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Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus


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OK, I have to admit, I haven't read the whole thing. I got through the first chapter and a half and said to myself, "what a load of <deleted>" and put the book down.

should I force myself to read this book? Is this a sign that I am, indeed, as once suspected, really a guy since I consider this "women are loving and intuitive and men all hide in their caves" stuff crap?

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It was written to sell, and it's full of clichés. It was successful and that is all that matters to the writer and the publisher. There are just as many clichés written on thaivisa every day. Whether you choose to continue reading the book is entirely up to you. It's not very large, but it might give you an insight into how someone can market a product.

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It was written to sell, and it's full of clichés. It was successful and that is all that matters to the writer and the publisher. There are just as many clichés written on thaivisa every day. Whether you choose to continue reading the book is entirely up to you. It's not very large, but it might give you an insight into how someone can market a product.

:) good answer Ian. You have a point there.

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I read it. I read it because i am interested in all aspects of human nature and Psychology...NOT that "men are from mars..etc" comes under any deep and serious umbrella of Psychological literature lol! But still, i had to read it, especially after the hype. I enjoyed aspects of it. Often the way it was written had me rolling my eyeballs. I took much of it with a pinch of salt and ignored the patronising aspect. I realised it took many male/female studies on how we respond to things and presented them in a story/laymans way. Which I imagine gave it much of its success. It presented cognitive and emotional responses in an everyday scenario and explained them...albeit in a generalised way. So is easily digestible and easy to relate to.

Id definitely read it again, just to see if my own experiences and thoughts on the book have changed. It was about ten years ago i read it!

I would say read it for the novelty factor first and foremost, but there are some things in there worth gleaning.

Anyone who uses it (or other relationship/self-help books etc) as some kind of relationship bible, however, are completely bonkers.

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I read it many moons ago. Forgotten most of it and to be honest thought it was a load of dribble. There are many other books trying to sort out differences between the sexes. Often common sense. Men will make the best fire fighters because they are naturally bigger and stronger. Women make better nurses because of our nurturing nature. There are probably more example to be had.

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You're late SBK... :D

The book was written in 1992 and sold more than 40 million copies in 40 different languages.

Mr. John Gray certainly made a buck or two...

I'm sure you could do the same but about Thai/Farang relationships....!

Just do it :)


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I enjoyed it. It pointed out some not so known or understood truths. You don't have to believe all it says though. It's objective is to point out the difference between men and woman and not everyone understands those differences. If you're not going to formally study psychology it's a good foundation.

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You're late SBK... :D

The book was written in 1992 and sold more than 40 million copies in 40 different languages.

Mr. John Gray certainly made a buck or two...

I'm sure you could do the same but about Thai/Farang relationships....!

Just do it :)


I confess, I am not a pop psychology reader at all and consciously avoided this book for that very reason LaoPo! Someone left it behind at our place and I thought, "well, its here, its free, maybe I should give it a go" :D

Still not convinced I should pick it back up tho. Found myself tch tching as I read it.

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I have never read a relationship book. I don't care why men do what they do. I don't need to know, I know myself, what I want out of life & the man in it & don't need a book to tell me the whys & wherefores. :)

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sbk, that is the answer. it was free. so no problem leaving it the room of some ditzy 20 yr old on vacation with her boyfriend. let her read it. people leave books here in the hotel all the time and never ask for them. tis amazing the amount of junk people will read on vacation. not even good junk. boring junk.

drivel. men arent from mars and we are not from venus. its much more simple/ men have that thing between their legs that overrules the brain just like with billy goats male dogs stallions and elephants in musk. women have mammary glands so we do what those glands were made for. all the rest is just stuff to fill in the time and make it all more fun. (been around the animals waaaaaaaaaaay too much obviuosly but really the similarities are so 'there', that its impossible to escape from thinking that way).


mating alpacas.... just for the fun of it... the male is the one that comes in to season. when he mates the female, she release her 'egg'. his 'thingy' btw is long and pointy. and it takes about two minutes to do the actual deed after many days of hard courtship. they do it while the female lays on the ground, looking almost as if she is dead from being bothered by the male.

thought u would all enjoy this for a smile.



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sbk, that is the answer. it was free. so no problem leaving it the room of some ditzy 20 yr old on vacation with her boyfriend. let her read it. people leave books here in the hotel all the time and never ask for them. tis amazing the amount of junk people will read on vacation. not even good junk. boring junk.

drivel. men arent from mars and we are not from venus. its much more simple/ men have that thing between their legs that overrules the brain just like with billy goats male dogs stallions and elephants in musk. women have mammary glands so we do what those glands were made for. all the rest is just stuff to fill in the time and make it all more fun. (been around the animals waaaaaaaaaaay too much obviuosly but really the similarities are so 'there', that its impossible to escape from thinking that way).


mating alpacas.... just for the fun of it... the male is the one that comes in to season. when he mates the female, she release her 'egg'. his 'thingy' btw is long and pointy. and it takes about two minutes to do the actual deed after many days of hard courtship. they do it while the female lays on the ground, looking almost as if she is dead from being bothered by the male.

thought u would all enjoy this for a smile.



sorry,not into beastiality lol

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someone brought me some reading material when we went to the beach a few weeks back.

one of the book was titled .....cant remember something about marriage and blah blah

the other kinda caught my eye (the friend that brought it is a guy....so it made me curious)


"Eveything men know about women"

so I picked it up and thought will flip through a few pages while lying in the sun....

flip I did...........


it was about a hundred or so pages of blank paper HAHAHHA

best book

best humour

I loved it!

maybe I should buy a few copies and gift it to male friends (and also female ones in relationships) at every occasion I get :D

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Like most books of this type, it has moments of recognition but mainly relies (deliberately) on making people laugh.

For this reason its worth reading. Having said that, I must admit I read it many years ago and I'm relying on my appalling memory!

Men and women are (generally) v different in their emotional responses, the way they deal with relationships etc., BUT its never safe to categorise ALL men/women in the way these books do. We all have our little quirks - its why everyone is different and why (generally) we are not all attracted to the same man/woman.

Vive la difference! And I say that as a feminist - the differences are great as long as one sex is not considered inferior or pigeon-holed.

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I never read it. The title is a false premise. Golda Mier and Maggie Thatcher 'had balls'; Jimmy Carter didn't.

Maggie Thatcher had 'balls', but its a matter of opinion whether this was good or not!

Jimmy Carter may not have had 'balls', but as far as I can recall he didn't start any wars..... A pretty good record compared to recent 'leaders'.

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  • 2 weeks later...
OK, I have to admit, I haven't read the whole thing. I got through the first chapter and a half and said to myself, "what a load of <deleted>" and put the book down.

should I force myself to read this book? Is this a sign that I am, indeed, as once suspected, really a guy since I consider this "women are loving and intuitive and men all hide in their caves" stuff crap?

It was written to sell, and it's full of clichés. It was successful and that is all that matters to the writer and the publisher....

Thanks for this topic. I've always wondered about this book but never got round to it. Think you've both summed up my expectations and saved me a little time and money. If either of you ever do find out which planet Thais come from, could you PM me... think a book would be too long for my attention span and not sure I've enough time in this life...

"Eveything men know about women"

so I picked it up and thought will flip through a few pages while lying in the sun....

flip I did...........

it was about a hundred or so pages of blank paper HAHAHHA

best book

best humour

I loved it!

maybe I should buy a few copies and gift it to male friends (and also female ones in relationships) at every occasion I get

Just a thought MiG, an alternative might be to send a postage stamp, tell them it's all written on the back and could they send it back together with a bar of choclate when they've read it...

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