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  1. In case anyone else is interested, I decided to try Tee Shirt Express on Thepprasit Soi 3 to get some custom shirts printed, it's not far from my house. I took my designs on a USB and the guy let me try on an unprinted shirt to check the size is right (3XL as it happens), and then said to come back in three days. I ordered three shirts with different designs and I'm pleased with the results, it's almost impossible to find tee shirts with nice, original designs in Thailand, it's all beer makes, or Same Same but, or Good Guys Go to Heaven, or similar nonsense. I just picked them up and I'm well pleased, I think they were 410 Baht each. Here's one example:
  2. Incorrect. Savings held abroad prior to 1/1/24 are not assessable when remitted into Thailand.
  3. I think it's Pattaya's version of Darwinism. If you can survive, say, five years of strolling along the city's many streets with no pavements/sidewalks, as well as the more up-market tourist areas with pavements/sidewalks that are often atrociously maintained, then you'll find that you fit right in here, bulletproof. Alas, many do not make the grade and end up going the way of the dodo. lol
  4. Well, that puts me off ever flying into Phuket again! lol
  5. There's a water filter shop halfway along Thepprasit on the north side, between Soi Kopai (Soi 6) and the PTT station. You can take the photos and whatever else you have along there and they should be able to tell you what you need.
  6. Well if they do this then I hope they'll also rescind the stupid ban on beer on SRT trains.
  7. RIP, but this has happened many times over the years. They put horrible pictures of illness and cancer on cigarette packets, and are talking about doing the same for booze. Maybe they should do something similar for big bikes, plaster them with photos of the horrendous physical results of a high-speed crash.
  8. The motorbikes will just park on the pavements instead (that's sidewalks to our friends from the Gulf of America, lol).
  9. Yet another news report involving a Frenchman with a decidedly non-French name. The eldest daughter of the Catholic Church must be in dire straits, no Pierre's or Marcel's or Jean-Paul's left anymore, lol.
  10. I haven't seen this one posted in either the Pattaya or Thailand News sections, and I thought it was worth sharing it. From this morning's Daily Mail: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14346445/thailand-holiday-hell-road-sign-leaned.html As is often the case, I suspect we're only getting one side of the story here, though the Foreign Office seems to have accepted his tale. It started with him bumping into a sign and damaging it. Maybe he'd had a few Changs too many and, when in that condition, some people become aggressive, and maybe that's why the cops arrested him in the first instance? I won't speculate any further, anyway. Many of the photos in that article are the same as those used in this one: ...about a 29-year-old former British soldier who got banged up for overstay. Do the Soi 9 cops now have a standard set of press photos they release showing their desirable cells, lol? Or did the Mail lift the pictures from the AN article? Anyway, if what the guy in the Mail story says is true, then it's an appalling way to be treated. But I think there's a lot more to it than just that. Anyone?
  11. lol lmao rofl
  12. A pity his flight isn't being handled by Washington DC air traffic control... lol
  13. He's probably to busy dining at the Thai Y to hear his wife calling him, lol.
  14. What exactly is a "valid justification" for someone riding a motorbike after 1:00 AM to be carrying a weapon?
  15. I wish them luck, but how many times have they launched a parking crusade like this in the past only for it to fizzle out after a few weeks?

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