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Pad Leader Sondhi Limthongkul Shot


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If we just take Taksin out of the equation for 5 minutes, what is the real reason why thousands of people turn up in red shirts. Its not to help T get his money back and they certainly are not facing bullets for 500 baht a day. Its bcos they have spent many generations being shat on by the ruling classes and sensed an opputunity to vent their feelings.

For the genuine people in red, not the agitators, we should stand and applaud them for at last finding the balls to do something about their dire life of poverty. The little sideshows of T and Sondhi are clouding the picture. I am not in agreement with any violence and if the the reds take to the streets again and protest with no trouble I would personally applaud every last one of them. How many people making comments about the evil reds could survive on 1000 baht a month. They just want to share in the countrys wealth.

The army cannot protect the elite for ever and if T (new money)succeeds and sets foot back on home soil you will not be able to get a seat on any plane flying to China, Singapore and Hong Kong. Now that sight would make great tv. All the big boys stabbing each other in the back to get the last seat

One of the best posts that I have read on the situation so far!! :o

It might be except it's fantasy. Thaksin cannot be rehabilitated at this point. The question now is, who is he going to try to take down with him.

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If we just take Taksin out of the equation for 5 minutes, what is the real reason why thousands of people turn up in red shirts. Its not to help T get his money back and they certainly are not facing bullets for 500 baht a day. Its bcos they have spent many generations being shat on by the ruling classes and sensed an opputunity to vent their feelings.

For the genuine people in red, not the agitators, we should stand and applaud them for at last finding the balls to do something about their dire life of poverty. The little sideshows of T and Sondhi are clouding the picture. I am not in agreement with any violence and if the the reds take to the streets again and protest with no trouble I would personally applaud every last one of them. How many people making comments about the evil reds could survive on 1000 baht a month. They just want to share in the countrys wealth.

The army cannot protect the elite for ever and if T (new money)succeeds and sets foot back on home soil you will not be able to get a seat on any plane flying to China, Singapore and Hong Kong. Now that sight would make great tv. All the big boys stabbing each other in the back to get the last seat

One of the best posts that I have read on the situation so far!! :o

It might be except it's fantasy. Thaksin cannot be rehabilitated at this point. The question now is, who is he going to try to take down with him.

Take Thaksin down.. Whatever.. if Thaksin were to be killed tomorrow, the majority of people will still feel disenfranchised. What they need is a new election. This time follow through with democracy. Everyone must respect the vote. I live in the United States of American. It is how its done here. Even though there are people who do not like Obama, people feel like their vote counted and people aren't so unset as to start a civil war. Gaming the system so that your party always wins -- we'll there's a saying in the USA, "don't tread on me"... Trust me, if people's votes didn't count in the USA, there will be blood here too. But lucky for Americans, our votes count :-)

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And all the American's votes were really counted in 2000 and the guy who got the most popular votes became President !!! You Americans can be so holier that thou ! You think that only your system of government works, even when it doesn't.

As to violent demonstrations you seem to completely forget the Vietnam war protest and demonstrations, the 1968 Democratic National Convention, the murder of students at Kent State by the National Guard and so much more in your history even the more recent release by the Obama administration (yesterday) of documents from the Bush administration authorizing torture by the CIA

So you think this is all about Thaksin? Whatever. Southeast asia, right or wrong, when the "peasants" get upset things happen, the ruling party gets hurt -- remember laos, cambodia, vietnam? If people don't understand this, have fun for the next few years. "Som na mun.." is this the correct saying?

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And all the American's votes were really counted in 2000 and the guy who got the most popular votes became President !!! You Americans can be so holier that thou ! You think that only your system of government works, even when it doesn't.

As to violent demonstrations you seem to completely forget the Vietnam war protest and demonstrations, the 1968 Democratic National Convention, the murder of students at Kent State by the National Guard and so much more in your history even the more recent release by the Obama administration (yesterday) of documents from the Bush administration authorizing torture by the CIA

So you think this is all about Thaksin? Whatever. Southeast asia, right or wrong, when the "peasants" get upset things happen, the ruling party gets hurt -- remember laos, cambodia, vietnam? If people don't understand this, have fun for the next few years. "Som na mun.." is this the correct saying?

-------Perfect and to the point.

I will repeat your post.

