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Girl Friend To Uk.

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Hi, i've posted before but didn't get any response, so here goes again.

I've known my now girlfriend 5+ years as a friend, but now we have started a relationship, i'm heading out to Thailand for 6+ months to live with her, i've got enough money to support myself and will be doing diving most of the time, she works and supports herself and earns a very good wage for a thai. Alot of it comes through tips and comission.

My question is, is it a realistic possibility when i'm coming to the end of my trip for her to fly back to the UK with me?. I have enough funds. Most of our relationship by that time will have been actually together, rather than me in UK and her in Thailand, she can get a letter off her boss explaining she has a decent job to come back to, and also I can get a sponsorship letter from my Mother saying that she is more than welcome to come stay in our home in the UK. My Mother has met her on a previous trip to Thailand and would love to have her visit anyway. Also we have been thinking of getting Married while i'm out in Thailand but this isn't quite 100% yet. So it will either be a spouse visa she'll be applying for or a visitor visa.

I have enough money to meet expenses of my dive trip, to get married for the correct visa and flight for her aswell.

Thanks for any help on this.

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The embassy will want to see bank statements, utility bills, proof you own your own house, a letter from you inviting your g/friend to visit you, a letter telling them where & when you met, proof of your relationship (Photo's, letter's, e-mail's, text's), photo's of your home, photo's of where you work and loads of other things that you won't have, I know, I've been through it.

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Some differant views on the situation it seems, well the sponsorship,invitation or "guarentee" will actually be from my Mother, we have a large enough house with plenty of room for which I can provide the embassy with photos, I have emails,,txt messages,photos of us both,letter's that iv'e sent her etc.

I now actually work in our family business which we've had for 20 years so photos of that won't be a problem either, and most my bank statements will be while i've been in Thailand, also if my Mother needs to provide bank statements as she will be the sponsor that also isn't a problem. I have funds for my 6 month trip in Thailand, my girlfriend will be working while i'm out there but we will be living together. Also have the money for her flight and visa expenses to the UK.

I suppose the only way to find out is to try.

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