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Khao San Road Photos


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Just a fact of life Kananga.... young people grow up.
Most of the people in those pics are not young. Would you tell them to their face that when they grow up they will become tourists?


I imagine a fair number of them are here precisely to get away from your Western intolerance.

Oh dear, please dont tell me you are one of those Asians are wonderful westerners are bad types.

<offensive language deleted> Take it down a notch and act civilized please. (cdnvic)

Surely you are not telling me that Asians are not guilty of intolerance towards westerners? Just look at the current Thai government. (If you know anything about Thai politics) if you want to see a fine example of Eastern intolerance.

Strange man.

Edited by cdnvic
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And people who come as backpackers now and enjoy the country will return after they grow up for holidays, honeymoons, buying trips, etc. Consider them loss-leaders for the economy.

After they grow up? Yeah, and thats not condecending in the slightest. Would you tell them to their face they need to grow up? Nooooo.

If I thought it was warranted...yes, no problem at all.

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What have I started here!?

In fairness I will say to SEAtramp that whilst I agree with him in principle re being rude to a lady, I wonder if he would feel the same way if he overheard some similar female(s) sneering at some bloke with his Thai wife as I have in the past. I do think using 'c***' is a bit much though!

I do feel that many visitors to the Kingdom should realise there is more to Thailand than wacking on a pair of fisherman's pants, getting the dreads, and hitting the tourist circuit. There does seem to be some kind of self delusion amongst these types that they are getting closer to the 'culture' merely by how they dress and where they stay which we all know is a nonsense.

The excuse that 'they are young' has been dealt with. The excuse that 'they are finding their feet in the world' only seems to me more reason why they need a boot up the arse and a wake up call.

And many visitors to the Kingdom should realise there's more to Thailand than Pattaya, bargirls and booze.The fact remains,awkward to some, that KSR backpackers with all their silliness remain a more attractive bunch than the sex tourists and their resident apologists on this forum.What is really interesting is the vitriol that backpackers seem to attract from the fat white middle aged plonker group.

P.S Most of the backpackers are young people notwithstanding the pix.

P.P.S Just because some other moron has commented on a topic does not mean it has been "dealt with".

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I agree totally, good fun to laugh at the eccentric, but slagging, "Write a strong letter to the Times".

Or Jai Yen Yen.

What do you think about a sub-forum for War-stories ? Any war, any campaign,?

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Personally I fail to see what the fuss is all about. An amusing set of pictures which highlight nicely that so many Western visitors should know better creating all this furore!

I guess the bottom line is that these are the same types of people who will froth out about saving the 3rd World and claim to know how to save it from all its woes. In reality, in the time many of them have spent in the 3rd World, they've been more concerned with parading around looking like clowns, caring more for having the right pants and finding the right beach, instead of actually trying to learn something of the region.

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Ok, nobody argues that the hippie thing is not contrived and that their actual will to see real Thai culture is pretty limited when it really comes down to it.

But this goes for a lot of tourists. There is a comfort zone created for them by the locals in order to get their dollars, euro and yen and not spoil their illusion.

Thailand is a sex tourist Disneyland and a hippie Disneyland, because both market niches provide enough money to support people here.

Should they know better? Yes, both.

Should the Thais know better than to spoil the environment to cater to Westerners hungry to consume streamlined, pre-packed otherness? Yes.

We are only human and we all occupy different parts of the food chain for the economy here. Instead of trying so hard to find enemies, try to find friends.

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Ok, nobody argues that the hippie thing is not contrived and that their actual will to see real Thai culture is pretty limited when it really comes down to it.
Huh? I would agrue that. My experiences tell me a lot different about many of these folks. I'm proud to say I lived such a life. The whole idea is to broaden experiences with life, not narrow them... Experiencing the culture was my main motivation for coming here, as it is for many many of these backpackers. And, yes, I also enjoyed the beaches and partying, too.

Again, this grouping all folks in the same barrel with the same narrow vision is just plain wrong.

