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Having A Sexy Thai Wife


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'Ocean Girl' is the story of Neri, a mysterious girl who has the ability to communicate with a humpback whale named Charley

... guess I must have been out of the scene too long :D

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There is a saying:

Those who have castles at the border,and those with beautiful wives - must be ready for war.

Smack them hard in face - there is no limit for cads.And she will like you more.If you stay passive - your relationship may suffer.

One idiot presented his bare dick in front of me and my beau.He had big instrument,but tiny brain - it did not help him at all.

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The problem here as I see it , the op either has ED or is not satisfying his beatiful wife sexualy , he has two choices , give his wife an hour of satisfaction two or three times a day or put up with her not driving rampant males away . A happy wife would tend to drive these bozos away in short order , or she is showing an interest for an oportune moment in the future , if he continues doing as he appears to be , showing jealousy , she will be on the move before long any way .

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give his wife an hour of satisfaction two or three times a day

If you applied that rule to the codgers I often see in Khon Kaen you'd better have a defibrillator on standby!

"Ooh Teerak! Teeerak! So good! You the best! Teeerak? Teekrak? TEERAK! HELP ME SOMEONE!!! QUICKLY! His last will and testament must be around her somewhere!" :)

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at least he has a job!

Thanks for all the great advice. My wifes reactions to the men who hit on her is discomfort, and she tells me she is uncomfortable when a man looks at her as if he wants to devour her. She is not a drama queen, maybe just a good girl who worries about guys that dont know her boundaries.

Neverdie... nice to hear from you... Im not sure that your have the right number for my wife. She has changed it to 191...

Anyone who asks for marital advice on a local forum is plain crazy. Also as stated by the op he used to have a farang wife who was also 'sexy and hot'. I think this thread was started for bragging rights by an insecure older farang who cant handle the fact that his wife (justifiably?) gets attention from guys who are probably 20 years younger than her husband.

Does anyone on this web site know anyone who

a. Does not have a thai army general/police general as their best friend?

b. Does not have a thai wife/gf who is/was a model in their former years.

c. Is not connected to the mafia

d. Is a normal farang who doesnt have to brag/boast on a local website about his fantastic life/wife/gf/job?

To the op, post a pic of this sexy thai wife and let us decide!!

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at least he can afford to get home Whistleblower!

I got married to my Thai wife this year,after knowing her four years.She too Is not an Ex bar girl,She is now living with me in the UK. She Worked long and hard in a factory in a province of Bangkok, making computers from Dawn till Dusk for 6300baht a month.When I first saw her, She was very Attractive, Like a lot of other Thai Lady's, They do not even know it. It Took me weeks to get to know her, a little every week , and the rest is History . When she came for a holiday last year, to see if she would like the British climate pri to marring, All i got was admiring looks , like, you Lucky Barstuard , or maybe you dirty luck old man, My wife is 36, i am a young 55, and fit.There is a bit of age deferents but not to much. Up to now she has had flowers bought her from some stranger, or strange man which ever, Her Answer was to say why don't you take them home for your wife, Chocolates, Asked for her Phone number by Boys half her age , Not knowing she is old enough to be there Mother, When we go out for a drink, which is not very often I get the odd comment now and again, I can Handel it , i just take it as a complement, or there lack of knowledge about Asian women. My wife usually has some good put downs to them , i just laugh at them. And think to myself I am lucky barstuard to have an attractive wife who cares for me.

So the british weather was the deciding factor of whether to marry or not??? Rock solid marriage there then!!

Edited by onnut
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As if you could pull a good looking bird back home, Whistleblower why don't you try saying something nice on this forum? Maybe you would then have some good luck in your life for a change.

We both get some strange looks from others when we are together. some are total disdain....others almost admiring...some just curious.

So she's 6 foot 11 and you're a midget? :)

You get strange looks because your probably 20-30 years older than her. the looks of disdain are from people who cant afford a flight ticket to thailand to get their own, the curious looks are from people of your own age who cant work out why you dont grow old gracefully and the admiring looks are from the younger horny teenagers who think you are a lucky bastard.

'Thailand the aging mans answer to plastic surgery!!!'

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The wife and I were looking at apartments a while back and one American guy who was very drunk boxed my wife into a corner and was ready to do something if I hadnt come along and dragged him off of her.

This sounds quite serious. This was definitely a very threatening situation and the guy was assaulting your wife. I'm just wondering what did your wife do in that situation. Was she just paralized by fear or was she screaming and yelling and kicking and punching and trying to defend herself or what?