"So you think this is all about Thaksin? Whatever. Southeast asia, right or wrong, when the "peasants" get upset things happen, the ruling party gets hurt -- remember laos, cambodia, vietnam? If people don't understand this, have fun for the next few years. "Som na mun.." is this the correct saying?"

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Pointing accusatory fingers at Thaksin is an easy solution. As other people have clearly shown, Sondhi has his own enemies within the ruling elite. Perhaps they feel he had served his purpose and presented a danger to them once he asked for his reward for helping dispose of Thaksin. It is a plausible scenario and he does have his following. Just as he turned on Thaksin, he could turn on the elites.

Every regime has its own night of the long knives and Thailand is no different. People should remember that subsequent to past coups in Thailand there were house cleanings too. organized crime syndicates often dispose of people that are deemed to have become too powerful or past their usefulness. Sondhi knows too much and where many of the skeletons are hidden. Who knows? Maybe he threatened the wrong people with his demands. Blaming Thaksin is a convenient way for the real culprits to get away with this.

There are all sorts of possible scenarios. Don't discount them by allowing blind hatred of Thaksin to bias a rational assessment. In any case, the event was deplorable and a sad development in this mess.

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My wife heard on the radio that Sondhi LImthongkul - the founder of the Manager Daily Newspaper, ASTV, and a core leader of the PAD - the People's Alliance for Democracy, was shot, along with his driver.Sondhi is in serious condition : doctor

Sondhi Limthongkul is in serious condition

BANGKOK: -- Sondhi Limthongkul is in serious condition after being shot as a bullet hit his left skull. The bullet is still in his skull, causing bleeding inside his brain, Vajira Hospital Director Dr Chaiwun Charoenchoktavee said Friday.

Doctors are conducting an urgent operation on Sondhi and the operation is expected to finish around noon.

Sondhi, a core leader of yellow shirts, known also as People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD), who seized Bankok airports late last year, has no wounds on his body.

His driver, Vayupak Mussi, was also seriously wounded from the attack. Doctors said later that he survived and was now in stable condition.

Meanwhile PAD's spokesman Parnthep Pualpongpan said at least two attackers riding on a pickup blocked Sondhi's vehicle who was on Samsen Road, heading to Manager newspaper office in Banglampoo area early Friday morning.

The attackers then shot four tyres of Sondhi's vehicle before stepping out of their car and sprayed more bullets on the car. The attack lasted about five minutes and the attackers went back to their pickup which sped away along Tevet Road.

Police who rushed to the scene found Sondhi's car riddled with bullets and they could collect more than cartridges of AK-16 and rifles from the scene.

Parnthep said Sondhi was informed of reports that he could possible a target of attack, but he simply ignored the warnings.

Meanwhile Chamnong Paokorn, 53, a bus driver, said that he was driving his bus past Iamworanut Temple when he saw a blue pickup truck which had no license plate blocked Sondhi's vehicle.

Then two men on the back of the pickup then opened fires on the vehicle. Then another vehicle sped to the scene and exchanged fires with the attackers who later escaped the scene.

-- The Nation 2009-04-17

What is an AK-16? I love the reporting in Thailand.

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Sondhi of PAD survives shootings

By: BangkokPost.com

Published: 17/04/2009 at 07:51 AM

Car of Sondhi Limthongkul, a core leader of People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD), was attacked early Friday around Bangkhumprom intersection, near the ASTV station.

Mr Sondhi sustained minor injuries, but his driver was in critical condition, according to Manager website.

Full Bangkok Post article

Thank Goodness he's still alive. I fear what public reaction would have been if it turned out differently. Thank you red shirts, for your continuing efforts to destroy our country...

The PAD yellow shirts sent the coutry on the path of destruction when they closed the airport and overthrew the elected government in a silent coup !!

Its unbelievable that you and others desperately trying to find some excuses for this murder attempt.

And very strange almost all of you are newbies who just became member and start postings.

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He was lucky, dam_n lucky and nothing else. The hitmen couldn't finish the job because the other guys came and fought them.

Any information yet, about just who these other guys were, if they were PAD-bodyguards or police/soldiers you'd have thought that fact would have emerged by now ? :D

By the way Sondhi did not have a bullet in the head, it was a bullet fragment/splinter. Nothing but a scrape!!

