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Alcohol Banned From New Year Gift Baskets


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ut oh. I rely on those gift baskets. :) They are ideal for those that are inept. Where else can I save the time and get something that's bulky and can be shown off by the recepient? I buy at least 4 of these from carrefour every year. The good thing about this decision though is that I have an excuse to not spend as much this year. :D

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And what's with that Bird's Nest stuff?

You name it! Everytime I see "Brands" or "Scotch" I wonder why I'm not doing business of my own:

1. Bottle something not too expensive (buy/production cost not more than 10 Baht/Lit) in very very small test-tubes (4cl)

2. Advertise. Advertise. No one needs your product, so advertise. Advertise more than anyone else, more than Toyota, MissTeenWhitening, MamaNoodel or any other f...ng brand

3. Advertise again. Advertise in TV, advertise on billboards, advertise in Cinemas. Keep good-looking girls annoying in every every supermarket throughout the whole country. Spend Millions in advertising.

4. Keep telling people that "Chicken Essence" makes you intelligent, BirdsNest shows love and BerryJuice makes you good looking

5. Sell 60-100 Baht one test-tube (4cl)

6. See how stupid people buy your lies as a gift for Christmas, for showing love, for birthdays, for promotion - like you told them in your advertising. See how they think they can calculate formulas, they will find love, will be be good-looking by drinking your charlatan quacksalver products

7. Congratulations. You win.

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And what's with that Bird's Nest stuff?

You name it! Everytime I see the "Brands" or "Scotch" I wonder why I'm not doing business of

my own:

1. Bottle something not too expensive (buy/production cost not more than 10 Baht/Lit) in

very very small test-tubes (4cl)

2. Advertise. Advertise. No one needs your product, so advertise. Advertise more than anyone

else, more than Toyota, MissTeenWhitening, MamaNoodel or any other f...ng brand

3. Advertise again. Advertise in TV, advertise on billboards, advertise in Cinemas. Keep

good-looking girls annoying in every every supermarket throughout the whole country. Spend

Millions in advertising.

4. Keep telling people that "Chicken Essence" makes you intelligent, BirdsNest shows love

and BerryJuice makes you good looking

5. Sell 60-100 Baht one test-tube (4cl)

6. See how stupid people buy your lies as a gift for Christmas, for showing love, for

birthdays, for promotion - like you told them in your advertising. See how they think they

can calculate formulas, they will find love, will be be good-looking by drinking your

charlatan quacksalver products

7. Congratulations. You win.

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ut oh. I rely on those gift baskets. :) They are ideal for those that are inept. Where else can I save the time and get something that's bulky and can be shown off by the recepient? I buy at least 4 of these from carrefour every year. The good thing about this decision though is that I have an excuse to not spend as much this year. :D

Hate to say it, they are still as expensive!!!

No savings what so ever.

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You seem confused. The gift-baskets are not bought nor received by any 'low-so'. They mc-bike-driver on the corner will by Singha or Mekong and toss it back himself with his friends.

And no, I don't think it is the governments position to take care of anyone. It is YOUR responsibility to take care of yourself. The governments ONLY job is to guarantee that no-one else trample on your right to be free and able to make those decisions for yourself without threat of violence.

Aaahhh A kindred spirit. I agree, be responsible for yourself and yours. I used to have problems with male Thai doctors and grew tired of telling them that our meeting was a consultation, that I was seeking his opinion and his recommendation for a suitable, cost effective course of action viz treatment. My mantra is that it is my body and I will make ALL the decisions. The lady doctors that I have hitherto so encountered are far more sensible.

I have to take issue with you regarding a governments responsibilities. I would include the construction and maintenance of the country's infrastructure, more and better equipped hospitals, more schools, a decent free education system, more professional 'professionals' and a climate of equal opportunities for all. But no Thai Government would agree to all that.

P.S. I doubt that the beer of choice of motorbike drivers would be Singha. Leo or Chang would, I suggest. :)

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I think it is fairly easy to circumvent this law.

Sell the gift baskets sans booze but leave a booze bottle sized space in it packed with straw or coloured paper.

With every basket sold comes a voucher redeemable for a bottle of scotch, gin, vodka or other goods to the same value.

Voila! A win-win situation. Those who want to give the baskets but don't want to give booze choose something else. Those that want the booze get to then choose whatever grog they want and can top up the voucher and get something decent.

I eagerly await my gift basket as reward for such a suggestion, vodka please. :)

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They should ban the big jars of Nescafe too.

Not only is caffeine bad for you, Nescafe tastes like ...........

( Don't even think about getting me started on the Milo. )

Extract from a review of Thai energy drinks.

I also discovered that Thai government outlawed advertising of M150, Shark, Carabao, and many other similar beverages between the hours of 5AM and 10PM in 2003. The government apparently was concerned about the possible detrimental health affects of these stimulating drinks.

An excess of caffeine is not good for you but you'd have to drink a lot of coffee to arrive at having problems.