We are only human and we all occupy different parts of the food chain for the economy here. Instead of trying so hard to find enemies, try to find friends

Good point. Way too much bigotry shown around this forum when it comes to backpackers...

Some others just seem to prefer looking at the world through shit-coloured glasses. Why prefer a negative, when a positive is usually well within easy reach?

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Ok, nobody argues that the hippie thing is not contrived and that their actual will to see real Thai culture is pretty limited when it really comes down to it.

Huh? I would agrue that. My experiences tell me a lot different about many of these folks. I'm proud to say I lived such a life. The whole idea is to broaden experiences with life, not narrow them... Experiencing the culture was my main motivation for coming here, as it is for many many of these backpackers. And, yes, I also enjoyed the beaches and partying, too.

Again, this grouping all folks in the same barrel with the same narrow vision is just plain wrong.

We are only human and we all occupy different parts of the food chain for the economy here. Instead of trying so hard to find enemies, try to find friends
Good point. Way too much bigotry shown around this forum when it comes to backpackers...

Some others just seem to prefer looking at the world through shit-coloured glasses. Why prefer a negative, when a positive is usually well within easy reach?

Ah come on .... with a culture that values cleanliness, respectfulness, and proper behavior if someone wanted to experience a culture they'd blend a bit more. However, if they just wanted to see a culture while being cheap, dirty, and smelly ... well they'd backpack the way those pics showed :-)

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Ok, nobody argues that the hippie thing is not contrived and that their actual will to see real Thai culture is pretty limited when it really comes down to it.

Huh? I would agrue that. My experiences tell me a lot different about many of these folks. I'm proud to say I lived such a life. The whole idea is to broaden experiences with life, not narrow them... Experiencing the culture was my main motivation for coming here, as it is for many many of these backpackers. And, yes, I also enjoyed the beaches and partying, too.

Again, this grouping all folks in the same barrel with the same narrow vision is just plain wrong.

We are only human and we all occupy different parts of the food chain for the economy here. Instead of trying so hard to find enemies, try to find friends
Good point. Way too much bigotry shown around this forum when it comes to backpackers...

Some others just seem to prefer looking at the world through shit-coloured glasses. Why prefer a negative, when a positive is usually well within easy reach?

Ah come on .... with a culture that values cleanliness, respectfulness, and proper behavior if someone wanted to experience a culture they'd blend a bit more. However, if they just wanted to see a culture while being cheap, dirty, and smelly ... well they'd backpack the way those pics showed :-)

Another example of some narrow vision, some might think. :o

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nother example of some narrow vision, some might think

Why is stating that people who claim to be so culturally aware end up breaking so many rules of cultural ettiquite in Thailand an example of narrow vision?

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Last year I joined a BKK to CNX flight to find that the first five aboard were of the type discussed above. They had each 'bagged' a pair of seats for themselves by stretching themselves and their possessions over them, and were lounging with seats back and legs hooked over the headrests in front. No Thais would sit forward of them, the crew were obviously hoping they had enough room to the rear of them, and I felt that it was down to me to point out the error of their ways and just how offensive they were being.

If this makes me into some kind of old f**t I do not care! I might even say I am proud to be one. At least I try to be offensive only to the offensive. :o

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Last year I joined a BKK to CNX flight to find that the first five aboard were of the type discussed above. They had each 'bagged' a pair of seats for themselves by stretching themselves and their possessions over them, and were lounging with seats back and legs hooked over the headrests in front. No Thais would sit forward of them, the crew were obviously hoping they had enough room to the rear of them, and I felt that it was down to me to point out the error of their ways and just how offensive they were being.

If this makes me into some kind of old f**t I do not care! I might even say I am proud to be one. At least I try to be offensive only to the offensive. :o

Yes they had youth, bad manners and bad odours. :D You had age, wisdom and don’t take that SH*T! :D

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Ok, nobody argues that the hippie thing is not contrived and that their actual will to see real Thai culture is pretty limited when it really comes down to it.

