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Jomtien - Pattaya's Land Fill Site?


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I cannot be the only person that has traveled the back roads and lanes of Jomtien recently. Every road side is strewn with all manner of rubbish. Mostly it looks like someone has done a Condo refurb and dumped the remains of the previous decor, tiles, toilet etc.

Along with all this are fields of plastic bags fluttering everywhere. Where would Thai people be without plastic bags ? They would starve for one thing. They have Soup, tea, iced coffee, other slushy ice drinks, rancid stinking Som Tam, the list goes on and on. And the bags just get dumped. Na Jomtien is a waste land of human detritus. The beaches from Dong Tang all the way round to Rayong are polluted to hel_l and gone.

Thailand is looking for tourists. Why would they come here?

I know who does come. People who do not know any better that is who. People who come from countries that do not care about the mess they make. People who have never seen a pristine beach, they think swimming in panty liners and condoms is normal. People from countries who drop rubbish at their feet and leave it to low life scum to rifle through to make a life or living.

Can I name these countries? Well let's JUST say I have worked in North Africa, the Middle East and former Soviet block countries...

But the toursits are not all to blame. The local fly by night Builders dumping the broken tiles and toilets are. The local Thai officials serving on councils are. Ex-pats for not setting an example and doing like wise. Dumping rubbish hoping someone else will pick up the plastic bottle, the fag end, the polystyrene packing.

Why is it all dumped in Jomtien? Because there is room that is why, and no one sees it. Do they ?

Is their a solution or deterant to all this? Oh yes 2,000 baht fine. By a Police force that cares not a jot ? Easier to get 400 baht from people not wearing helmets.

Any one got any thoughts or practical ideas to resolve the mess? I know this much, it would need an army of people and trucks to fix the problem fast.

Maybe 30,000 Red, Yellow, White, Pink shirted people could be rounded up and constripted into something useful.......

Edited by lonewolf99
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I see Thai's throwing plastic bags and other garbage out of the back of pickup trucks and from motorbikes almost daily. Never saw a farang littering. Think you're barking up the wrong tree. Only ever heard about farangs being fined for littering. One of the selective laws of Thailand.

Edited by Phil Conners
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Sadly I have seen foreigners (not Western Europeans American farrangs though) lobbing rubbish around and I know how bad Thais are. They need to be trained / shown / educated ? that this is not the right thing to do. If I had just blamed the Thais I would be slagged to hel_l and gone on this site. It really is a problem for eveyone visitor and resident alike.

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I know what you mean, it's disgraceful, but somehow seems to be accepted. They do occasionally clear up some of the rubbish sites, but then they just start dumping somewhere else. People set up home on these dumps, presumably to sift through the rubbish and see if they can find anything worth selling?

The one relatively decent thing that has caught my eye - I'll try and remember to take my camera one of these days - is the respect shown to old spirit houses and Buddha images. At the top end of Soi 9 there is a nice collection, but the best by far is that on the small dead-end soi that runs past Palm Oasis towards the rear three JCC buildings.

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There are two problems here, fly-tipping and litttering. Neither of these are any worse in Jomtien than anywhere else in Thailand.

Or for that matter, many other countries.

In fact the Thai government has run very successful anti-litter campaigns in the past which made a real difference in cities. Unfortunately many people seem to think the rules dont apply on so-called "waste ground".

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These things are usually a case of monkey see, monkey do. If the administration wants to prevent trash from accumulating then they need to get off the stick, clean the place up and enforce the litter laws across the board. Easy to say, but maybe hard to put in place.


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For some reason there's no 'quote' button on this post by the OP so I'll cut and paste

Lonewolf99 ...

I know who does come. People who do not know any better that is who. People who come from countries that do not care about the mess they make. People who have never seen a pristine beach, they think swimming in panty liners and condoms is normal. People from countries who drop rubbish at their feet and leave it to low life scum to rifle through to make a life or living.

And where are you?

