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How Long Until We Start To See The Good Beer?


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Beer Lao tastes fantastic in Lao, but horrible in Thailand. I guess it's the preservatives they use, does anybody think the same as this?

Sorry, slightly off topic... :)

I think that beer made under license in Thailand is horrible. (Heineken is a good example) with the exception of Asahi. Beer Lao in Thailand comes right over the border with tax stamp. Personally, I cannot tell the difference.

I recall different taste of Heineken in Austria than in Thailand. Is that just me or is it really different??

I actually like Heineken. The Heineken in the States is brewed and bottled (or canned) in Holland. I think that when it is made under license the quality control may be lacking and it is my understanding that different water used will produce a different taste. Sorry for being off topic. :D

Yes beer is like Whiskey very depending in the water. Most export Beer from Heineken is brewed in Den Bosch.

In Australia they sell locale and imported the local is made at Tooheys (Sidney)

Normally Heineken has very good rules for brewing under licence.

But in Australia there is simply no good beer at all


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Yes beer is like Whiskey very depending in the water. Most export Beer from Heineken is brewed in Den Bosch.

In Australia they sell locale and imported the local is made at Tooheys (Sidney)

Normally Heineken has very good rules for brewing under licence.

But in Australia there is simply no good beer at all


To my knowledge the water does not mater at all, as it anyway runs thru a ion exchanger which removes almost everything else beside the h20 to avoid problems in the mass production.

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I live close to the border and have a good connection on Beer Lao. The problem is that it cost 885 baht per case (small bottles of 24) or 65 baht per bottle (6 bottles for 325 baht) so I truly hope that ASEAN keeps its word.

I really do not think that this agreement will affect Thai beer consumption. Most Thais would not be caught with ABC, Beer Lao, or any other "import" outside of maybe Heineken. hel_l, I don't even know many Thais who drink Chang or Archa unless they are doing so discreetly along the klong somewhere.

Boon Rawd (through very crafty marketing skills) has a way of making Thais feel like "anti nationalists" if they are not drinking their product. :)

Well if they rename Beer Lao into Beer USA or Beer Germany than it might sell good.

But I would love to have Bin Tang (spelling??) from Indonesia.

WoW they really must have improved Bintang since I drank it in the 1980's, back then it was the only beer that gave you a headache while you were still on the first bottle !!, Closely followed by San Miguel (Hing Kong brewed of course, not the fillipino good stuff).

I drank a lot Bin Tang in Bali half a year ago. Very good and never headache. But a fact is that beer at holidays always taste better.

Maybe it improved, or there is a special Bali edition....

Bintang tastes like Beck's, but some people like that too.

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For anyone interested, I've been doing a bit of research and these are the prices for beerlao in Chiang Mai (if bought in bulk):

BeerLao Lager

1 box = 24 small bottles = 920 baht= price per bottle 39 baht

BeerLao Dark

1 box = 24 small bottles = 1250 baht = price per bottle 53 baht

From what I hear, it doesn't look like these prices will be dropping anytime soon either.

Hopefully I'm wrong on this, as I do enjoy an icy cold beerlao!


Edited by MichaelinThailand
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