A 'scrape' which required a 3-hour operation, followed by intensive-care, why not just put a Band-Aid over it ! :o

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If some of you would stop believing the media bias and start using your own Brain's, you might get closer to the truth. Sondhi has been public enemy no 1 since he went on his crusade to topple the Previous Government and ultimately divide the country. When the Government fell, Sondhi walked to freedom and his new (promised?) media group. Check out his history and close links to Taksin in the past.

Mr Sonthi recently criticized this government and specific individuals for being cowardly and not owning up to their full role in the coup. Sonthi knows a lot of secrets about what really happened and was getting agitated about his recent treatment (broken promises??).

Who has more to gain about killing him? The red shirts who know it would lead to more clashes, bloodshed and harsher measures on them including retaliation, or somebody in government who knows the damage he can do and wants him shut up for good, and at the same time damage the Reds even more????

If the Reds had really wanted Sonthi dead, they would surely have done it a long time ago. The Reds fought the Army and Police (who were fully armed) with sticks, stones and lipo bottles filled with petrol. Does it sound like this bunch who followed their target, pulled in front of the vehicle and shot the tyres out and then got out of the pick up and opened fire with automatic weapons? Not very amateur sounding to me. Unfortunately for his aide and driver, most of the assault was from the front of the vehicle which also probably saved Sondhi's life as he was in the back. Rag tag madmen who want revenge blood do not operate like that. This was a finely planned execution that was thankfully unsuccessful.

As a foreigner living in Thailand i do not support Red or Yellow or any other color. Ive lived in violent countries all my life and i just want peace and stability. We will never know the facts behind all accusations, but we can read between the lines and figure it out for ourselves if we remain un biased. The Bangkok Post and Nation newspapers are shockingly biased and only serve to create divisions. Look for yourselves.

Common sense at last!

I'm afraid that using their brains is too much to ask of some who would blame Thaksin for every evil under the sun. Their sheer hatred of one man makes them unable to see reason, or read between the lines.

There are so many factions who would dearly like to see Sondhi out of the way, my betting is on those behind the coup who are scared of Sondhi spilling the beans and naming names. He has recently become very critical of this Government and its failings. Thaksin has started the ball rolling. Could a certain Privy Council member not be suspected?

Then the Government now has a glorious excuse to prolong the SOE for as long as it likes, how covenient.

But let's not think, just jerk our knees and blame Thaksin personally, so much easier for smalll minds to accomodate.

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PAD suspects political motivation

By The Nation

Published on April 18, 2009

PAD suspects political motivation

The People's Alliance for Democracy yesterday condemned the assassination attempt on co-leader Sondhi Limthongkul, who was shot and wounded by unidentified gunmen using assault rifles.

"The gun attack was barbaric, inhumane and politically motivated," said PAD spokesman Suriyasai Katasila.

PAD leaders suspect certain political cliques conspired to shoot down Sondhi, said Suriyasai.

The shooting with assault rifles bore the hallmarks of work by men in uniform, as ordinary gunmen would not risk carrying out the job during emergency rule, he said.

He called for Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva to overhaul the personnel in charge of security affairs.

PAD co-leader Somkiat Pongpaiboon said the country had turned into a killing field, as indicated by Sondhi's shooting.

The situation has become one of guerrilla warfare, involving teams of assassins for killings, he said.

Somkiat said the government had failed to ensure safety under its emergency rule.

He suggested the removal of the national police chief, military commanders, the director of the Armed Forces Security Centre and the director-general of the National Intelligence Agency.

PAD co-leader Pibhop Dhongchai said he found it hard to believe the military had no knowledge about the attack on Sondhi.

He said none of the PAD co-leaders would ask for protection from the government, preferring instead to rely on their own guards.


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Sondhi survives assassins' bullets

By The Nation

Published on April 18, 2009

PAD founder undergoes five-hour operation Speculation shooters possibly from military

Sondhi Limthongkul, founder of ASTV-Manager Daily, yesterday survived an assassination attempt after two gunmen in a pickup sprayed his car with bullets.

The incident, which injured Sondhi and two others, took place amid the emergency rule that has been imposed on the greater Bangkok area since Sunday.

The assassination bid further complicates the political conflict involving pro- and anti-Thaksin Shinawatra camps.

