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Will These Supplements Get Past Customs?

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So that is protein in the bags and thats how they came, should I bring the invoice from the website I bought them from? I am training Muay Thai for 6 months in Chiang Mai and I am worried that they will take most if not all of my supplements away.


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Bring the invoice. Worst-case is that you have to pay duty on it. Though it probably qualifies as food & medicine, which is exempt from VAT at least. Chances are that nobody looks at your bag though, especially if you go through customs in BKK before connecting to Chiang Mai.

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Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Onidzuka,

We agree with Khun Winnie that you'll probably have no problem. Might be a good idea though to take with you the label on the bag, or whatever, the protein, now in what looks like unmarked plastic bags came in ? In the off chance you were searched, I'd say unmarked plastic bags of some kind of powder might be "suspicious."

good luck, ~o:37;

Edited by orang37
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The Myoplex looks like it's good to go (individually packaged and clearly marked), the brown powder. Bring whatever paperwork you have and keep it with the bags and hopefully you'll be ok. Just luck of the draw if someone stops you and decides to give you a hard time I suppose.

I hope it works out for you. In case you have a problem, you can hit the GNC. Their prices are quite a bit higher than USA prices (wow!), though.

Just in case you need it:






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Bring the invoice. Worst-case is that you have to pay duty on it. Though it probably qualifies as food & medicine, which is exempt from VAT at least. Chances are that nobody looks at your bag though, especially if you go through customs in BKK before connecting to Chiang Mai.

I agree - in 20 years I have never been stopped going through customs in Bangkok.

In the last three years I have had to open my bags three times when entering directly through Chiang Mai. Maybe it was because there were only three of us collecting luggage and as I looked the least suspicious, they probably though "Aah he's the one". :)

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The only reason they would take it from you is if they are not satisfied it is for personal use only. I think the figure of protein is something like 5kg but is applied at the discretion of the immigration official. I brought in 4kg with no problems. It looks as though you have a similar amount, so should be fine.

But it's very unlikely that you'll be pulled up on it in the first place.

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The likelihood is that someone looking at your bag through an x-ray scanner will tag your bag (your passport number) for 'random' inspection at some point along the route. Better if in marked bags or boxes with documentation etc for you and not for resale etc.

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As somebody else mentioned protein powder is available at GNC. GNC's own brand tastes okay but the other brands suck. Be sure to sign up for a VIP card as you get big discounts, especially on member days.

If you're a brit, then the protein powder at GNC (with members discount) costs about the same as back in the UK.

Cheers :)

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As somebody else mentioned protein powder is available at GNC. GNC's own brand tastes okay but the other brands suck. Be sure to sign up for a VIP card as you get big discounts, especially on member days.

If you're a brit, then the protein powder at GNC (with members discount) costs about the same as back in the UK.

Cheers :)

No worries mate.

I do the same thing every time I come back to Thailand.

I'll just advice you to leave it in the tubs. If it's too big, then pack it into some old smaller ones.

I mean if they pull you aside, then let them taste it.

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My suggestion is after you collect your bags and are leaving the baggage area do not stop to have your bags x-rayed,

just walk straight past any personnel that may be there and don't look at them. They have never stopped me.

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