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Police Search


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I am quite confused as to what the police are and are not allowed to do during a stop and search. I have heard of many people being treated in an unpolite and disrespectful way even though they have nothing illegal. I also know of one friend whom a police officer at Ekamai bus station tried to plant yabba on.

What are your official rights during a stop and search? Where can you find this information? I have heard numerous things from credible people who have lived here some time, some say they have to have a special drugs officer present to search beyond turning your pockets out.

How do the tourist police fit into this? are they the only police allowed to deal with foreigners living here or on vacation?? Who are the better police to deal with, tourist or royal?

What advice can you give anyone should they encounter police requesting to search them? request a witness? go to the station? call a friend?

I am aware that the UN have stated that the Thai police are organised criminals. It is my understanding that they do not have to answer to anybody and can do what they like which is to say the least very worrying. If they try to stick something on you the only option is to pay the bribe? from what i understand it is pointless trying to fight any charges in court.


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I would reiterate what Britmaverick says. Its not just farangs who have no rights its the normal Thai person as well.

You must discard all thoughts of western policing methods ( and the policing in more advanced Asian countries ) as soon as you get off the plane at BKK ! Over here it is the luck of the draw as to what officer you come into contact with.....

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As I understand it, we do have rights (Foreigners and Thai).

I’m told that if the police want to search my pockets, I should request to be taken to a nearby station and have the search carried out there.

However, in reality being able to articulate this and then not irritate the police could create more hassle.

I’d recommend that if the police stop you in broad daylight in a public area then just go ahead with the request for a pocket / bag search. If you are not alone you can get someone to video it on your phone (make sure this is ok the with Police as doing this has potential to antagonize and exacerbate a situation).

If it’s in a dark sub-soi I’d be a little more suspicious and unwilling. Good police should understand a request to be searched at the station, although getting this point across could be difficult.

I’ve been in a Taxi at night travelling between Ekammai and Thonglor and two Police officers on one motorbike stopped the taxi and requested my Passport. I opened the window one inch and told them in Thai that I don’t have it. They then asked for ID (which I did have) but I told them again in Thai that I didn’t have it (because I wasn’t going to get my ID out in a dark sub soi, they asked where I was going and I told them I was on my way home which was nearby). The Police just waved my Taxi on, but it could have gone the other way and turned a little tense.

So, it can be a tricky situation. But simply put and especially for someone new to Thailand it’s best to comply.

I don’t know of anyone (from first hand information) who has been ‘stitched up’ directly and had anything planted on them. If anyone has (and not a friend of a friend etc) then this would be a good place to post the story.

Edited by richard_smith237
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As I understand it, we do have rights (Foreigners and Thai).

I’m told that if the police want to search my pockets, I should request to be taken to a nearby station and have the search carried out there.

However, in reality being able to articulate this and then not irritate the police could create more hassle.

I’d recommend that if the police stop you in broad daylight in a public area then just go ahead with the request for a pocket / bag search. If you are not alone you can get someone to video it on your phone (make sure this is ok the with Police as doing this has potential to antagonize and exacerbate a situation).

If it’s in a dark sub-soi I’d be a little more suspicious and unwilling. Good police should understand a request to be searched at the station, although getting this point across could be difficult.

I’ve been in a Taxi at night travelling between Ekammai and Thonglor and two Police officers on one motorbike stopped the taxi and requested my Passport. I opened the window one inch and told them in Thai that I don’t have it. They then asked for ID (which I did have) but I told them again in Thai that I didn’t have it (because I wasn’t going to get my ID out in a dark sub soi, they asked where I was going and I told them I was on my way home which was nearby). The Police just waved my Taxi on, but it could have gone the other way and turned a little tense.

So, it can be a tricky situation. But simply put and especially for someone new to Thailand it’s best to comply.

I don’t know of anyone (from first hand information) who has been ‘stitched up’ directly and had anything planted on them. If anyone has (and not a friend of a friend etc) then this would be a good place to post the story.

If they stop you, and need some money, your screwed, just pay and be on your way. :) I've heard of them taking a urin sample, testing it on the spot, and comming back saying you tested positive, even though you know you are clean.

Edited by Stricken
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i was stopped at Phuket airport last year by the security,as the x ray scanner picked up a knife in my hand luggage,security called the armed police who took me to an interview room where a female police officer questioned me(now i find police women more intimidating than men) and the 2 armed men searched my bag,i was a bit nervous ,i remained calm and gave a full statement,saying how stupid i was,sorry for wasting police time,they checked my passport to see i was a regular visitor to Thai,they stamped in my passport a note to say i was a security risk,thanked me for my corporation,i found the Thai authority to be understanding and professional, the reason the knife was in my bag,i had been helping friends cut rubber trees in Phattalung,returned to Phuket packed my bag last minute dash to the airport,now a young boy in the village had put the knife in my bag after seeing me use it,

i have high ranking police friends i dine with them visit there families there homes in this infirmament there everyday folk ,im always polite well mannered very respectful and now my place,these traits will help in any situation with the Thai police,

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i was stopped at Phuket airport last year by the security,as the x ray scanner picked up a knife in my hand luggage,security called the armed police who took me to an interview room where a female police officer questioned me(now i find police women more intimidating than men) and the 2 armed men searched my bag,i was a bit nervous ,i remained calm and gave a full statement,saying how stupid i was,sorry for wasting police time,they checked my passport to see i was a regular visitor to Thai,they stamped in my passport a note to say i was a security risk,thanked me for my corporation,i found the Thai authority to be understanding and professional, the reason the knife was in my bag,i had been helping friends cut rubber trees in Phattalung,returned to Phuket packed my bag last minute dash to the airport,now a young boy in the village had put the knife in my bag after seeing me use it,

i have high ranking police friends i dine with them visit there families there homes in this infirmament there everyday folk ,im always polite well mannered very respectful and now my place,these traits will help in any situation with the Thai police,

No doubt being the good honest person you are, you told them why you had the knife. Im surprised they didnt lock you up for working without a permit, as no doubt you dont have one for cutting rubber trees.

One needs to be really careful and engage brain before talking to these buffoons.

Accident attempting to carry a knife into the secure area of the airport is just a mistake, working illegally is a crime. :):D

Edited by neverdie
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point taken.but you only get a lift to the boarder for working illegally or for being an illegal immigrant,,

I made this mistake at Don Meuang flying to Phuket but it was penknife in my carry on bag. They kindly put it into a jiffy bag and carried it on board and placed it on a shelf/locker by the pilots door which i could see the whole flight!

Thengave it back to me once we had landed.... :)

I guess a white/stocky/youngish/balding English guy is not your average terrorist, i also got waved through the shoe x ray at Heathrow but none of suntanned blokes did :D

But no knife only a wad of cash and a smile

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point taken.but you only get a lift to the boarder for working illegally or for being an illegal immigrant,,

dont bet your life on it......theres a few shocking stories going around, which ones are fact and which ones are fiction, i dont know.

anyway, all ended well for you.....I take it that it was no small knife either.......I can just picture you there with ur machette in hand :) ....honestly officer, i wasnt trying to hi-jack the plane :D

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So what most people say on here is that you do as the policeman say's and let them Search you in the street & be polite and everything will be fine they will not set you up ? Well I would say that was correct about 3 years ago, but Today it may be somewhat different as the Tea money has come down a lot along with the Tourist Number's. So may be you should ask to be Searched at the police station with a independent witness there as well. The times they are a changing here in LOS.



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