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Chuan Leekpai - An Anomaly


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Please, if you want to start your own thread on the inadequacies of Democracy in Thailand, don't do it on this Topic? I think most of us know it has been a rocky ride since 1932, with coups and corruption.


Chuan Leekpai sticks out like a sore thumb, in my opinion.

For one thing, he was one of only two non military, PM's to last a full term and the ONLY one to last a full two terms.

He was the only PM who was not of the Elite Class in terms of military and/or police power.

He was Chinese Thai from a peasant background.

By Thai standards, his terms were relatively corruption free. [His brother had a run in.]

My question is, how did he happen?

For instance, did he marry into a powerful family or did the usual practices just briefly fall asleep?

Does he still exert influence?

What he did defies logic, when compared to history before and after him!

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Please, if you want to start your own thread on the inadequacies of Democracy in Thailand, don't do it on this Topic? I think most of us know it has been a rocky ride since 1932, with coups and corruption.


Chuan Leekpai sticks out like a sore thumb, in my opinion.

For one thing, he was one of only two non military, PM's to last a full term and the ONLY one to last a full two terms.

He was the only PM who was not of the Elite Class in terms of military and/or police power.

He was Chinese Thai from a peasant background.

By Thai standards, his terms were relatively corruption free. [His brother had a run in.]

My question is, how did he happen?

For instance, did he marry into a powerful family or did the usual practices just briefly fall asleep?

Does he still exert influence?

What he did defies logic, when compared to history before and after him!

dont forget he was also central to getting thailand out from under the IMF after chavalits reign. unfortunately stable responsible government wasn't good enough for the thai voter so he was ousted by thaksin.

chuan drove himself to work while he was pm in an accord or something of the sort.

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Does he still exert influence?

What he did defies logic, when compared to history before and after him!

dont forget he was also central to getting thailand out from under the IMF after chavalits reign. unfortunately stable responsible government wasn't good enough for the thai voter so he was ousted by thaksin.

What is meant by 'ousted'? I have assumed terms go for 4 years. <If so, he served out 2 full Terms.

Was he opposed by Thaksin in the 2001 Election and 'lose out'?

If you look at the 50+ times the PM seat was filled, the life expectency of a Term was 6 months to 2 years, before an 'ousting'.

I cannot fathom the logic of how Leepkai accomplished two full terms. If he had married a most powerful woman that would make some sense. Otherwise, he seems have created a dimensional shift.

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Well there are some interesting issues here.

First of all I dont really think he stands out as a great PM - more a good elected PM. Someone like Anand Panyarachun (spelling?) must score higher but then again I dont believe in non-elected PMs.

Also his role in the Democrat party was so strange, wasnt Sanan the power force? Didnt really Mom Dtao turn the economy? And really isnt his family life a little unusual? So why does he have so much influence now?

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To be honest I thought the government of Mr T was the first one to last a full 4 year term. The Dems were brought down by a land scandal in Phuket at one time. I think Chuan has always been considered honest & commands a certain respect because of this & so was a good front man for the Dems. Abhisit has similar qualities but the problem is both him & Chuan were surrounded/supported by some dubious politicians which have hindered showing their true potential.

Some Thais I know say that Chuan was indecisive but this was due to the problem of keeping the coalition intact i.e. making sure the trough is full enough. When the trough is not full the coalition starts to fall apart which seems part & parcel in the vicious circle of Thai politics. The longer the current government lasts the more solid Abhisit's base will become & enable sound decisions to be made for the future of the country.

Hopefully there will come a day when governments actually concentrate on governing the country rather than the rulling party expending most of its energy appeasing their coalition partners & benefactors.

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