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Rubbish In Thailand


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RUBBISH this is the sort of problem , that the big and powerfull , people in thailand ,should be throwing there weight behind ,and QUICK BLOODY SHARP,the country is turning into an open cess pitt ,one that W.H.O will be putting on thier most dangerous list. if somthing is not done about it , the trains dump raw sewage on the line ,the ferries dump it in the sea ,the list goes on and on and on why in gods name , does,nt someone at the top start trying to drum some bloody sence into this lot ??????????????????????? HURRY UP,there are many beutifull places in the world with sunshine, to choose from ,so be warned THAILAND,

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Walk around London and there are piles of festering rubbish everywhere on the streets no matter what time of day it is. Drive around the country and you see rubbish piled up along the sides of the road. Nearly every beach in the UK fails the EU standards. Yet here is a cess pit ?

Granted it does need some work but try to remember what it was like back home I know which country I would rather be in.

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RUBBISH this is the sort of problem , that the big and powerfull , people in thailand ,should be throwing there weight behind ,and QUICK BLOODY SHARP,the country is turning into an open cess pitt ,one that W.H.O will be putting on thier most dangerous list. if somthing is not done about it , the trains dump raw sewage on the line ,the ferries dump it in the sea ,the list goes on and on and on why in gods name , does,nt someone at the top start trying to drum some bloody sence into this lot ??????????????????????? HURRY UP,there are many beutifull places in the world with sunshine, to choose from ,so be warned THAILAND,

What country are you from and how many years ago did your country stop dumping raw sewage into the sea and on to railway tracks?

Don't go to China, Vietnam or Cambodia, if you think Thailand id bad, you will be horrified by these countries.

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RUBBISH this is the sort of problem , that the big and powerfull , people in thailand ,should be throwing there weight behind ,and QUICK BLOODY SHARP,the country is turning into an open cess pitt ,one that W.H.O will be putting on thier most dangerous list. if somthing is not done about it , the trains dump raw sewage on the line ,the ferries dump it in the sea ,the list goes on and on and on why in gods name , does,nt someone at the top start trying to drum some bloody sence into this lot ??????????????????????? HURRY UP,there are many beutifull places in the world with sunshine, to choose from ,so be warned THAILAND,

Dude, Thailand is probably the extent of your worldly travels I think. Go to India and then you will see what filth is. Thailand may have some problems with regards to waste management, but India certainly takes the cake.

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Well Thailand is ok then is it? What pathetic childish posts...........you cannot justify any failure to address particular problem by pointing out that there is somewhere worse!!!!

God how long have you guys been out of the playground!!!

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RUBBISH this is the sort of problem , that the big and powerfull , people in thailand ,should be throwing there weight behind ,and QUICK BLOODY SHARP,the country is turning into an open cess pitt ,one that W.H.O will be putting on thier most dangerous list. if somthing is not done about it , the trains dump raw sewage on the line ,the ferries dump it in the sea ,the list goes on and on and on why in gods name , does,nt someone at the top start trying to drum some bloody sence into this lot ??????????????????????? HURRY UP,there are many beutifull places in the world with sunshine, to choose from ,so be warned THAILAND,

Dude, Thailand is probably the extent of your worldly travels I think. Go to India and then you will see what filth is. Thailand may have some problems with regards to waste management, but India certainly takes the cake.

In response to a few posts.........India really has some massive problems with trash, water.......not all of China is dirty, in fact there are many places that seem clean compared to most places in Thailand (e.g., Hong Kong).

The big cities in Cambodia seem about as clean as similar cities in Thailand (maybe a bit more rubbish but not a huge difference).

People pollution.......it is not easy to manage. And people are lazy.......I can't count the number of times I have seen a Thai throw something on the ground instead of putting it in a nearby trash bin.

I think there are just too many people.........we cause pollution in various forms.......in my own country they eventually bury it all and create a trash mountain complete with a grass surface.

Thailand is trying, but it, like many other countries, has a massive challenge ahead as population levels continue to rise along with the level of consumerism.

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I remember my first train trip down here after I had once visited on holiday and then had come back to live in Thailand.

