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Visa crackdown blown way out of proportion

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I have been trying to find out everything that I could about this so-called visa crackdown, but I can't find anyone who has been bothered for anything other than a fake stamp from the Malaysian border. That ONE person had his passport confiscated by Immigration and was told to get a new one. He had no problem when registering the new passport with Immigration. The people who used visa services that actually entered the entry stamps into the Immigration data-base, have continually come and gone from Thailand with no bother.

I am sure that a few people who had the misfortune of using visa services that used fake entry stamps have actually been arrested, but most people who have used these agencies are safe, and should just not make the same mistake again.

Stop paying attention to losers on this site who get their jollies by scare-mongering.

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The facts are first hand:

I have just spent 5 days in a Thai jail for using an agent who arranged a stamp which the authorities know was a fake.I paid for what I thought was service for someone to take my passport in and out of Thailand. Clearly this did not happen.

If you think this is blowing it out of proportion I sugeest you volunteer for the same treatment.

By the way the facilites are frightening, minimal and crowded  but the people both inside and outsde the cell were exemplary in their conduct and humanity

If you have used a visa "agent"  and are still in Thailand I suggest strongly you contact your embassy, seek out and appoint a lawyer and cooperate fully to have the agent prosecuted.

Dont listen to nonsense from bystanders or hearsay source "experts".

At the same time I was arrested, there was a lady with a baby who also spent the last 5 days in a Thai jail cell with her son. It is an experience not to be reccomended and definately not a lighthearted affair.

I am on bail of 27,000 baht plus legal fees. I  have to appear in court in another 8 days. I am cooperating fully with the authorites. I strongly advise any one else who hs used an agent take steps now, you will be caught, you will be prosecuted.

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I find it hard to believe that you are on bail for a visa violation. Passports can be with-held as my was for 40 days. However, bail you and why 27,000 baht? Why did you spend 5 days in jail? Usual protocol is for such an offense to be in court withihn 2 days, fined and then deported.Bail is EXTREMELY rare concerning visa violations.

I take it that you will be deported in 8 days then and "black stamped" - Is this a likely outcome?

I take it that you are going through the legal system the legal way. If this bail money (not to be expected back) was another form of payment then 27,000 would not be enough to pay off the desk sergant once you have made it to the actual police and away from immigration.

Topcat. Sorry to hear about your story. Where do you think that you will go to live next? Also, are you allowed any time to make arrangements for any fixed assets that you have here?

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The facts are first hand:

I have just spent 5 days in a Thai jail for using an agent who arranged a stamp which the authorities know was a fake.I paid for what I thought was service for someone to take my passport in and out of Thailand. Clearly this did not happen.

If you think this is blowing it out of proportion I sugeest you volunteer for the same treatment.

By the way the facilites are frightening, minimal and crowded  but the people both inside and outsde the cell were exemplary in their conduct and humanity

If you have used a visa "agent"  and are still in Thailand I suggest strongly you contact your embassy, seek out and appoint a lawyer and cooperate fully to have the agent prosecuted.

Dont listen to nonsense from bystanders or hearsay source "experts".

At the same time I was arrested, there was a lady with a baby who also spent the last 5 days in a Thai jail cell with her son. It is an experience not to be reccomended and definately not a lighthearted affair.

I am on bail of 27,000 baht plus legal fees. I  have to appear in court in another 8 days. I am cooperating fully with the authorites. I strongly advise any one else who hs used an agent take steps now, you will be caught, you will be prosecuted.

tomcat, read what you have written, and then re-read my original post:

"I have just spent 5 days in a Thai jail for using an agent who arranged a stamp which the authorities know was a fake.I paid for what I thought was service for someone to take my passport in and out of Thailand. Clearly this did not happen.

If you think this is blowing it out of proportion I suggest you volunteer for the same treatment".

I am not suggesting that NO ONE is being arrested, I am trying to clarify that MOST people who used visa agents were given legitimate entry stamps and were entered in the Immigration computer. The passports WERE taken out of Thialand and stamped at the border. I haven't heard of any one being arrested for this, at all, and the people that are trying to spread false rumors that they are, are just miserable p----s, that want to make everyone else as unhappy as they are.

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maybe my post was a little 2 sarcastic.

Sorry to hear about you experience , I wouldn't wish it upon any one.

I am 100% sure that people are being arrested for having illigitimate stamps in there passport.

I am just not sure that this is  going to affect people who have been living here for years but doing the rquired visa run.

