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Stickers Ban Free Sex On Tourist Island


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Stickers ban free sex on tourist island

BANGKOK: -- Tourists arriving on Thailand's southern resort island of Pha-ngan are to be issued with stickers stating the island's ban on 'free sex', following government concern over visitors having sexual intercourse in public places.

The decision follows pleas by Khon Kaen Senator Rabiabrat Pongpanit to prevent tourists on the island having sex in public after the island's notorious Full Moon parties.

Today Mr. Pramoth Supyen, Director of the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT)'s Southern Office Region 5, warned that although it would be difficult to ban the parties, which were an important source of revenue for the island, the police would put a halt to them if they were alerted to tourists having sex in public places.

Noting that tourists should be aware that Thailand is not a place to have public sexual intercourse, he warned that tourists having free sex could be arrested.

The TAT will inform tourists that public sex is banned under the Thai law by issuing stickers and leaflets to residents of the island's hotels and guesthouses outlining the legal position.

--TNA 2005-04-29

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"Free" sex sells though. I checked the number of readers when I was plugged in and it was over 100. Can't recall when I've seen that many. The senator from Khon Kaen should mind his own business. If ever a town was wide open (pun intended) KK is one. Had several memorable experiences in that thar town. Can't say anything happened in the street, but the ladies I met were very accomodating. :o

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The decision follows pleas by Khon Kaen Senator Rabiabrat Pongpanit to prevent tourists on the island having sex in public after the island's notorious Full Moon parties.


Khon Kaen? Well, you can't see the beaches of Pha-ngan from there. So what is he doing there?

But it's good news for Khon Kaen. All problems under control, the senator can take care of the rest of the country :o

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The decision follows pleas by Khon Kaen Senator Rabiabrat Pongpanit to prevent tourists on the island having sex in public after the island's notorious Full Moon parties.


Khon Kaen? Well, you can't see the beaches of Pha-ngan from there. So what is he doing there?

But it's good news for Khon Kaen. All problems under control, the senator can take care of the rest of the country :D


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When was SEX ever FREE?? I have had to pay in one way or another for years..

Why don't these newspapers and govenment agencies pay a REAL American or even a British subject how to write a story or at least proof read them...???

We all know they mean a display of "public nudity" and "public intercourse" ...

This sort of thing should be done in those rented rooms or behind closed door as I agree with any government against this sort of behavior. Okay.. yes some of us got it going on at Devonshire Downs in the San Fernando Valley in SoCal, at theworld infamous New York's "Woodstock" and Great Britians "The Isle of Wight" in 1969 .. I know as I was at all three concerts... Lots of public nudity and sex, drugs and rock n roll as well But today we are all visitors to a country that is changing and is starting to grow up a wee bit better.. Yes things here are very slow.. but look again at how many kidnappings as Mexico City and all the grime and crime of Costa Rico.. I agree NOT to bang a hooker or your wife on the beach in public.. very tasteless.. :o

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BANGKOK: -- Tourists arriving on Thailand's southern resort island of Pha-ngan are to be issued with stickers stating the island's ban on 'free sex', following government concern over visitors having sexual intercourse in public places.

The decision follows pleas by Khon Kaen Senator Rabiabrat Pongpanit to prevent tourists on the island having sex in public after the island's notorious Full Moon parties.

The group seems to be somewhat confused over terminology here (not helped by a typically ambiguous Thai statement)

The authorities are not talking about "free sex" as in not paying for it they are talking about the freedom to have sex wherever you want i.e in public.

I can appreciate the Senators concerns but you ain't gonna stop 5-6,000 people on holiday wired on magic mushrooms and Tequila from enjoying themselves just as they wish.

It sounds to me as if the Senator (newly appointed) is flexing his new found political muscle and is trying to make his mark.

As a resident of Khon Kaen i'd prefer him to concentrate on matters closer to home.

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Stickers ban free sex on tourist island

BANGKOK: -- Tourists arriving on Thailand's southern resort island of Pha-ngan are to be issued with stickers stating the island's ban on 'free sex', following government concern over visitors having sexual intercourse in public places.

The decision follows pleas by Khon Kaen Senator Rabiabrat Pongpanit to prevent tourists on the island having sex in public after the island's notorious Full Moon parties.

Today Mr. Pramoth Supyen, Director of the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT)'s Southern Office Region 5, warned that although it would be difficult to ban the parties, which were an important source of revenue for the island, the police would put a halt to them if they were alerted to tourists having sex in public places.

Noting that tourists should be aware that Thailand is not a place to have public sexual intercourse, he warned that tourists having free sex could be arrested.

The TAT will inform tourists that public sex is banned under the Thai law by issuing stickers and leaflets to residents of the island's hotels and guesthouses outlining the legal position.


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I can see the new sign now.

No Free Sex

No Parties

No Drinking on the Beach

No running, jumping, beach balls or frizzby allowed after 5pm

It's ok to tip the hawkers selling Salmonella Shrimp and the hot beer Betty. And don’t forget cheap Charlies shirt factory and Wilbur the watch wizard always has the best sand filled watches.

Have Fun :-) :D

But seriously "No Free Sex?" this will obviously make a lot of wives ecstatic and an equal number of husbands keeping wallets distance : P

Some things you just have to make fun of.

No offence folks :o

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On the subject of proof-reading:

When was SEX ever FREE?? I have had to pay in one way or another for years..

Why don't these newspapers and govenment agencies pay a REAL American or even a British subject how to write a story or at least proof read them...???

We all know they mean a display of "public nudity" and "public intercourse" ...

This sort of thing should be done in those rented rooms or behind closed door as I agree with any government against this sort of behavior. Okay.. yes some of us got it going on at Devonshire Downs in the San Fernando Valley in SoCal, at theworld infamous New York's "Woodstock" and Great Britians "The Isle of Wight" in 1969 .. I know as I was at all three concerts... Lots of public nudity and sex, drugs and rock n roll as well  But today we are all visitors to a country that is changing and is starting to grow up a wee bit better.. Yes things here are very slow.. but look again at how many kidnappings as Mexico City and all the grime and crime of Costa Rico.. I agree NOT to bang a hooker or your wife on the beach in public.. very tasteless.. :whistling:

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