Looking out the window I was a bit disapointed at the blandness of the scenery of the interior South; flat and rubber trees as far as the eye could see. Then I noticed the rubbish lining the train tracks. As I sat on the carriage, an old lady came along collecting rubbish in a big bin liner. I was horrified when I saw her empty the entire contents out of the train window.

Since then, I have learnt to accept Thai ways without too much horror or complaint as it doesn't go down well.

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Around where I live in Isaan, the poor folk save the rubbish and sell it for recycling.

In rich 'western' countries you have to pay an 'arm & a leg' to dispose of rubbish.

In the UK, every place a truck can stop; there is fly-tipping including in the once beautiful

'English Beauty Spots.'

I have a theory who is to blame, but will keep that to myself.


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Once on a ferry a boy throw a silver bag into the sea. I came to him and told him very friendly where the bin is.

His mother came and said, I don't have to worry, the bag was empty. I, friendly again, repeated my hint with the bin. Next followed a cold, sharp look by her and they rushed away insulted.

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Well Thailand is ok then is it? What pathetic childish posts...........you cannot justify any failure to address particular problem by pointing out that there is somewhere worse!!!!

God how long have you guys been out of the playground!!!

I can justify theses comments because the OP has is calling Thailand a Filthy country, which it is not. Sure there's room for improvement in Thailand and many western countries, and I'm sure things will improve it the future. Why single out Thailand when there are so many other country with bigger waste management problems.

I find the comment "the country is turning into an open cess pitt" rather offensive. Who made Baza Minister for Environment?

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Walk around London and there are piles of festering rubbish everywhere on the streets no matter what time of day it is. Drive around the country and you see rubbish piled up along the sides of the road. Nearly every beach in the UK fails the EU standards. Yet here is a cess pit ?

Granted it does need some work but try to remember what it was like back home I know which country I would rather be in.

10 times worth up North... :)

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Once on a ferry a boy throw a silver bag into the sea. I came to him and told him very friendly where the bin is.

His mother came and said, I don't have to worry, the bag was empty. I, friendly again, repeated my hint with the bin. Next followed a cold, sharp look by her and they rushed away insulted.

:) So desperately awful it's rather funny.

You have to begin with the kids, and kids learn by example ...

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Ever been to Rome ?

Thailand is still not to bad ....

God I have.....couldn't even walk down the sidewalk.....dog shit everywhere!

I am from Rome, and i am ashamed to say that you are right.

As for Thailand, is not VERY clean, but is the cleanest country of Asia (after Singapore and H.K. that cannot considered big states).

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Ever been to Rome ?

Thailand is still not to bad ....

God I have.....couldn't even walk down the sidewalk.....dog shit everywhere!

I am from Rome, and i am ashamed to say that you are right.

As for Thailand, is not VERY clean, but is the cleanest country of Asia (after Singapore and H.K. that cannot considered big states).

Ops, sorry, i meant Southeast asia of course

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RUBBISH this is the sort of problem , that the big and powerfull , people in thailand ,should be throwing there weight behind ,and QUICK BLOODY SHARP,the country is turning into an open cess pitt ,one that W.H.O will be putting on thier most dangerous list. if somthing is not done about it , the trains dump raw sewage on the line ,the ferries dump it in the sea ,the list goes on and on and on why in gods name , does,nt someone at the top start trying to drum some bloody sence into this lot ??????????????????????? HURRY UP,there are many beutifull places in the world with sunshine, to choose from ,so be warned THAILAND,

Dude, Thailand is probably the extent of your worldly travels I think. Go to India and then you will see what filth is. Thailand may have some problems with regards to waste management, but India certainly takes the cake.


Just had some Indian visitors and they said: "very Clean, very clean country Thailand is!" and I was wondering... give 'em some time and they will clean the mess up - here on samui it's happening already, street sweepers out in the wee hours of the day...

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Once on a ferry a boy throw a silver bag into the sea. I came to him and told him very friendly where the bin is.

His mother came and said, I don't have to worry, the bag was empty. I, friendly again, repeated my hint with the bin. Next followed a cold, sharp look by her and they rushed away insulted.

How dare you make that poor lady lose face. Should have thrown little johnny overboard - no loss.