Huh? I would agrue that. My experiences tell me a lot different about many of these folks. I'm proud to say I lived such a life. The whole idea is to broaden experiences with life, not narrow them... Experiencing the culture was my main motivation for coming here, as it is for many many of these backpackers. And, yes, I also enjoyed the beaches and partying, too.

Again, this grouping all folks in the same barrel with the same narrow vision is just plain wrong.

We are only human and we all occupy different parts of the food chain for the economy here. Instead of trying so hard to find enemies, try to find friends
Good point. Way too much bigotry shown around this forum when it comes to backpackers...

Some others just seem to prefer looking at the world through shit-coloured glasses. Why prefer a negative, when a positive is usually well within easy reach?

Why prefer seriousness, when a light hearted P Take is within easy reach? :o:D

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nother example of some narrow vision, some might think

Why is stating that people who claim to be so culturally aware end up breaking so many rules of cultural ettiquite in Thailand an example of narrow vision?

Who's stating they're culturally aware? I never said any such thing, nor do I think that way. Some are, some aren't. Just like the sex tourists, perhaps. Just my opinion, of course. As is your opinion, of course. And who among us can claim to be sinless Ettiquete Police? :D I see lots of folks doing things I don't like, but I don't extrapolate those feelings out to include everyone from that country, or speaking that language, or wearing those pants, or of that age group, or carrying that bag....

What is a backpacker? Now try and get any consensus on that. That's really my point... Name a common denominator between all backpackers. Gotta carry a pack? No backpack, no backpacker, right? And anyone with a backpack is a backpacker, right? Right here, I'll bet there's gonna be folks that would say, okay, no backpack, but kii nio... Fact is, not all 'backpackers are kii nio, because that's a personal judgement call, not a fact, and it's that line of thinking that I think is narrow... When we use thinking that's not really balanced in its processing into opinions/judgements... At the end of the day, we're always going to talking about individuals, not people in neat little agreed-upon pigeon holes...

Now, if every (insert nationality of your choice) I'd met was a dirty sleazy elitist prick, it might be natural to think they're all like that, and slag them all off. Fact is, some are good, some are bad. This is the human equation throughout the world, and throughout time. Absolutley no reason to think that will change.... But I fear it can change if we respond too much and too long from our own angers and fears rather than our humanity. And especially if we find ourselves so deep in it that we can't easily disengage and step back and try to rethink things in broader, fairer terms...

I've kicked a few hippyasses in my time, so I can relate to some of the feelings you've expressed.. :o

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On the topic of backpack annoyances, I went to Jatujak market yesterday with the hubby and we were both battered, bumped and nearly knocked unconsious by the bizarre nature of the backpacker to wear his/her overstuffed life wherever they go! :o

I can't for the life of me understand why you would wear an object on your back twice the size of yourself when going to a market renound for people having to suck the gut in and turn sideways in order to get through the place! As I know even hostals have safe lockers for leaving stuff behind. :D

Not to mention I almost lost an eye to a wayward dreadlock :D

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On the topic of backpack annoyances, I went to Jatujak market yesterday with the hubby and we were both battered, bumped and nearly knocked unconsious by the bizarre nature of the backpacker to wear his/her overstuffed life wherever they go! :o

I can't for the life of me understand why you would wear an object on your back twice the size of yourself when going to a market renound for people having to suck the gut in and turn sideways in order to get through the place! As I know even hostals have safe lockers for leaving stuff behind. :D

Not to mention I almost lost an eye to a wayward dreadlock  :D

I don't suppose they were on their way to the bus/train/plane and stopped off to check out this famous place for the first time? Even 'backpackers' don't carry around their heavy bags if they don't need to, like any other person...

Granted, your scenario sounds much more amusing and exciting, though :D

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This is being re-opened in order to post "Ugly Farung" pics. If it turns into a slagfest again we'll have to pull out the padlock once more.


So where are the pics?

Well I did open an album that all could post in, in the gallery but it's since mysteriously dissapeared (??)


And dammit! I went to Jatujak yesterday and forgot all about taking my camera :o

Edited by Shola
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