If you are tired then go to sleep. If you are lacking energy have a lie down for an hour - and learn to eat sensibly. Your body is telling you something. For your own sake listen to it. Ingesting energy drinks to keep on going may well lead you overreaching your physical capabilities.

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If you are tired then go to sleep. If you are lacking energy have a lie down for an hour - and learn to eat sensibly. Your body is telling you something. For your own sake listen to it. Ingesting energy drinks to keep on going may well lead you overreaching your physical capabilities.

Like all too many Truck, bus and taxi drivers. :)

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Clown government.. Trying to enact something that's unenforceable, but will nonetheless stress the point that the country is become less free with more government meddling by the day.

Indeed. And don't miss the gold-nugget that the regulations supposedly was added last year, when the PPP was still in power? Much like the 2am-closing come to light under TRT? And now some pencil-pusher on a high horse wants it enforced. Push them all into the ditch, I say.

Early closings, alcohol bans, etc all began under Col Thaksin's 'new social order' campaign. Historically the Demos have tended to take a more laissez-faire attitude towards drinking, nightlife and so on. The puritanical leanings however have received a lot of popular from rural Thais and have taken on a life of their own since the demise of the TRT.

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While there are no gift baskets with alcohol, I snapped this pic in a very well known supermarket yesterday.

I think stores just can't show a basket with alcohol already in it.

They certainly have no shortage of gift baskets packed full of "Brand" or "Scotch".


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Don't know what all the fuss is about.

I always stick to those really great gift baskets that come in a plastic bucket containing such delights as floor cleaner, scrubbing brushes, scotchbrite pads etc etc. And they're wrapped in a very classy orange cellophane, often as not.

Try giving them, and see the expression of utter joy and appreciation of your generosity on the face of the recipient! For someone really special, you could include a mop handle too! And all with that warm feeling of knowing that you aren't transgressing any of those sensible rules that those-who-know put in place for our protection (may they be eternally praised).

Who needs booze in a gift basket anyway!

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Don't know what all the fuss is about.

I always stick to those really great gift baskets that come in a plastic bucket containing such delights as floor cleaner, scrubbing brushes, scotchbrite pads etc etc. And they're wrapped in a very classy orange cellophane, often as not.

Try giving them, and see the expression of utter joy and appreciation of your generosity on the face of the recipient! For someone really special, you could include a mop handle too! And all with that warm feeling of knowing that you aren't transgressing any of those sensible rules that those-who-know put in place for our protection (may they be eternally praised).

Who needs booze in a gift basket anyway!

After disappointing her that does the ironing last year when a 6 months supply of Weedwhacker and a new spade didn't find favour, I am making up for that this year. After much thought I've come up with something that she will find really useful. A new set of ladders.

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Don't know what all the fuss is about.

I always stick to those really great gift baskets that come in a plastic bucket containing such delights as floor cleaner, scrubbing brushes, scotchbrite pads etc etc. And they're wrapped in a very classy orange cellophane, often as not.

Try giving them, and see the expression of utter joy and appreciation of your generosity on the face of the recipient! For someone really special, you could include a mop handle too! And all with that warm feeling of knowing that you aren't transgressing any of those sensible rules that those-who-know put in place for our protection (may they be eternally praised).

Who needs booze in a gift basket anyway!

After disappointing her that does the ironing last year when a 6 months supply of Weedwhacker and a new spade didn't find favour, I am making up for that this year. After much thought I've come up with something that she will find really useful. A new set of ladders.

Man after my own heart. You are obviously a thoughtful and caring partner. (Can't understand why she wasn't thrilled with the spade, though...no pleasing some people...)

Her indoors will be getting a brand new set of high quality paint brushes and matching paint roller and tray for Christmas this year. I've even gift-wrapped it all for her! :)

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I have just been to a well known supermarket opposite Thong lor police station and there must have been about 200 baskets scattered around the floor of the shop. Everyone of them contained a bottle of Chivas.

Like most other laws, this one will never be enforced.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I have just been to a well known supermarket opposite Thong lor police station and there must have been about 200 baskets scattered around the floor of the shop. Everyone of them contained a bottle of Chivas.

Like most other laws, this one will never be enforced.

I been to a british managed supermarket in Pattaya yesterday and they had the gift baskets with a bottle of chivas openly on display.Guess this is another law that excists only in the newspapers.

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I have just been to a well known supermarket opposite Thong lor police station and there must have been about 200 baskets scattered around the floor of the shop. Everyone of them contained a bottle of Chivas.

Like most other laws, this one will never be enforced.

Same at CentralWorld's 7th floor supermarket yesterday. (Top's)

At least 100 hampers scattered on the floor loaded with JW Black Label.

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I have just been to a well known supermarket opposite Thong lor police station and there must have been about 200 baskets scattered around the floor of the shop. Everyone of them contained a bottle of Chivas.

Like most other laws, this one will never be enforced.

Same at CentralWorld's 7th floor supermarket yesterday. (Top's)

At least 100 hampers scattered on the floor loaded with JW Black Label.

Perhaps they are not labeling them as Holiday Gift Baskets - calling them Buckets of Joy or something similar.

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