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Thigh length boots and ultra mini skirt/bikini top combo is normal office attire where I come from.

Don't see too many like that walking out of Nana with their happy customer! Maybe down in Patty and the like.

my gf's either are students or have office jobs, does that make them tarts in disguise :o

If you pay them then yes. It's just the working environment that's different.

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although i live about 6 years at my apartment, i find that there is a lot of gossiping going on about my life-style :D

i know this from the visits of some of my gf's, who are often told about the number of other females being entertained at my place :D

why don't thai's mind their own business and respect other peoples privacy :o

is this so bad and is it common all over the place :D

what's your experiences with this, how do you handle this, apart from moving to a house which i hate  :D

Do bears sh1t in the woods?

you bet they like to gossip especially 'upcountry' cos they have nothing better to do ,

and with many of the residents having nookie on the side there is plenty to gossip about .

they are great fans of schadenfreude too ,they love to see a neighbour in the sh1t !

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Thigh length boots and ultra mini skirt/bikini top combo is normal office attire where I come from.

Don't see too many like that walking out of Nana with their happy customer! Maybe down in Patty and the like.

my gf's either are students or have office jobs, does that make them tarts in disguise :o

...to be honest I sometimes enjoy my student GF dressing like a tart.

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I have just had the same experience, except the stories about me were total fabrication not even based on a shread of truth. :o

I have to say it really p1ssed me off, so knowing just how much the Thai's hate confrontation I went straight to the horses mouth and told them what I had heard. The loss of face was considerable and it probably won't stop it happening again but it was REALLY GOOD FUN. Try it.

I had observed what I call the Thai Unimind in action before and was quite irritated by it . Mobile phones have just made comunication between the unimind more efficient :D:D

although i live about 6 years at my apartment, i find that there is a lot of gossiping going on about my life-style :D

i know this from the visits of some of my gf's, who are often told about the number of other females being entertained at my place :D

why don't thai's mind their own business and respect other peoples privacy :D

is this so bad and is it common all over the place :D

what's your experiences with this, how do you handle this, apart from moving to a house which i hate  :D

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Of course this is made worse by the fact that I live in Hua Hin where everybody knows everybody else it seems. :D:D

I have just had the same experience, except the stories about me were total fabrication not even based on a shread of truth.  :o

I have to say it really p1ssed me off, so knowing just how much the Thai's hate confrontation I went straight to the horses mouth and told them what I had heard. The loss of face was considerable and it probably won't stop it happening again but it was REALLY GOOD FUN.  Try it.

I had observed what I call the Thai Unimind in action before and was quite irritated by it .  Mobile phones have just made comunication between the unimind more efficient  :D  :D

although i live about 6 years at my apartment, i find that there is a lot of gossiping going on about my life-style :D

i know this from the visits of some of my gf's, who are often told about the number of other females being entertained at my place :D

why don't thai's mind their own business and respect other peoples privacy :D

is this so bad and is it common all over the place :D

what's your experiences with this, how do you handle this, apart from moving to a house which i hate  :D

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