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Putting Off My Visit To Thailand


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I have lived in Thailand for 5 years and never had any major rip-offs, except for various money-sucking women. Don't run out and marry one of the lovelys the first month or two you are here. I don't reccomend marrying ANY of them. Being mindfull that 90% of these women are only after your money, Thailand is a fine place to live.

If that's true then how come 90% of faring on TV have married 90% of genuine Thai Ladies that don't want their money and don't mind a 43 year age gap? :)

Maybe 90% of Thai Visa Farangs aren't exactly telling the "truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth". Age gap is irellevant in money matters, in my opinion, unless the guy is senile.

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The only thing this thread proves is what miserable fcuks a lot of the people on this forum are. Paul, they are trapped in Thailand (for whatever reason) so they will attack your reasons even though you are just making a choice that you feel is in your best interest. Frankly, I would rather stay in the US than go anywhere near the eurotrash.

I usually come to Thailand during the low season because I prefer a more quiet, less crowded atmosphere. I understand your reasons, though, and hope you have a great trip in December.

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The only thing this thread proves is what miserable fcuks a lot of the people on this forum are. Paul, they are trapped in Thailand (for whatever reason) so they will attack your reasons even though you are just making a choice that you feel is in your best interest. Frankly, I would rather stay in the US than go anywhere near the eurotrash.

I usually come to Thailand during the low season because I prefer a more quiet, less crowded atmosphere. I understand your reasons, though, and hope you have a great trip in December.

Do you work with Paul up in Delaware?

Can you get me a job so I am working next to you two.

I would love that.

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Do you work with Paul up in Delaware?

Can you get me a job so I am working next to you two.

I would love that.

How does it feel to be miserable and trapped?

Trapped in Texas my friend.

37 more days till I'm trapped in LOS.

Can't wait.

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My boss has no problem with me posting. Like he says.. "Nobody is killing themself around here... ! :)

I don't know about that.I'm dying of laughter here,talk about strange even Jerry Springer would give this guy a miss.

It's best to smoke your spliff after your post while listening to Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds not before.

Top space cadet.

Have a safe trip maaaan

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I have been stabbed seventeen times and had all my money stolen by a Thai con woman who also hacked off my penis in a jealous rage. Had my hands tied behind my back and pushed off a balcony by the same woman and her Thai boyfriend but landed on a very fat local tourist who broke my fall, he died so there is some merit in having more tourist around, also got dengue fever and I suspect aids as well. But will give Thailand one more chance and see if my luck improves.

Dont let the above put you off , cheers

That's the spirit! :)

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Thailand has had it, i have really good friends who have lived there constantly for the last 15 years, they do not know even have Thai girlfriends or wifes, they have "imported" Philippine girls,the whole culture has changed, even i can see a change since 2001, Cambodia is the next place, OK its spit and sawdust at the moment, but so was Thailand in the 80"s.To much crime , being ripped off all the time, bull shit about buying property, problems with visa, even the wife who is Thai says they do not want us (falangs) living here all the time, they just want holiday makers for two weeks. Cambodia is the next place for me.

I found a trick to Thailand. I don't buy much stuff there anymore. I just go and drink it in, buy the food on the street and in some shops. Rent a decent room and look at the stuff being sold at the stalls.

I stopped buying the fake watches and trinkets. Now I just come for a nice and quiet rest.

I hate that if you complain about being ripped off people attack you and tell you to accept it or get out... I don't put up with it here and I avoid it as best I can when I am in Thailand.

The OP'S last post was 17hrs. ago,biting like".Big Mouth Bass"seems appropriate.

Ian Forbes you strike me as CLASSIC,love to meet you one day.

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These 4 pages made sooo laugh. 1st page hum,hum,second,hehehe 3rd page :D 4th page getting my breath back and wiping tears.Sorry Paulusa302.So glad it wasn't me. :D It's not easy 2 get though the "needles eye" in TV.In here it's all kind of people with all kind of "professions"Be ware..All u say will and shall b used against you. :)

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The only thing this thread proves is what miserable fcuks a lot of the people on this forum are. Paul, they are trapped in Thailand (for whatever reason) so they will attack your reasons even though you are just making a choice that you feel is in your best interest. Frankly, I would rather stay in the US than go anywhere near the eurotrash.

