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Low Blood Pressure - How To Treat It?


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There's a million meds and treatments for high BP, but how do you treat low BP.

A Thai female friend has BP 92/68 (average of 3 readings) and if she gets up to quickly she gets very dizzy, and sometimes it is quite bad.

She tells me she was diagnosed with low BP some time ago by a doctor, but offered no treatment.

Is low BP a symptom of some other ailment, and is there anything that can be done to correct it?

Thanks :)

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I too have low blood pressure -90s/60. Basically when I was in the USA the only advice I received was to not give blood as it could lower my pressure even more and cause shock. I have learned to live with it. When I stand up quickly I actually will black out for a few moments. Have learned to just hang onto something like a chair or wall until it passes.

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I think she needs to see a new doctor.

Maybe she does, but I'm trying to understand the problem first. I don't particularly trust Thai doctors and like to be fully informed before seeking consultation.

Edited by Mobi
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I too have low blood pressure -90s/60. Basically when I was in the USA the only advice I received was to not give blood as it could lower my pressure even more and cause shock. I have learned to live with it. When I stand up quickly I actually will black out for a few moments. Have learned to just hang onto something like a chair or wall until it passes.

Did your doctors ever tell you the reason, and if there was anything you could do about it?

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I have a blood pressure monitor to check my own BP. I've check two Thai ladies BP and both were in the 90/60 range.

Just a fluke or are many asians pre dispossed to have lower BP?

Edited by Lancelot
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The BP readings given by the new electronic machines (92/68) would probably have been given, when taking it with a conventional machine and stethoscope as 95/70; this would be in the low normal range.

The avarage BP of younger (25 -45) Thai (I can't say for all Asian) seem to be in the lower ragnges of what is quoted for or based on Western populations.

Without any other factors such as adrenal or thyroid gland malfunction or heart valve problems such as aortic stenosis (small pulse pressure; ie difference between systolic and diastolic pressures; normally 20 - 40 or so); it wouldnot be considered out of whack with the average Thai female population.

It is uncomfortable to live with; especially when hot and humid, but not a serious condition.

Short term solutions such as caffeine is not a good idea as well as an increase in salt intake is the worst possible solution.

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It is so true about thai female have low lood pressue in average. I have seen many slim thai ladies have blood pressure around 85-90/55-65 mmHg with no prblem.

Most of the healthy people with low blood pressure have no serious illness but a few of them has specific cause of diseases such as hypothyroid, adrenal gland disease, pituitary gland disease. How old is she? Any symptom with weight gain? fatigue?slow response?constipation? If you know irregular period?history of heavy bleeding during child birth?? proximal muscle weakness( at upper arm but forearm function normally)?

The dizziness however could caused by anemia, did she test for that?

If there is no all those related symptoms and blood test show normal haemoglobin,haematocrit, sodium and potassium then there is nothing much you can do.

Just tell her to get up slowly.

But talk to your doctor and get those ruled out first.

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It is so true about thai female have low lood pressue in average. I have seen many slim thai ladies have blood pressure around 85-90/55-65 mmHg with no prblem.

Most of the healthy people with low blood pressure have no serious illness but a few of them has specific cause of diseases such as hypothyroid, adrenal gland disease, pituitary gland disease. How old is she? Any symptom with weight gain? fatigue?slow response?constipation? If you know irregular period?history of heavy bleeding during child birth?? proximal muscle weakness( at upper arm but forearm function normally)?

The dizziness however could caused by anemia, did she test for that?

If there is no all those related symptoms and blood test show normal haemoglobin,haematocrit, sodium and potassium then there is nothing much you can do.

Just tell her to get up slowly.

But talk to your doctor and get those ruled out first.

Thanks for that.

She is about 50 kilos and quite slim in appearance. She does suffer from fatigue (especially in the morning) and constipation.

It sounds like I better get her to have a thorough check up to rule out any specific ailment.

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My blood pressure is around that, although the systolic a little higher but diastolic lower approx 100-60

I am also around 50kg. Don't have any health issues or dizziness.

My Great Aunt used to have low blood pressure, she used to drink Guinness! She lived to 92.

If she suffers from fatigue and constipation she could probably do with some more fluids in her system.

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