Sondhi, a core leader of the anti-Thaksin People's Alliance for Democracy, underwent a two-hour operation in Vajira Hospital to repair a skull fracture and remove a blood clot in his brain before being transferred to Chulalongkorn Hospital.

Adul Daengpradab, Sondhi's driver, regained consciousness but remained under close medical supervision after undergoing a five-hour operation in Mission Hospital for injuries to his brain, chest and right arm.

Wayuphak Mangkhalasin, an aide to Sondhi, sustained minor injuries and cuts and also received treatment at Mission Hospital.

Various news reports indicated a fourth passenger was in Sondhi's car, a woman said to be his secretary, but no independent confirmation of this account was immediately available.

Metropolitan police chief Lt-General Worapong Chewpreecha theorised the attempt on Sondhi's life could be either politically or personally motivated. He said he could not yet determine whether the two gunmen were military.

"They could be civilians with intensive firearms training," he added.

The shooting took place at around 5.40am while Sondhi's vehicle - a luxury Toyota van - was travelling on Samsen Road near the Bang Khun Phrom intersection. A golden-bronze Isuzu pickup that was following abruptly drove past the van on the left, and two men in the pickup's bed sprayed Sondhi's car with automatic rifle fire for around five minutes before the truck sped off. There were no reports as to whether the gunmen got out of the pickup to fire their weapons.

Apart from 84 spent cartridges from three types of automatic rifles found at the scene, police also found a dud M79 grenade on Bus No 30, which was travelling in the reverse lane. No police theory as to whether that was meant to hit Sondhi's car or fired at the bus to create a diversion was immediately available.

Initial crime-scene reports said the M79 failed to explode because the firing range was too close. Found at the scene were 64 cartridges fired from an AK-47, 17 from an HK33 and three from an M16.

Four surveillance cameras at the scene, operated by traffic police, had been out of order since 1.30pm on Thursday, but two others operated by the city administration captured images of the two vehicles heading towards the scene of the incident, with the pickup trailing Sondhi's vehicle.

Sondhi was on his way to his ASTV-Manager Daily office on Phra Arthit Road in nearby Bang Lamphu area to record a live "Good Morning, Thailand" television programme and audio broadcast.

Dr Chaiwan Jaroenchokethawee, a senior official at Vajira Hospital, said Sondhi should fully recover within five days. He said that small bullet fragments had fractured Sondhi's skull, resulting in minor injuries and bleeding in his brain.

Sondhi, Adul and Wayuphak have all been transferred to Chulalongkorn Hospital.


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From The Nation:

"Apart from 84 spent cartridges from three types of automatic rifles found at the scene, police also found a dud M79 grenade on Bus No 30, which was travelling in the reverse lane. No police theory as to whether that was meant to hit Sondhi's car or fired at the bus to create a diversion was immediately available.

Initial crime-scene reports said the M79 failed to explode because the firing range was too close. Found at the scene were 64 cartridges fired from an AK-47, 17 from an HK33 and three from an M16."

Re: the M79 grenade...can anyone explain what they mean by the firing range being to close?M79_afmil.jpg

Edited by humfurry
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This is just my theory, based on my imagination:

The shooting is intended to kill Sondhi by a group of people. The group has use Sondhi to the dirty job, and has promise him that they will reward him with .... you name it, could be be wealth, own TV station, power, even the PM chair?

However, now Sondhi is demanding payment, which the group have to intiontion to pay in the first place. Sondhi treaten to disclose the deal, so the small group will have to hire someone (possible with previous military trainning) to silent him.

As for the identity of the small group, I don't think it is UDD/UAAD/Thaksin/RED as the situation is too hot on them now. This group is using the opportunity to lay blame to Thaksin.

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From The Nation:

"Apart from 84 spent cartridges from three types of automatic rifles found at the scene, police also found a dud M79 grenade on Bus No 30, which was travelling in the reverse lane. No police theory as to whether that was meant to hit Sondhi's car or fired at the bus to create a diversion was immediately available.

Initial crime-scene reports said the M79 failed to explode because the firing range was too close. Found at the scene were 64 cartridges fired from an AK-47, 17 from an HK33 and three from an M16."