I usually come to Thailand during the low season because I prefer a more quiet, less crowded atmosphere. I understand your reasons, though, and hope you have a great trip in December.

....Euro trash :)

OMG..Cool it "bro"..Look at TV as a place 2 get "educated" :D

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Wow, so many miserable replies filled with pith and vinegar, and all from my talking about why I have decided to move my holiday back a few months..... It is as if the posters here are lined up with daggers, bats, pitchforks and stones going from one thread to the next; attacking with gleeful abandon... Trying to hurt each other with insulting words.

But one thing I noticed. For the most part the Thai replies were level and genuine. A few of the Non-Thai posts were supportive and helpful. The rest were low class and nasty. Kinda like what I see when I am in Thailand. The nice and helpful Thai People, the nasty visitors peppered with a few kind souls.

Guess that is why most Non-Thai try to avoid each other when they are in Thailand. But this is just my simple observation and I could be wrong but in my world I think I am right. :)

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Now with the tourist numbers down, I think it is more likely that I would be set-upon by those who are looking to steal, mug, rob or kill.

Sounds like your subscribing to a herd mentality, thinking there's safety in numbers,

As in the natural world, the apparently weak and vulnerable will be preyed upon first, not implying anything here.

If you walk down a street like you own it, keep a general all business attitude, you'll be fine,

and of course, never get so wasted that your situational awareness is compromised,

Army of one, life is short, live it. :)

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Now with the tourist numbers down, I think it is more likely that I would be set-upon by those who are looking to steal, mug, rob or kill.

Sounds like your subscribing to a herd mentality, thinking there's safety in numbers,

As in the natural world, the apparently weak and vulnerable will be preyed upon first, not implying anything here.

If you walk down a street like you own it, keep a general all business attitude, you'll be fine,

and of course, never get so wasted that your situational awareness is compromised,

Army of one, life is short, live it. :)

The way I see it, if I walk down a street alone. I would be set-upon by every tout, vendor and solicitor trying to sell me their services and or trinkets. If I go into a bar for a drink, all staff eyes will be on me for tips and on and on. If there is a healthy supply of other visitors. I could walk down that same street and the touts and vendors would be talking to other tourist and I could pass bye with greater ease. When I sit in a bar, others will be there for the staff to show their attention to for greater tips.

I simply think I will have a more enjoyable holiday if I am not the lone tourist. hahaha :D

Edited by PaulUSA302
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After reading so much about scams from vendors, scams from police, scams from Shops, the upswing in visitors being robbed, mugged and killed. I have decided to put off my visit to Thailand to a point in time when there are more people there.

On my last visit, I had to ask a lady to stop trying to pick my pocket. That is when times were good and there were many tourist there for the folks to choose from. Now with the tourist numbers down, I think it is more likely that I would be set-upon by those who are looking to steal, mug, rob or kill.

So it looks like I will have to wiat for that Green Curry Chicken with rice.

I think your statement is exaggerated.

I don't wanna offend anybody from the USA here, but it seems that a 'small problem' in any country puts off tourists, especially from the USA. Many people from that country seem to perceive the world as a dangerous place. This view is always reinforced by travel warnings from the embassies. In fact, I believe there are much more dangerous places within the US.

But what really offends me is that all these travel warnings from the US put a bad light on other countries which don't deserve it. Yes, some countries are really dangerous to travel, but Thailand isn't one of those countries.

Since many countries are very dependent on tourists from the US, countries will try anything to appear safe in order to keep the tourism industry alive. Unfortunately, if US citizens decide not to travel to a certain country (e.g. Thailand), it will mean that that country will loose a lot of money. For some countries this is unfair.

So, PaulUSA, I disagree with you. Since I think Thailand is in need for tourists I wanna tell you not to be afraid, but to visit the country. But personally I wanna tell you if you don't feel safe in the world better stay in the US.


My post was/is not about not coming to Thailand at alll. I am only moving my visit from October to December and it does not have anything to do with the warnings of our State Department. It has more to do with what I am reading in Thai Newspapers, blogs, chats and conversations with friends.

