meant "we each had a bill for over 1000 baht", why didn't you write that or at least "we all had bills for 1000 baht". That way people might have understood what you meant :o

If you're going to post snide remarks like "please read before you write", please first make sure that your original post was unambiguous.

/ Priceless

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IMHO The Pub serves the best Sunday Roast in town.

They don't even charge for extra roast potatoes if you ask for them !!

I have been there many times and never had any problems with the management.

!00% agree with you. I returned to the Pub yesterday (Sunday 25th January) with an old mate from England and a Thai friend. We had 2 roast beef lunches and some Thai food. The food was excellent. Large portions and the roasts accompanied by good gravy and horse radish. My family have been patrons for many years and have always found the same quality and good service. Also a very warm welcome from both Grahame and Richard.

As a by-the-way the many customers who use The Pub seem to be a broad spectrum of both tourists and ex-pats of all ages. I have yet to see anyone come away unsatisfied. Long may they continue.

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My friend and I visited the pub last Sunday (25th) to have a meal, a few drinks, watch the football, and stay overnight, planning to make it a fairly regular arrangement.

We arrived at 7.30 and found we had to re-order several times due to meals not being available, eventually asking for a list of things that they actually had. We stayed in the dining room, whilst watching the match on the TV in the bar until 11pm. We were the only customers in the dining room whilst we were there.

We moved into the bar to watch the second match and the TV was switched off as the teams came out. The two staff said that the TV was on a timer and there was nothing they could do. There were only 2 other customers in the bar and they left at this point. We finished our drinks and ordered some more but were told that the bar was closed and we were given our bill, it was 11.15.

We decided on an early night and retired to our rooms to find that the vast majority of TV channels available in the room only had a Thai soundtrack and the football was not on any of them. The room itself was very good, very high standard.

In the morning we made a point of telling Graham what we thought of the service the previous night. His reply was to blame the staff, and his attitude was very much "go somewhere else if you're not satisfied".

There are other bars that show the matches and other places to stay the night, so we most certainly will find somewhere else. Judging by the few customers in the bar, most other people already have.

Well i came over here to get away from places like this,and after reading your comments/experience i must say it seems like "the pub landlord " has done a great job of impersonating an english pub, what with the prices,his attitude, the food ( or lack of it ) and general " rules " id say the chances are ill never go through the door, thanks for the heads up,. :o
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Not to call you an oldageo idiot but that was over 1000 each, and you're missing the bullseye on this one buddy.

Globeliner, please excuse my ignorance but what is an oldageo?

So you each spent about US$30? Wow, that's impressive. Big day out.

So where is the bullseye? Buddy?

You MUST be old, blinkybill if you don't know what an oldageo is.

It is an old man, usually over sixty, who is constantly jealous of the younger generation and refuses to keep up with the times.

On top of this, may I also add that the management and staff of the Pub also treated me exactly the opposite to how a customer should be treated the one and only time that I was in there. Due to this reason I also will not be entering that place again.

Looks like you're outnumbered on this one sir.

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I apologise for quoting the wrong date in my post. It should have been the 18th, not the 25th.

I have been there for the Sunday Lunch and can't fault the food, it's always good and plentiful. The service is never good, and I hope that Graham does read these posts because if he could only improve his service, the Pub could become worth visiting again.

By the way, is he Welsh?

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Not to call you an oldageo idiot but that was over 1000 each, and you're missing the bullseye on this one buddy.

Globeliner, please excuse my ignorance but what is an oldageo?

So you each spent about US$30? Wow, that's impressive. Big day out.

So where is the bullseye? Buddy?

'The doctor says it's incurable!'

For once I believe the doctor was right.

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Most of this doesn't sound like the Pub that I know. Its one of only 3 or 4 Farang run places in Chaing Mai that I'm happy to visit. One reason is the clientele is not the usual bunch of loud mouthed louts (Usually from the UK) and tourists you find in places like the UN Irish, CM saloon, Red Lion etc. etc. etc.

Always found the food to be great, the staff friendly and the atmosphere pleasant and homely. It's not somewhere I'd go for a big night out when in party mode, but it is a nice place to enjoy good food and a chat in a relaxed environment. If the management discourage some of the riff raff from other places then I'd say they're doing a good job :o

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You MUST be old, blinkybill if you don't know what an oldageo is.

It is an old man, usually over sixty, who is constantly jealous of the younger generation and refuses to keep up with the times.

On top of this, may I also add that the management and staff of the Pub also treated me exactly the opposite to how a customer should be treated the one and only time that I was in there. Due to this reason I also will not be entering that place again.

Looks like you're outnumbered on this one sir.

Good to see you show respect for your elders by using the term of respect, sir. Please note, my name is Blinky Bill, upper case if you wouldn't mind, my father would have been saddened to see our family name abused in such a manner.

With regards to oldageo, I'm afraid you must be uneducated misinformed as there is no reference to this word in any dictionary in existence, if you could give me the link to where you can substantiate your explanation I would be most appreciative. I just love to learn something new everyday, even in my twilight years.

Another point, I am rather confused why you young chaps keep referring to targets and being outnumbered. Please enlighten me?

Globeliner, you remind of someone I knew recently. He didn't hang around too long.

Edited by Blinky Bill
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