Re: the M79 grenade...can anyone explain what they mean by the firing range being to close?M79_afmil.jpg

Have you seen the movie, "Hunt for the Red October (or April in Thailand)". The russian sub fire a topedo, Sean order the Red October to head directly toward the topedo and strike it head on. The todepo did not go off, because it impact the Red October sooner/nearer than the topedo was programed to hit (safety distance). When the russian sub fire a second time, he make sure that the safety feature was removed. This caused the topedo to go off, even thouse it hit it's own (the russian) sub.

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If we just take Taksin out of the equation for 5 minutes, what is the real reason why thousands of people turn up in red shirts. Its not to help T get his money back and they certainly are not facing bullets for 500 baht a day. Its bcos they have spent many generations being shat on by the ruling classes and sensed an opputunity to vent their feelings.

For the genuine people in red, not the agitators, we should stand and applaud them for at last finding the balls to do something about their dire life of poverty. The little sideshows of T and Sondhi are clouding the picture. I am not in agreement with any violence and if the the reds take to the streets again and protest with no trouble I would personally applaud every last one of them. How many people making comments about the evil reds could survive on 1000 baht a month. They just want to share in the countrys wealth.

The army cannot protect the elite for ever and if T (new money)succeeds and sets foot back on home soil you will not be able to get a seat on any plane flying to China, Singapore and Hong Kong. Now that sight would make great tv. All the big boys stabbing each other in the back to get the last seat

One of the best posts that I have read on the situation so far!! :D

It might be except it's fantasy. Thaksin cannot be rehabilitated at this point. The question now is, who is he going to try to take down with him.

Take Thaksin down.. Whatever.. if Thaksin were to be killed tomorrow, the majority of people will still feel disenfranchised. What they need is a new election. This time follow through with democracy. Everyone must respect the vote. I live in the United States of American. It is how its done here. Even though there are people who do not like Obama, people feel like their vote counted and people aren't so unset as to start a civil war. Gaming the system so that your party always wins -- we'll there's a saying in the USA, "don't tread on me"... Trust me, if people's votes didn't count in the USA, there will be blood here too. But lucky for Americans, our votes count :-)

Yes, if you sold your vote for 500 Baht you would no doubt feel cheated by proxy if your paymaster didn't get their desired outcome. :o

Still a new election and a shiny new 500 Baht note would no doubt remove the feeling of injustice! Don't kid yourself that such a cynical disinterested population has suddenly discovered principle and ideology.

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve - George Bernard Shaw

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This is just my theory, based on my imagination:

The shooting is intended to kill Sondhi by a group of people. The group has use Sondhi to the dirty job, and has promise him that they will reward him with .... you name it, could be be wealth, own TV station, power, even the PM chair?

However, now Sondhi is demanding payment, which the group have to intiontion to pay in the first place. Sondhi treaten to disclose the deal, so the small group will have to hire someone (possible with previous military trainning) to silent him.

As for the identity of the small group, I don't think it is UDD/UAAD/Thaksin/RED as the situation is too hot on them now. This group is using the opportunity to lay blame to Thaksin.

This would be my understanding, as well as it providing an excuse to extend the SOE.

Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that Chamlong is rather conspicuous by his absence in the PAD lineup recently.

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Very easy to jump on the 'blame it on Thaksin' bandwagon but there are many competing interests that have very strong motivation.

Here is a brief & by no way extensive list of possible suspects & their possible motives greatly simplified.

Thaksin + Red shirt faction 1 - motive well known, create further instability to enable his return & all it involves.

Red shirt faction 2 - 'mainstream'supporters ex TRT, the banned etc. previous/apparent public supporters of Thaksin. Willing to piggyback on Thaksin as a route to power but disposable once they have achieved their aims. Thaksin now seems to be 'yesterday's man', so motive is to focus blame on Thaksin & ultimately remove him from the picture before the next stage.

Red shirt faction 3 - left wing, ex CPT types - currently in a marriage of convenience with 'mainstream' Red shirts. Motive is to cause increased instability allowing them to fill the vacuum left by a completely marginalized Thaksin & mainstream Reds.

Red shirt faction 4 - small group of 'hotheads' smarting from recent humiliations taking matters into their own hands.

Military /Pr. Cl. etc. - remove a critic. Could be seen as the loose cannon on the deck of the good ship PAD. Not only do they remove an undesirable but the resulting mayhem would enable them to consolidate their position of power by the means they know best.

