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Dutch National Pays Huge Ransom In Pattaya Kidnapping


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"There is something not quite right about this story....how did they get the picture of the kidnappers and the kidnappee?

I think it must be some kind of gay thing...."

HAHAHHAH... Well, lot of stupid stuff seems to go around - luckily someone pays off and sits it in...

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There is something not quite right about this story....how did they get the picture of the kidnappers and the kidnappee?

I think it must be some kind of gay thing....

could it be a gay thing that did not turn straight quite rightly or a straight who was after a gay's money but could not deliver correctly or....whatever. :)

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"Mr. Robert Stirring [36] from Poland"

His family name certainly doesn't sound like a Polish name

english? maybe?

or canadian or even oz?

yes, the crooks seem so cool and goodlooking too, to say the the least.

the thai police looks even cooler.... :)

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Their original escape plan included a Polish submarine but...well, you know how that one goes... :D

So you're saying they have no Polish submarines at McDonalds? :D Then yes I would agree, the kidnappers should have waited until the victims were eating at the Subway® ... :)

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"Mr. Robert Stirring [36] from Poland"

His family name certainly doesn't sound like a Polish name

Not everyone is called Kowalski, Osinski or similar.

There are a lot of Germanic names in Poland, especially along the Oder and up North. And Stirring is a German name.

I have worked with Poles with family name Burkhardt, others with similar derivations. My Polish wife was born a Jegorova (Russian derivation)

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Kidnapped him for 90,000 Baht? And then they stayed in Pattaya...and were just walking down the street? Are these guys crazy?

If you're going to do something as serious as kidnapping, you are a fool to just ask for 90,000 Baht. I figure at least 2 million would be more like it. And then to hang around the place after the person you kidnapped is released. Now, that is silly. I don't expect I will ever kidnap anyone, but I'd make sure they had a lot more than 90,000 Baht to pay as a ransom. And I'd be long gone five minutes after I released that person.

About 1979 or 1980, a guy I knew was kidnapped and held prisoner for about 3 weeks. He was drugged and held without food or water until he would transfer a large amount of money from his bank in Hong Kong to his kidnappers. I don't remember the amount but it was at least 100,000 dollars equivalent. The bank manager in Hong Kong knew this guy, and notified the Hong Kong police when he got the request to transfer the money to Bangkok. The bank manager said that ===== had never asked for that much money to be transferred anywhere before, so he knew right away that something must be wrong. Apparently ===== was known as being very tight with his money. The bank manager set up a telephone call with ===== to arrange the details of how the money would be transferred. The kidnappers were stupid enough to take that phone call in the place where they were holding =====. The Thai police traced the international call and rescued my friend =====. He had left Phuket for Bangkok for a 2 or 3 day trip to take care of some business affairs in Bangkok (he had a Thai business that he was a partner in), and had been gone for 3 weeks. His Thai girlfriend said she had,"Just never noticed he was missing". My friend immeadiately kicked her out of his house once he got back to Phuket. Apparently he just didn't believe that she "had just never noticed" he was gone.



What a sad story. Left me and my wife crying for hours. Listen, it wasn't Thai baht, it was 90,000 Laos KIP.

P.S. The Thai police traced the international call.....I guess you're watching too many movies. Or do you drive a yellow Hummer with SWAT on it?

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Their original escape plan included a Polish submarine but...well, you know how that one goes... :)

What a story. William Peter Alexander isn't really a Dutch name, neither the Polish guys' names. Something smells with the whole story, 90,000 Euros is about almost four million baht and they didn't go away.

Sounds very gay. Okay?


Edited by Sisaketmike
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Their original escape plan included a Polish submarine but...well, you know how that one goes... :)

What a story. William Peter Alexander isn't really a Dutch name, neither the Polish guys' names. Something smells with the whole story, 90,000 Euros is about almost four million baht and they didn't go away.

Sounds very gay. Okay?

Prince Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands is sure a dutch name.

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Their original escape plan included a Polish submarine but...well, you know how that one goes... :)

They actually had a yellow submarine, but run out of gas, before they could escape to Poland. I thought Polish people are only stealing cars? But now they started to like the Euro more.

