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Go marry an Indian girl, the family has to pay you.

Don't know anything about Indian girls and traditions but it certainly occurred to me that tradition in the UK is that the brides family pays for the wedding. Just because tradition is the other way round here in Thailand I see no reason why a foreigner should have to follow (pay for) it. Just tell the family that they should be stumping up for the wedding, not the other way round, and check out the reaction!

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As for the people who say you can get the price down a bit, Thats rubbish.

Rubbish you say.

When the marriage subject came up between me and my missus I asked her straight up, how much your mama want for sinsod, she got on the phone and asked, 300,000 was the reply.

I left it at that, next time we was up in the village her mama was asking when we were getting married,I replied never, as there was no way in hel_l i was paying 300k for sinsod,Mama replied ok no probs, you no pay, but when are you getting married.........

for what its worth, im 36 and my missus is 22 we have been together for two yrs and im about 99.9% sure has not got a Thai husband/boyfriend.

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The OP starts a post, 4000 others chime in and the OP is never heard from again?

So who exactly are you given all this free advice to or did you not realize the OP has never returned?

The OP is probably to busy making trips down to his local western union.

It has to be a troll, honestly can anyone be that stupid? 200,000 baht for spending 10 days with a girl, 20,000 baht a day.... :)

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As for the people who say you can get the price down a bit, Thats rubbish.

Rubbish you say.

When the marriage subject came up between me and my missus I asked her straight up, how much your mama want for sinsod, she got on the phone and asked, 300,000 was the reply.

I left it at that, next time we was up in the village her mama was asking when we were getting married,I replied never, as there was no way in hel_l i was paying 300k for sinsod,Mama replied ok no probs, you no pay, but when are you getting married.........

for what its worth, im 36 and my missus is 22 we have been together for two yrs and im about 99.9% sure has not got a Thai husband/boyfriend.

So in other words your girlfriend was the one who tried to mug you out of 300,000 baht and not her family! classic :)

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The OP starts a post, 4000 others chime in and the OP is never heard from again?

So who exactly are you given all this free advice to or did you not realize the OP has never returned?

The OP is probably to busy making trips down to his local western union.

It has to be a troll, honestly can anyone be that stupid? 200,000 baht for spending 10 days with a girl, 20,000 baht a day.... :)


Yes, that's certainly a lot more than I ever paid! :D

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Don’t you guys get it?

This newbie is a troll.

He creates several new ThaiVisa memberships within a month; throws in the bait, hoping everyone will bite, than disappears into obscurity.

Over the months I have become to recognise his format, mostly the same themes just that he changes the situation slightly.

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i think a fair bit of advice has been given, lots of views shared, some useful, some not quite :D

and given that the subject of sinsod has been done several times, Im going to suggest that if the OP needs further constructive discussions on the issue, to do some search on the forum, read the pinned thread - which in my opinion has a few more realistic advice.

im closing this one :)

good luck

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