You did the right thing and came to her rescue but you don't feel very confident.

I know I will be flamed badly for that but please think a moment about getting some professional advice and training on how to cope with such situations. This will give you some skills and also the right mindset and the confidence you need to deal with such situations. My wife for example has many years training in self defense and as a precaution she is carrying a knife and knows well how to use it. My wife and me trained with knives for many years and we had lots of fun training together - I happen to help out with teaching self defense and knife fighting at a local martial arts club.

If you are interested to know more about it please send me a PM.

Those who speak about it, can't do it! The quietest ones are the deadliest. I'll say no more.

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I met Miss Thailand Universe in the airport.

Funny she was just walking to catch her flight and did not have a hoard of horny dogs chasing her around?

that s kind of sad on many levels:

--you taking the photo

--you bringing her into this discussion simply so you could post the photo.

--her trapped at the airport in her sash

anyways, my brief experience here - as someone who is not naturally jealous - is, that at first, a lack of jealousy is appreciated, even enjoyed.

as the relationship progresses, some show of jealousy is required or she begins to question your "love" or her value to you.

Assurances that you love and trust her are inadequate, you simply need to stage a wobbly every so often just to let her know you care.

i have seen this in relationships i have had all my life -- though it seems exponentially more pronounced with thai women who will begin to push the boundaries just to find your break point.

unfortunately for me, once they have found it, usually the relationship is no longer viable.

as for the op:

--either you trust the woman or you don't.

--either you married an individual who will willingly fend off advances or she wont.

one of you is the problem here, but i haven't heard her side.

im a firm believer in the "she is talking to you, but going home with me" thing.

my nightmare is a partner who "must" spend the entire party at my side. i much prefer someone who comes home with me and has fun comparing notes on the evening.

pissed as a newt i am, grain of salt recommended.

edit: op, i believe seeking advice here is either a quality piss take, or truly pathetic. there are places to seek help. this aint one of them. one would hope everyone finds their mate sexy, if yours is too sexy, perhaps you have self esteem issues.

Edited by t.s
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I don’t believe I’m qualified to comment on this topic because it is my experience most foreigners who have thai (in)significant others seem to pick the ugliest women in the country. :D Again this is based totally on my own observations of the foreign men and thai women I have seen walking around.

If you have any close male thai friends ask them what they think about a foreigners choice in thai females. You will be in for an incredibly insightful discourse on thai perceptions of beauty, and thai peoples opinions of foreigners and their (in)significant thai others also known as their “thai-in-tow”. :)

I guess "sexiness" resides in the eye of the beholder. Then again, it could always be the old adage, "Love is blind" or as the saying goes in thai ความรักมันทำให้ตาบอด.

I promise, as soon as I see a foreigner with a thai woman I even remotely consider sexy or even half way good looking; I'll report back. :D

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I don’t believe I’m qualified to comment on this topic because it is my experience most foreigners who have thai (in)significant others seem to pick the ugliest women in the country. :D Again this is based totally on my own observations of the foreign men and thai women I have seen walking around.

If you have any close male thai friends ask them what they think about a foreigners choice in thai females. You will be in for an incredibly insightful discourse on thai perceptions of beauty, and thai peoples opinions of foreigners and their (in)significant thai others also known as their “thai-in-tow”. :)

I guess "sexiness" resides in the eye of the beholder. Then again, it could always be the old adage, "Love is blind" or as the saying goes in thai ความรักมันทำให้ตาบอด.

I promise, as soon as I see a foreigner with a thai woman I even remotely consider sexy or even half way good looking; I'll report back. :D

Good points Tod. Perhaps if you leave the house more than once a week you may bump into more 'beautiful' people. JK :D

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And the Thais are ready to defend their nationalism if pushed but would rather spend their time being sanuk which I don't believe that Europe (excuse me if I'm wrong) understands at all?

I would say that history demonstrates well that Siam was well ready and able to defend its territory and its nation by political and also violent means. Many Thais are absolutely ready and willing to use force once they feel seriously threatened and even to defend their own beliefs - look at the readiness for violence at and around the colored shirts protests this years.

thats no different anywhere in the world,a little bit of fantasy methinks.I also know some very hard men but the problem is that there is always somebody harder or more of a nutter.I dont get threatened by brutes because there are many weapons available,and live by the sword,die by the sword.My quietness is my dangerous weapon,as i never get myslef in a situation when i dont hit out first with whatever it takes to down the person

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