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Their original escape plan included a Polish submarine but...well, you know how that one goes... :)

What a story. William Peter Alexander isn't really a Dutch name, neither the Polish guys' names. Something smells with the whole story, 90,000 Euros is about almost four million baht and they didn't go away.

Sounds very gay. Okay?

Prince Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands is sure a dutch name.

But isn't the prince from Germany?

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There is something not quite right about this story....how did they get the picture of the kidnappers and the kidnappee?

I think it must be some kind of gay thing....

could it be a gay thing that did not turn straight quite rightly or a straight who was after a gay's money but could not deliver correctly or....whatever. :D

I liked that - made me laugh :) The 'whatever' bit is dead right - anything and everything can and often does happen here. There's no place on earth like it - totally crazy but never a dull moment and plenty of fun fun fun out there for all tastes

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Such natty dressers, must be the new quality tourists we keep hearing about.


Most likely a case of one set of thugs stealing from another. I say give'em each a gun and let them settle it at 12 paces.

slug it out,

high noon style,eh?

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Their original escape plan included a Polish submarine but...well, you know how that one goes... :)

What a story. William Peter Alexander isn't really a Dutch name, neither the Polish guys' names. Something smells with the whole story, 90,000 Euros is about almost four million baht and they didn't go away.

Sounds very gay. Okay?

Prince Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands is sure a dutch name.

Pattayaonenews has the name as The victim, Mr. Willem Pa Jansen aged 42 from The Netherlands. Thats so dutch

This is hilarious

Edited by sokal
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Their original escape plan included a Polish submarine but...well, you know how that one goes... :)

They actually had a yellow submarine, but run out of gas, before they could escape to Poland. I thought Polish people are only stealing cars? But now they started to like the Euro more.

there are about 200.000twohundred K,polish poeple in the UK.hardf worker,good poeples.

In Thailand I havent come across one Polish citizen,most say ,they are from Russia/Ukraine/Montenegro(pun intended)

I know the man and woman drink a lot and have fun.(so do we also).

I think there was no polish citizen involved in that scam.

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Be careful the next time someone invites you to "go dutch" :)

Why careful ?

That's democracy, contrary of selfishness by some people, always insisting paying the bills, also considered as show-off...... :D

LaoPo :D

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Their original escape plan included a Polish submarine but...well, you know how that one goes... :)

What a story. William Peter Alexander isn't really a Dutch name, neither the Polish guys' names.

There are families with the (last) name Alexander in The Netherlands.

However, it could very well be that the police just gave the first 3 Christian names and "forgot" the give the surname. Many Dutch citizens have 2, 3 or more Christian names.


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This is a lot of money to pay for a Dutchman. Just kidding.

You need to sell a lot of cheese to come up with such a sum. So he could get in touch with relatives in Holland, but didn't tell them what the money was for? Maybe the old fashioned: I'll buy me a house in Thailand story.

I hope after this story it doesn't happen to him again........

All money back, or did the c.o.p.s. keep some for their outstanding help? Isn't that also a very serious crime here in the Land of Whys? I mean lots of years in the BIG TIGER.


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Their original escape plan included a Polish submarine but...well, you know how that one goes... :)

What a story. William Peter Alexander isn't really a Dutch name, neither the Polish guys' names. Something smells with the whole story, 90,000 Euros is about almost four million baht and they didn't go away.

Sounds very gay. Okay?

Prince Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands is sure a dutch name.

Pattayaonenews has the name as The victim, Mr. Willem Pa Jansen aged 42 from The Netherlands. Thats so dutch

This is hilarious

It is not only victims name!PattayaOne gives names and nationalities of two perpetrators,who were caught and pictured:mr Motycka and mr.Frantisek(typical Czech names) from Czech Republic and they name the third one,who is missing as "Jimmy" from England.In PattayaDailyNews -they also named same two Czechs.There was nobody from Poland.

So,Dear Members:"crusader79""maithaimai""sisaketmike"!where do you stand with your poor ethnic jokes?It looks,that you can not figure out simple news story?Could you tell us the origin of yours brilliant minds - where are you from?To much methanol in cheap alcohol had dimmed your

sight? and minds?It doesnt take detective to see through all this story - it is about some dodgy biz gone wrong:

unpaid wages,fake merchandise(aspirin instead of... E-spirin),merchandise delivered and not paid etc. - Pattaya-AMS connection.

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