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I think the low areas (swamps) behind Jomien allow contractors to dump solid wastes like concrete, tiles, etc so build up the land. Much of this area is full of reeds and swampy will a number of large ponds because of poor drainage. This probably allows more area to to utilized in the long term, less mosquitos breeding and most importantly is cheaper for the contractors.

My problem is it looks like crap, they should concentrate on one area then cover it rather than the way they are doing it now. I agree with the bags etc a true eyesore and even worse when you get towards Na Jomtien.

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got to share this littering story:

Years ago I took the airport bus from downtown Bangkok to the airport. On board a Singaporean guy with a plastic bag with a straw, filled with coke as you can get at the street stalls.

after a couple of minutes the guy stands up, starts preaching about Jesus, the good Lord and so on...while sucking on his coke.

At the highway entrance, the driver opens the door to let some other staff in (the lady that checks the tickets).

The Singaporean guy takes this chance to throw the now empty plastic bag through the open door in the bushes, missing the lady entering the bus by about an inch.

The entire scene was so comical, I couldn't stop laughing for a while :)

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The problem is that there seems to be no official land fill site in Pattaya .When i was refurbishing my Condo i wanted to do the right thing but ended up dumping at the marsh lands in Jomtien .Where everyone does .

Yep, monkey see - monkey do!

There is a free tip for hard waste opposite the Euro Club just off Chaiyapruek2, use it!!!! :)

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For some reason there's no 'quote' button on this post by the OP so I'll cut and paste

Lonewolf99 ...

I know who does come. People who do not know any better that is who. People who come from countries that do not care about the mess they make. People who have never seen a pristine beach, they think swimming in panty liners and condoms is normal. People from countries who drop rubbish at their feet and leave it to low life scum to rifle through to make a life or living.

And where are you?

Where am I ?

I am looking at this mess every time I look out across Jomtien from my balcony. I also have to smell it every time I go for a walk. There is another comment posted saying the rest of Thailand is the same. Well, I drove all the way to Yasoton and back from Jomtien over Songkran and saw very little litter compared to the mess I see in Jomtien / Pattaya area. I find it strange this area is called "swamp land". Is that not what the Everglades National Park is...?

I know this could be a haven for nature and probably was 20 years ago. I have seen Kingfishers, Storks, Egrets and two kinds of small hawk. All people see when they see land nowadays is "How can I make a fast Buck out of this lot?" View Talay 7 and 8 for example....

Here is my master plan, cut down all the trees. Cover the planet in Concrete and Tar then dump all the rubbish in the sea and we won't see any of it. Oooops I'm a bit late with that plan cos it is already happening......sadly there will be no sand for us to bury our heads in.

Edited by lonewolf99
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The problem is that there seems to be no official land fill site in Pattaya .When i was refurbishing my Condo i wanted to do the right thing but ended up dumping at the marsh lands in Jomtien .Where everyone does .

Yep, monkey see - monkey do!

There is a free tip for hard waste opposite the Euro Club just off Chaiyapruek2, use it!!!! :)

Did not know ,anyway the mash land is closer to me in Jomtien . :D

Edited by Thaifan2
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It is a shame that some people don't give Thailand the same respect as they would there own countries. It's a bit like saying everyone drives like a idiot here so I'm going to drive like one as well, fortunately most people aren't like that, I would hope.

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It is a shame that some people don't give Thailand the same respect as they would there own countries. It's a bit like saying everyone drives like a idiot here so I'm going to drive like one as well, fortunately most people aren't like that, I would hope.

Well said,...

I have personally tried to gather litter and dump it in the green wheelie bins on Jomtien beach ...then I wonder where the council dump it ? Probably in the " Marsh Lands".....I have seen other (ex-pat) beach combers picking up rubbish ...and I must admit the beach chair rental people try to keep their bits clean ....but on the whole its a losing battle.

These wheelie bins have been there for as long as I can remember (5 years) and I guess by the gut wrenching smell, have never been cleaned ?

Gated Condo and walled housing developments shelter most residents from all this and then they drive around in blacked out cars....what was I saying about heads in sand ???

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