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An Etiquette Question


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I have a question

what is appropriate in term of doggy bag? (pack away food from restuarant when you dont finish meal?)

I dont do it a lot, but if a lot of food left then yes, as I dont like to waste.

but i know if im out in formal setting then i dont.

recently though, i was out to dinner with friends (older friends). they were paying. i finished only half my food.

normally if with friends I will pack for sure, even if I give the take-away portion to friend. but in this situation I was in dilemma. I make the distinction between friends and older friends, because in thai culture when somebody is that much older than you, we dont usually refer to them as friends, and we dont treat them the same way friends in similar age group. (friends are non-thai by the way)

if I pack, the host may think Im greedy? and make them pay for 2 meals for me!

if I dont pack, they may think I made them pay all that money and didnt finish my food and wasted? :)

what is the appropriate thing to do?

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I would have thought the appropriate thing would be to say " Do you mind if I pack the remainder as I don't like to waste food " or something along those lines. Your friends will probably say "of course we don't mind".

If someone has been kind enough to pay for your meal they will not be interested in the '2 meals' scenario only that you enjoyed the meal.

This is only my opinion.

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Interesting topic. And you are so right.

I agree with Colinp by the way. But I'd also look at the situation, if is it a formal (classy) situation, I wouldn't ask. Or if the "friendship" is pretty fresh and new, I'd pop up the question when I know the people a little bit better.

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Interesting topic. And you are so right.

I agree with Colinp by the way. But I'd also look at the situation, if is it a formal (classy) situation, I wouldn't ask. Or if the "friendship" is pretty fresh and new, I'd pop up the question when I know the people a little bit better.

That would be my take on the matter as well. It all depends on the situation. It would also depend on how the meal was ordered. Most people have a choice in what to order in a restaurant. If I'm not hungry I'll only order an inexpensive, small meal. I don't like waste either and won't order a fancy meal if I'm not hungry.

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if you would like to take the food home ,just ask the waiter waitress they will only be to pleased to make up a doggy bag,i usually find Thai people eat with there eyes,and there is more often than not food left over,no need to feel embarrassed,

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When I am with my Thai friends, they pay probably 90% of the time.  They will pretty much always ask for a doggie bag, and they will always ask me if I want it.  I invariably turn down the offer if they are paying, but I accept it if I am paying.

For example, last night, we went to Somboon, and we had an extra kilo of prawns and three quarters of a plate of crab curry that my friend asked to be packed in a doggie bag.  Even thought the meal was technically on the company, since it was my friend who pulled out the cash, I deferred to him as to who would take it home (not to say I wasn't tempted when he offered the food to me--it was a pretty delicious meal. :)  )

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I have a question

what is appropriate in term of doggy bag? (pack away food from restuarant when you dont finish meal?)

I dont do it a lot, but if a lot of food left then yes, as I dont like to waste.

but i know if im out in formal setting then i dont.

recently though, i was out to dinner with friends (older friends). they were paying. i finished only half my food.

normally if with friends I will pack for sure, even if I give the take-away portion to friend. but in this situation I was in dilemma. I make the distinction between friends and older friends, because in thai culture when somebody is that much older than you, we dont usually refer to them as friends, and we dont treat them the same way friends in similar age group. (friends are non-thai by the way)

if I pack, the host may think Im greedy? and make them pay for 2 meals for me!

if I dont pack, they may think I made them pay all that money and didnt finish my food and wasted? :)

what is the appropriate thing to do?

Gee you must have some difficult decisions in life?? Just say the meal was "so good" that you want to take home the remains.

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so mixed answers

no clear proper or right thing to do it seems?

yes tough life I have. (without sarcasm - i may be in similar situation again and want to find what is the 'proper' thing to do)

i didnt realise how big the meal will be,

err on being overly polite...

Even if I am with a close friend, I wouldn't ask the question.

Now if you are still insistent, you could be a bit sneaky and say, "What a shame, would really hate to see all that food go to waste".

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so mixed answers

no clear proper or right thing to do it seems?

yes tough life I have. (without sarcasm - i may be in similar situation again and want to find what is the 'proper' thing to do)

i didnt realise how big the meal will be,

err on being overly polite...

Even if I am with a close friend, I wouldn't ask the question.

Now if you are still insistent, you could be a bit sneaky and say, "What a shame, would really hate to see all that food go to waste".

"... and a couple of beers 'to go' would also be nice."

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