I have been to Thailand enough to know what things I enjoy most. I also have had some bad experiences while there and I don't want to repeat them. I know that if there are not many tourist there it is more likely that I will have a "not so good of a time" there.

Thailand is a GREAT place for tourist and if it were my first time to visit, it would not matter to me if it was high season or low season, but since I am not a new visitor I find that I would rather be there during high season this time. After I am there I may find that I made the wrong choice but right now, after digesting all the information that I have available, going in October would be a bad choice for me... But as I said. I could be wrong. I won't know for sure until I arrive in December.

As it made a donkey’s difference if you visit Thailand in October or December… :)

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^indeed looking like another low season instead of high season. More people doesnt equate to any more or less being safe. Fair enough if you want to move your dates, but it wont make any difference at the end of the day - if you are a target you will remain a target.

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I have had so many amazing adventures while in Thailand. I am sure they would not, could not be reproduced anyplace else.

Like the time I was walking in Pattaya and passed a tin roof neighborhood. Some guys were arm wrestling and used hand gestures telling me they wanted me to arm wrestle the winner. I wrestled him but lost. That brung about a lot of good matured laughs and pats on the back as I walked away. I took 3 or 4 steps away, turned and walked back up to the guy. Everyone got quiet and watched me to see what I was going to do. No one was smiling. I reached in my pocket and gave the winner 100 baht. The laughs, handshakes and back slapping started up all over again as I walked away.....

Another fun event was when I hired a car to go to Pattaya and the driver was an attractive Thai woman. She was very kind and we talked off and on during the drive and seem to get along very well. Before we left Bangkok, I got a call from some friends that were at the bus station going to Pattaya. She drove to the bus station and we picked them up. She even dropped them off at their hotel before going to my hotel. She refused to take their money for her trouble so I tipped her well when we got to my condo. Then she asked me if I was hungry and took me to an outdoor noodle shop. We laughed and enjoyed our time there and during our fun she told the waiter that I was her boyfriend LOL She paid the check telling me it was her treat to me for visiting her country. When we were back in the car she apologized to me for the lie and complimented me on my looks.

I also like how it is so easy to make friends with the very rich and the very poor. One night I am invited to dinner. Picked up in a chauffeured Mercedes and eating in style at a beautiful house filled with hired help, sculpted gardens while drinking wine I could never afford to buy. The next day I am sitting on a plastic stool on the curb of the street eating a meal with a tuktuk driver and a stripper.

Where else could I not only watch a boxing match but sit with the boxers and share a beer?

Where else can I take a months savings and live like a king for 4 weeks?

hel_l.. Even my bad experiences are a joy to remember. Like when the woman tried over and over again to pick my pocket. Or when I made friends with the police officer who almost lost his gun until I saw it and whispered to him that he should go back and get it before someone takes it. He was embarrassed but grateful and I was happy to have some police as friends until they started asking me for large sums of money! hahaha!

And there was the time at the beach when my friend met a Thai woman on the beach and fell in love with her. He took so many pics of her! Then when we were back home in the USA he was showing everyone her pics. Then someone noticed that in one pose, one of her testicles were hanging out! LOL Oh that was sooooooo funny!

I could go on and on! Some great things I have experienced in Thailand and if I told this board what they were, they would not believe me. I know that some even better adventures await me there in Thailand and I know that October is not the right time for me to be there this time. December is going to be my lucky month.

Edited by sbk
quoted deleted post removed--sbk
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Come whenever you feel safe and at ease Paul, and you are absolutely right that it has become less safe.

In 12 years here I've seen the mentality change a lot.

Then again as you know most TV members are all ex SAS and all, real 'ard they are :)

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I have been to Thailand many times before and I know what is best for me and I know that last time I was getting too much attention from vendors, touts and the working girls and it made my walks frustrating. With empty bars, shops and taxis.... I am sure I would be that much more bothered so I am going to wait till there are more fish in the sea as it were.

Silly or not, I made my choice and I am happier for it :D

Paul; I have read this entire thread. I have lived/worked in Pattaya for almost 18 years. I can come to only one simple conclussion:

You are obviously a 'Moron of Epic Proportions'


Get some help, if it is not too late already !

