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A Dilemma Only A Woman Could Have...


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inspired by SBK :o

the unemployed me went out and bought a long jacket for autumn :D

its very impractical.... long, but not warm. very colourful but I like it :D

I think it could complement the numerous LBDs I have hehehe

can we make this one our fashion thread ladies?

I will be happy to share pics of the jacket...but might not look as good if not on a mannequin.

perhaps EEK can be our in house photoshop designer :D I noticed shes very good at it

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inspired by SBK :o

the unemployed me went out and bought a long jacket for autumn :P

its very impractical.... long, but not warm. very colourful but I like it :D

I think it could complement the numerous LBDs I have hehehe

can we make this one our fashion thread ladies?

I will be happy to share pics of the jacket...but might not look as good if not on a mannequin.

perhaps EEK can be our in house photoshop designer :D I noticed shes very good at it

aww shucks. :D


impracticaI Iong autumn jacket sounds Iike it must be fantastic migs. :D

Fashion thread? Why not! Good idea. :wai:

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Ive been wanting one of those Carrie Bradshaw type jacket...(this one isnt it...but)

you know the one which is kinda like chinese silk? in beige-y/goldenish colour with coloured flowers on?

I love that...but must be one of those designer ones that cost a fortune.

speaking of designer plus SnC costume....think the one in the title? her in that pink fluffy skirt with a (in my opinion) terrible tshirt?? i mean what are they thinking?

anyhow....someone made me try on similar skirt a while back. Pink sheer organza, ballerina style type thing (just occured to me its similar style to the one in SnC)

Its by Alanah Hill, an Australian designer.

lemme try and find pic.

I tried it on. but was no way buying it. would probably wear it once if that.

ohh cant find it....but it could be the second last on the collection in their website here go to collection.

the site itself is rather interesting. its all in flash though, so I cant copy the image. The skirt could be that pink one...but it looks slightly different

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wouldnt mind this look either: (minus that hideous orange shopping bag though! where did that come from?!)

on third look.....i dont think Id buy or wear a coat that looks like that. but that combination on her somehow looks really good. the dark make up emphasis on the eyes must complement the look too.

(but the one posted above, which is a really bad pic, is the one I really really want! without that price tag ofcourse)


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lazycat...like the ones I posted?? :)

can I be your best friend?

oh wait...first need to figure out your size :D

you know its a shame to let such beautiful dresses just hang in the closet right? :D

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I once bought a pair of shoes, that i knew 90% that i would probably never wear. Just so i could have them. ..now thats a pretty embarrassing confession.

Oh..but they were so beautiful....

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am i the only one that spent time trying to figure out what breeds of dogs those were in the photos...

i guess no one would want to go shopping with me. i only drool over purebred egyptian import arabian horses or white tumbler pigeons or a beautiful brindle boxer with tail intact...

and i can spend hours in tack shops or feed and animal supply stores and pet stores (matching leash and harness/collar in appropriate colors to complement the fur colours on my dogs or halter color for horse)... and the only one to bring buffalo and cow bells back as presents for goats...

my best friends know better then to invite me to tel aviv for shopping as I DONT DO SHOPPING that isnt practical. you want socks. we go the a store, we choose between a few pairs. we buy ones we like in five colours and then we go home. found a decent bra? buy three and go home. need shoes? pick five stores. first ask for prices. then ask about other colours. if they fit, buy three pair. thats it for the year.

am i a mutation? am i missing the shopping gene?




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Hey bina. No your not the only one.

Thing is I DO get shopping fever, but only after a long bout of no shopping at all. ..and it IS like a fever for me. A desire to go out and track down something, or even sometimes just to window shop. But, usually im a pernickerty(sp?) shopper. I'll have something(s) in mind and im off like a hunter-gatherer, seeking out my prey. If i cant find what i want/have in mind, i will leave empty handed. I also prefer to shop alone. Im just not so much of a fan of going out in a group with girlfriends and giving crits. I just get SO fed up with the changing room malarky. Trying lots of things on is tiring and boring and it eventually saps my enthusiasm, even if the clothes look nice. I end up just day-dreaming about putting my feet up and reading a book. Dont mind helping a girlfriend out if im not looking for something myself though, so long as I get coffee breaks!

I like dressing up, and having a wardrobe of a few nice fail-safe items. But, for the most part, id rather spend my free time chilling out or doing something constructive for my mind or home, than hitting the mall.

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Only person I can shop with is my sister. But then that's probably because we've been shopping together our whole lives and know each other so well. :)

Otherwise, I, too, am a solo shopper. Gotta admit, I will occasionally go shopping just cause I need some retail therapy, (esp in the US, Koh Phangan is sadly lacking in any kind of shopping whatsoever) but usually I go shopping with something in mind.