FC , I don't know enough about the bail requirements for visa/immigration offenses , but the reports have been of 5,000 GBP equivalent if I remember correctly.

After saying that I know a friend who had to be bail twice (court date + appeal) for a negligence case who paid B25,000 / time. I know for a fact because i paid :cool:


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I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be an "armchair commentator", or not.

I started this thread trying to attract some REAL information on whether the visa crackdown actually consists of something like 50 unlucky people who used a bogus visa agent who put fake stamps in their passports, or whether the tens of thousands of people who used semi-reputable agents that had REAL stamps put in their client's passports are really being arrested as has been suggested on this web-site several times.

Also, there are posts suggesting that everyone who has "lost" or "washed" their passport recently is in danger of being arrested as well.

topcat's story is indeed sad, but it doesn't really answer anything that I said; I said that, as far as I have been able to see, no one, at all, has been arrested for anything other than using fake stamps from Malaysia in their passports.

I haven't directly heard of ANYONE who has been arrested for using real stamps or a new passport.

If the administrators of this web site have some REAL information on this whole mess, I wish that they would share it with the rest of us.

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a friend who previously used an agent in the south tells me that he has had no problems on his latest border run to k.l. last week for a new visa. he works for a dive school.

he said that his stamps were legit.the agent told him.

fake stamps are being picked up though.

how reliable that info. is i cannot say.

but i thought i would post it.

last week someone posted that the european embassies were supposed to have had a meeting with the thai foriegn office about all this and that the results of that meeting would be posted.i think it was posted by "george"

i havent read  anything yet about that meeting.

any embassy staff reading here???????????????

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Once your attention is focused on a problem that could lead you to getting close with Thai authorities. It's sure to be 'hot' news.

Throw into the mix Thai prisons, changing visa rules, statements that seemed anti-farang, APEC etc. and you understand how even 1 arrest can flare up a few imaginations.

I agree there were some very concerned citizens, but I can understand why. You know what? You read, then take the advice with a pinch of salt.

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Just need to point out that for the past two years there has been a large sign on the wall of the immigration office i use stating very clearly to not use visa agents and that it is illegal to give your passport to someone else to take out of the country.  perhaps this would be better off  posted at the immigration counters at all borders and airports??
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  • 4 years later...

Was just reading this thread and the report from Topcat

(I am on bail of 27,000 baht plus legal fees. I have to appear in court in another 8 days. I am cooperating fully with the authorites. I strongly advise any one else who hs used an agent take steps now, you will be caught, you will be prosecuted. )

I think there would be no chance for anyone to get bail for a Visa Violation and 27,000 baht! No way! If possible would be more like 250,000. Was this post just to create fear? It seems bogas to me... why do people do that????? And yes I know these posts are old but I was doing some research on the subject.

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Why not? I was doing a search on the subject and found this.

I want to understand this fake stamp/ send passport thing. It happens and there are corrupt officials that do it. Also the agents that sell the service seem to be untouchable. I have yet to find any info on people having any problems with real stamps in passports that have been sent and only a few that have been in serious trouble 100% fake stamps.

I think it may be possible that thai immigration know all about it and let it happen. I think areas of Thailand are very tourist friendly and want most people to have Visa's and easy access and other areas where they are very anti tourist/farang... It really is political. It seems for example that police and immigration in Phuket have a very differnent line of thinking to those in BKK.

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I think his whole post was bogus! I have done alot of research on this subject now and those who did get in trouble in 2003 paid big baht! But there have been 10,000's of people that have used visa services to send passports and all has been ok for them. I wouldn't say do it but I can't find one bit of info anywhere on the web where someone with a real stamp (ie. done by a corrupt official correctly) has been in any trouble. And there doesn't seem to be any reports for years yet it is still going on. What does this say about the system? Even the investigation relating to the problems in 2003 stalled (stopped) and nothing was done about it.

Edited by Flhai
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So does anyone have anything to add on this subject? Any new info or news? Everything I find on it is just old. People still use visa services to send passports and get stamps etc. but no reports of any problems. Is everything just business as usual and TIT??

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What a funny post, Surly anyone who gives their passport to anyone else is simply asking for trouble. Geeze, If someone wants to actually "have" your passport for any longer than to photocopy it for verification ......... I would take my passport back and run away very fast.

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So does anyone have anything to add on this subject? Any new info or news? Everything I find on it is just old. People still use visa services to send passports and get stamps etc. but no reports of any problems. Is everything just business as usual and TIT??

It is ILLEGAL. Please cease digging up old history. It is pointless.

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