ED: Please close this thread, thank you !

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After reading so much about scams from vendors, scams from police, scams from Shops, the upswing in visitors being robbed, mugged and killed. I have decided to put off my visit to Thailand to a point in time when there are more people there.

On my last visit, I had to ask a lady to stop trying to pick my pocket. That is when times were good and there were many tourist there for the folks to choose from. Now with the tourist numbers down, I think it is more likely that I would be set-upon by those who are looking to steal, mug, rob or kill.

So it looks like I will have to wiat for that Green Curry Chicken with rice.

Seriously Paul, I'm from Detroit, now living in Bangkok. I just can't agree with anything you said. I mean, would you rather 'ask a lady to stop' or wake up with your skull bashed in from a brick that you didn't see coming.

Things are not bad here, and there are some great deals around. Just don't do anything dumb.

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After reading so much about scams from vendors, scams from police, scams from Shops, the upswing in visitors being robbed, mugged and killed. I have decided to put off my visit to Thailand to a point in time when there are more people there.

On my last visit, I had to ask a lady to stop trying to pick my pocket. That is when times were good and there were many tourist there for the folks to choose from. Now with the tourist numbers down, I think it is more likely that I would be set-upon by those who are looking to steal, mug, rob or kill.

So it looks like I will have to wiat for that Green Curry Chicken with rice.

Seriously Paul, I'm from Detroit, now living in Bangkok. I just can't agree with anything you said. I mean, would you rather 'ask a lady to stop' or wake up with your skull bashed in from a brick that you didn't see coming.

Things are not bad here, and there are some great deals around. Just don't do anything dumb.

I agree. I've been to Thailand 5 times now with a 6th trip lined up for November and I've never had any trouble. First trip over in 2005 was with some Thai guys from uni and I've never looked back.

Perhaps the OP should putt off his visit to North Korea as well :).

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Even now while I am in my office at work I can almost hear the sounds of the disco's and their rhythmic beat thump, thump, thumps through my body and to see all the attractive people in their sharp and sexy clothes... Could I give that up for the tranquil sound of a peaceful village? Oh man... I am longing for Silom or Walking Street right now! hahah :)

You should be working and not using the office internet Paul!!

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After reading so much about scams from vendors, scams from police, scams from Shops, the upswing in visitors being robbed, mugged and killed. I have decided to put off my visit to Thailand to a point in time when there are more people there.

On my last visit, I had to ask a lady to stop trying to pick my pocket. That is when times were good and there were many tourist there for the folks to choose from. Now with the tourist numbers down, I think it is more likely that I would be set-upon by those who are looking to steal, mug, rob or kill.

So it looks like I will have to wiat for that Green Curry Chicken with rice.


I think it is a pity and a shame.. you americans have always lived your life in a bubble so to speak. You let TV rules your life. Paul, if you look at it with statistik.... you are much better off here than in "old Sweden".

rethink and come.. it is great here...

Glegolo :)

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After reading so much about scams from vendors, scams from police, scams from Shops, the upswing in visitors being robbed, mugged and killed. I have decided to put off my visit to Thailand to a point in time when there are more people there.

On my last visit, I had to ask a lady to stop trying to pick my pocket. That is when times were good and there were many tourist there for the folks to choose from. Now with the tourist numbers down, I think it is more likely that I would be set-upon by those who are looking to steal, mug, rob or kill.

So it looks like I will have to wiat for that Green Curry Chicken with rice.

No offense intended here Paul, but this does kind of look like a troll post to me. Not saying you are a troll, but just want to put others' posts in a bit of perspective. You come off as just saying "Garumph! I can't go to Thailand and enjoy my green curry chicken now because the global recession and subsequent low tourist turnout has made Thailand so much more dangerous!"

Instead, why not just ask the seasoned expats and frequent travelers to Thailand on this forum if they feel that Thailand is more dangerous now due to these conditions?


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Get some help, if it is not too late already !

ED: Please close this thread, thank you !

Cummon now, closing this thread would be unfair and deny us our right to laugh at all the replies to this troll. Isn't that why we are all here... for a little light entertainment?

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