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  1. I'm confused by both those statements ??
  2. Again ?? !!! how many more times do they need to dig up the street/road/pavements ?
  3. Yep this is a primer towards CBDC acceptance...hard to resist the "free" money but no one should be fooled as it's not free money and not without strings attached.
  4. All part of the WEF agenda !! https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2023/11/asean-instant-cross-border-payments-paynow-promptpay/
  5. Well I'm glad that "things take time here" these digital payments systems are very dangerous leading ultimately to a panopticon digital slavery system Central Bank Digital Currency is the end of "freedom" as we understand it..I'm not against digital currency or crypto I'm against the "government" control of such systems the only reason governments want to be part of the digital currency is because they see their control slipping away and realise that this could be the ultimate control mechanism ! I urge everyone to vote with their wallet use cash at every opportunity say no to CBDC's (but it's so easy and I have nothing to hide 555 )
  6. You won''t be able to put it in your own name if you are not in Thailand so don't send money now..it would be easier to put the bike in your Thai wife's name but you can jump through the extra hoops to put it in your name if you insist on that,however again send no money without being in country to see the bike and related documents first..there are no shortage of bikes for sale, wait till you get here.
  7. Any "smart appliance" must have a manual override or fully manual option too or "bad things" can happen.. Maybe this will be a small wakeup call to the smart phone zombies who think a central bank digital currency would be a good thing and that cash is just for dinosaurs and criminals ?
  8. Hard to believe that's true but if true then serve's the silly buggers right
  9. I listened on the radio to most of his acceptance speech and though it was quite good, as you say he didn't mention "operation warp speed" I think giving Biden the "credit" may be a politicly astute move on his part.
  10. You might try a little trick which is to slightly loosen the screws/bolts whatever holds the plastic bits together so they can expand and contract easily...the other thing that can be rather noisy is the start relay often found on a motherboard circuit incorporated into the evaporator unit (inside) mine was especially loud and woke me up all night when brand new but seemed to wear in after a while and become quieter......after I blew up the motherboard ( accidentality with the pressure washer ) the new replacement board had a very nice quiet relay 😋
  11. Just the day before this debacle I decided time to move away from Windows XP as it's getting harder to find new programs that will work (properly or at all) especially web browsers due to lack of updates in security protocols. Anyway I installed Win7 and now have a triple boot machine Windows XP Pro 64, Windows7 Ultimate and Debian11 Debian11 being the default boot OS and the one I use the most now and try not to use Windows but sometimes the learning curve is too high and there is already a program I know how to use sitting there in the windows partition so give in and use that.
  12. @The Fugitive said never needed attention I assume yours needed to be cleaned a few times in 24 years ?
  13. They did some good Feng shui to place it exactly in the one spot (in the universe) where no dust or mould builds up and the machine magically cleans itself ?
  14. Quite unbelievable a true unicorn of machines
  15. North Korea has not supplied any troops.. European troops to Ukraine means WWIII hope you're well prepared for that..signed up for service yet, how about your sons and daughters and their kids sign them up too...for "democracy"
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