Democrats/Abhisit - motive would be same as above but think not likely involved as they are essentially 'out of the loop' & most likely irrelevant to the true behind the scenes power play. Indivdual members may be involved but as part of military/Pr. Cl grouping.

Newin faction - motive to marginalize Thaksin, destabilize & consolidate his position in NW & wherever he can whore his influence.

Business rival - ideal time to bump him off. Blame gets deflected elsewhere.

Any combination of the above.

I think the failure of the assination will make little difference to the outcome if instigated by a Red shirt faction, but for the others it may prove problematical.

The point to note is that in all scenarios Thaksin seems to be the loser (as well as the Thai people).

Hasta la vista Senor Taco-sin.

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This is just my theory, based on my imagination:

The shooting is intended to kill Sondhi by a group of people. The group has use Sondhi to the dirty job, and has promise him that they will reward him with .... you name it, could be be wealth, own TV station, power, even the PM chair?

However, now Sondhi is demanding payment, which the group have to intiontion to pay in the first place. Sondhi treaten to disclose the deal, so the small group will have to hire someone (possible with previous military trainning) to silent him.

As for the identity of the small group, I don't think it is UDD/UAAD/Thaksin/RED as the situation is too hot on them now. This group is using the opportunity to lay blame to Thaksin.

This would be my understanding, as well as it providing an excuse to extend the SOE.

Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that Chamlong is rather conspicuous by his absence in the PAD lineup recently.

I don't think Chamlong has many skeletons in the cupboard that he needs to hide. He's a devout Buddhist.

I agree with the rest of the content of the two posts above though. I posted a similar idea earlier post #301.

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From The Nation:

"Apart from 84 spent cartridges from three types of automatic rifles found at the scene, police also found a dud M79 grenade on Bus No 30, which was travelling in the reverse lane. No police theory as to whether that was meant to hit Sondhi's car or fired at the bus to create a diversion was immediately available.

Initial crime-scene reports said the M79 failed to explode because the firing range was too close. Found at the scene were 64 cartridges fired from an AK-47, 17 from an HK33 and three from an M16."

Re: the M79 grenade...can anyone explain what they mean by the firing range being to close?M79_afmil.jpg

Have you seen the movie, "Hunt for the Red October (or April in Thailand)". The russian sub fire a topedo, Sean order the Red October to head directly toward the topedo and strike it head on. The todepo did not go off, because it impact the Red October sooner/nearer than the topedo was programed to hit (safety distance). When the russian sub fire a second time, he make sure that the safety feature was removed. This caused the topedo to go off, even thouse it hit it's own (the russian) sub.

A timed safety fuse?

So then if your strolling along in the jungle with a loaded M79...and oops...it doesn't blow your feet off?

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Four surveillance cameras at the scene, operated by traffic police, had been out of order since 1.30pm on Thursday, but two others operated by the city administration captured images of the two vehicles heading towards the scene of the incident, with the pickup trailing Sondhi's vehicle.

I'm not Sherlock Holmes but I think this may be a lead :o

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From The Nation:

"Apart from 84 spent cartridges from three types of automatic rifles found at the scene, police also found a dud M79 grenade on Bus No 30, which was travelling in the reverse lane. No police theory as to whether that was meant to hit Sondhi's car or fired at the bus to create a diversion was immediately available.

Initial crime-scene reports said the M79 failed to explode because the firing range was too close. Found at the scene were 64 cartridges fired from an AK-47, 17 from an HK33 and three from an M16."

Re: the M79 grenade...can anyone explain what they mean by the firing range being to close?M79_afmil.jpg

Good to hear that Sondhi and his batman survived this attack. With him dead there surely would be blood on the streets!

On the grenade being a timed safety fuse?

It don't think so. The grenade isn't a sophisticated device, especially being designed for a 1960s weapon. It simply needs to get up to a fast enough velocity before it 'arms' and explodes on impact. I think 20 - 30 meters is the rule of thumb on an M203 grenade but don't quote me on that! :o

Close-range like at Sondhi that being one example where it'll just bounce around :D

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Very easy to jump on the 'blame it on Thaksin' bandwagon but there are many competing interests that have very strong motivation.

Here is a brief & by no way extensive list of possible suspects & their possible motives greatly simplified.