Of course, if something perfect catches my eye, then I have a hard time saying no as has been seen :D

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I ALWAYS shop alone

never able to buy anything with others with me. occasionally during uni years Id pop over to the factory outlet with 3 or 4 friends, but we then separate and meet up later. but the older i get the more I realise Id rather shop alone.

if i want opinion, i just ask some random stranger in the shop :) well it started with random stranger would offer their opinion without me asking :D I remember was buying an evening gown some years back...tried on 2 colours, i liked the more subdued dull colour..but tried on another brighter one....thought it was too bright for me. but then there was this cute guy there...said ohhh this one looks better on you. it complements your dark hair.

LOL hate to admit this...but I bought the second choice cos of that HAHHAA

but hey...no judgement. I was young then :D young and naive, and silly.

not that Im not still naive and silly...but at least back then I could blame the young age :D

I once bought a pair of shoes, that i knew 90% that i would probably never wear. Just so i could have them. ..now thats a pretty embarrassing confession.

Oh..but they were so beautiful....


I bought a pair like that last year. thinking Id never wear it. cos when I tried it on, the heels were far too high for me to be able to walk in. (and unlike in Bangkok where one can easily hop in a taxi for a night out, or a wedding..I cant afford to here). so thought nah would never wear it. but it looked sooooooooooo good on! so I bought it

was sitting on my rack for months. then suddenly........someone bought me this dress, that matched the shoe colour perfectly (coincident!) so I just couldnt not wear it :D

so you never know when a pair we think we wont wear will come in handy

now I have this other pair..... shall I confess? :D its leopard skin HAHAHA i bought it sorta a month before it became in fad again. now everywhere I go I see women with some sort of leopard skin...dress, shoes, skirt, top, bag, blah blah. but ive still not worn my shoes. i think it was a bit much. not ermmm nevermind.

anyone looking to buy leopard skin shoes? :D

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and i can spend hours in tack shops or feed and animal supply stores and pet stores (matching leash and harness/collar in appropriate colors to complement the fur colours on my dogs or halter color for horse)... and the only one to bring buffalo and cow bells back as presents for goats...

am i a mutation? am i missing the shopping gene?




No - I bet your pets, horses and goats are the spiffiest ones on the kibbutz :)

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yes we have moved on already.

now the discussion is on those carrie bradshaw type jackets

trouble is - no one would tell me where I can get an imitation of the carrie bradshaw jackets :)

i must tkae a photo of the one i found though....

might do that now


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ok here we go

i hate the lighting effect in my room

makes everything looks a shade more yellow than it should be

i think the jacket is slightly nicer than it looks in the photo :)

but anyhow.....





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Hmmm, jackets. I would love to have one of those cropped pea-coat type jackets but can't see that I'd ever have the need for it. :)

Have you checked out Bluefly miggie? not that I can ever afford to buy from there but they have a fabulous selection of designer clothes to get ideas from.

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< wanders off googling bluefly, and pea-coat while shes at it >

Miggie has no idea what a pea coat is. does one string peas on to the jacket? :)

hmm had a look on bluefly. they are nice, but nothing exciting. all kinda basic looks, just good cut. but all black, browns and traditional jackets colours

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I bought that dress cos it was on sales

but still have not worn it even once HAHA

mainly cos its a really really huggy material. flattring in most places, but it shows every fat on your tummy! and I havent managed to get my abs muscles to be anywhere near visible. hence the dress stays hanging :)

the colour works on me though...I think

the jacket - bought it, and wore it very next day! Im loving it! somehow it makes me feel really confident, and is a good change from wearing so much black or grey jackets

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ohhh and I googled peacoats to find out what they look like

varied images came up, but i got the impression the common feature is that they are what i calll 'double breasted'?

as in with double sets of buttons

is that it sbk?

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^ you took the words right out of my mouth sbk! Migs don that dress with pride, albeit in a big pair of Bridget Jones style panties. Shhhh...noone will know! :)

edit: Something like an all in one spandex teddy might be just the thing for under the dress migs.


You can also get tights/pantyhoes that do similar that may help you feel more confident to wear it too. That dress is way too stunning to be hiding in your closet!

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it doesnt work Eek

with that material, one needs to wear something that has no lace, no lines, basically nothing underneath for it to work really :)

everything, and I mean everything below the rib bones shows up on that dress

or someone who is a size zero model shape? :D

actually, wait

im looking at the spanx website......

nah. will PM why. LOL

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alot of actresses wear spanx, miggie. Its not just starvation and 18 hours a day of exercising :

***edit*** oh, and alot of airbrushing and photoshopping! :)

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