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Its a mindset..at my wife's sisters I constantly pick up plastic bags, plastic straws, you name it.. the next day I do it all over again..as no one follows suit..same at the beaches..however SOME Thais help you when you clean up the beach..At the Aquarium beach in Phuket I went there many (perhaps 50) times over two years (visiting twice a year for a month or two) to pick up broken glass,tons of beer bottles partially submerged in the sand in a foot of water.. all sorts of garbage, styrofoam, even needles..one day about 15 Thais from the Naval academy including some with uniforms and medals on their chest helped..no camera that day to record it.. went home to work, came back after 4 months...it was cleaner..so someone kept doing it..

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Whenever I travel abroad on business I am always startled by how clean thailand and the thai people are when I arrive back. I know that there is rubbish but after my last trip to India I will never moan again!

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Well Thailand is ok then is it? What pathetic childish posts...........you cannot justify any failure to address particular problem by pointing out that there is somewhere worse!!!!

Well said.

When I fly to the US, Australia or the UK the first thing I notice, having lived in Thailand, is how visibly clean they all are in comparison.

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RUBBISH this is the sort of problem , that the big and powerfull , people in thailand ,should be throwing there weight behind ,and QUICK BLOODY SHARP,the country is turning into an open cess pitt ,one that W.H.O will be putting on thier most dangerous list. if somthing is not done about it , the trains dump raw sewage on the line ,the ferries dump it in the sea ,the list goes on and on and on why in gods name , does,nt someone at the top start trying to drum some bloody sence into this lot ??????????????????????? HURRY UP,there are many beutifull places in the world with sunshine, to choose from ,so be warned THAILAND,

Not unique to Thailand - the whole of South East Asia (and Central Asia) has much the same problem (excepting possibly Singapore).

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Throwing litter is part of Thai culture. Kids learn it from their parents and aunts and uncles. It is part of the 'mai pen rai' culture.

Maybe not a culture, but what u say is true. unfortunately! ( am working on it as a good "mimic"example not do so,) Oh yeah, they see me! :)

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RUBBISH this is the sort of problem , that the big and powerfull , people in thailand ,should be throwing there weight behind ,and QUICK BLOODY SHARP,the country is turning into an open cess pitt ,one that W.H.O will be putting on thier most dangerous list. if somthing is not done about it , the trains dump raw sewage on the line ,the ferries dump it in the sea ,the list goes on and on and on why in gods name , does,nt someone at the top start trying to drum some bloody sence into this lot ??????????????????????? HURRY UP,there are many beutifull places in the world with sunshine, to choose from ,so be warned THAILAND,

Agree with the other posters here - as Asia goes, Thailand isn't that bad. If it offends you that much, you should go back to whichever clean country you come from, because there is nothing you can do to change it.

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RUBBISH this is the sort of problem , that the big and powerfull , people in thailand ,should be throwing there weight behind ,and QUICK BLOODY SHARP,the country is turning into an open cess pitt ,one that W.H.O will be putting on thier most dangerous list. if somthing is not done about it , the trains dump raw sewage on the line ,the ferries dump it in the sea ,the list goes on and on and on why in gods name , does,nt someone at the top start trying to drum some bloody sence into this lot ??????????????????????? HURRY UP,there are many beutifull places in the world with sunshine, to choose from ,so be warned THAILAND,

Agree with the other posters here - as Asia goes, Thailand isn't that bad. If it offends you that much, you should go back to whichever clean country you come from, because there is nothing you can do to change it.

There ARE "usually" something every1 can do about "things",,,,Remember,,, just 1 person can change the world we live in 2 the better or worse.Whatever, i do what i know is right and people around me can do what they r doing,,,as long as they dont "Pi,,,ss on me. :)

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Whenever I travel abroad on business I am always startled by how clean thailand and the thai people are when I arrive back. I know that there is rubbish but after my last trip to India I will never moan again!

I just came back from a 2 month trip to South India where any public ground is considered a dump and forget about a horrid air polution.

Although, Thailand is not my country, I still will moan until it is much cleaner.

Not to toot my horn, today I was riding my bicycling between Chiang Main and Lamphun and stopped at a Wat where they had a Sunday celebration with great free food and drink. I was invited to join. Although, they had many garbage bags around (it was a Wat after all) some people still left their food plates and cups around so I began to dispose these in the bags and got a few nice smiles.

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