Thaksin + Red shirt faction 1 - motive well known, create further instability to enable his return & all it involves.

Red shirt faction 2 - 'mainstream'supporters ex TRT, the banned etc. previous/apparent public supporters of Thaksin. Willing to piggyback on Thaksin as a route to power but disposable once they have achieved their aims. Thaksin now seems to be 'yesterday's man', so motive is to focus blame on Thaksin & ultimately remove him from the picture before the next stage.

Red shirt faction 3 - left wing, ex CPT types - currently in a marriage of convenience with 'mainstream' Red shirts. Motive is to cause increased instability allowing them to fill the vacuum left by a completely marginalized Thaksin & mainstream Reds.

Red shirt faction 4 - small group of 'hotheads' smarting from recent humiliations taking matters into their own hands.

Military /Pr. Cl. etc. - remove a critic. Could be seen as the loose cannon on the deck of the good ship PAD. Not only do they remove an undesirable but the resulting mayhem would enable them to consolidate their position of power by the means they know best.

Democrats/Abhisit - motive would be same as above but think not likely involved as they are essentially 'out of the loop' & most likely irrelevant to the true behind the scenes power play. Indivdual members may be involved but as part of military/Pr. Cl grouping.

Newin faction - motive to marginalize Thaksin, destabilize & consolidate his position in NW & wherever he can whore his influence.

Business rival - ideal time to bump him off. Blame gets deflected elsewhere.

Any combination of the above.

I think the failure of the assination will make little difference to the outcome if instigated by a Red shirt faction, but for the others it may prove problematical.

The point to note is that in all scenarios Thaksin seems to be the loser (as well as the Thai people).

Hasta la vista Senor Taco-sin.

"Military/Pr. Cl. ect.-remove a critic. Could be seen as the loose cannon on the deck of thr good ship PAD. Not only do they remove an undesireable but the resulting mayhem would enable them to consolidate their position of power by the means they know best." Give that man a cigar for stumbling upon the truth :o

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I'd be interested to know how Sondhi reacts when he recovers, what he will say.

I have a feeling he was habouring some secret or preparing for something, in line with what others have suggested.

I think Sondhi is a brave man, he will not lay low, he will speak his mind against the people or group he suspect attacked him.

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I've heard that Sondhi owes lots of money (to whom?) and that's one of the initial reasons he began clashing with T, years ago.

Since so much of Thailands self-destruction revolves around money matters, perhaps there's a connection.

Perhaps this is a naive question, but if someone who is well-insured owes money, does the policy pay outstanding debts upon that person's death?

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Many groups have condemned this evil act so far. There's eerie silence from the big mouthed man in Africa. Not a single statement so far.

Does silence mean "approval"? That makes me wonder.

Uh huh. And if he had expressed regret, you'd also wonder if it was an attempt to deflect blame. Damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. The best course right now is for Thaksin to stay quiet on the file, since it will only provoke people and make him the next target.

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I'd be interested to know how Sondhi reacts when he recovers, what he will say.

I have a feeling he was habouring some secret or preparing for something, in line with what others have suggested.

I think Sondhi is a brave man, he will not lay low, he will speak his mind against the people or group he suspect attacked him.

I think that you people either watch too much television, or not enough.

Would you not think, that Sondhi, with all the facilities at hand, like television studios, newspaper, etc, and not being completely stupid, would cover himself with some insurance? What do I mean by insurance? I'm glad you asked that. Again , Sondhi not being a complete doofus,, would record , write and/or both, a story of his involvements along with others and their involvements, salted away with a trusted someone, to be only used in case of his termination. Of course letting it be known by his suspected or non suspected enemies, what had been done....

It works on TV , then why not of TV

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Just an update for the doubters about bullet wounds to the head & the ability to walk around.....

From The Age newspaper.....

Woman has cuppa after being shot in the head

April 18, 2009 - 10:47AM

A woman who was shot in the head not only survived but made herself tea and offered an astonished deputy something to drink.

Authorities said on Friday that Tammy Sexton, 47, remained hospitalised three days after being wounded by her husband, who killed himself after he shot her.

A bullet struck her squarely in the forehead, passed through her skull and exited through the back of her head. She is expected to fully recover........

Full story here http://www.theage.com.au/world/woman-has-c...90418-aaj9.html

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