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How To Travel From Hatyai To Padang Besar?


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Are there any tour buses that goes from Hatyai to Padang Besar, boarder of Malaysia so that I can cross into Malaysia?

What's the best way to travel from Hatyai to Padang Besar?

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have to reply ...... if you have to go onto an internet forum to ask for those directions, it might be a better idea if you go home. Seriously!

have to reply...... if you have to post such arrogant statements when a member is seriously asking a question and looking for advice, it might be a better idea if you revoke your membership here...... if you cannot say anything good, better say nothing at all.....

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have to reply ...... if you have to go onto an internet forum to ask for those directions, it might be a better idea if you go home. Seriously!

have to reply...... if you have to post such arrogant statements when a member is seriously asking a question and looking for advice, it might be a better idea if you revoke your membership here...... if you cannot say anything good, better say nothing at all.....

And the same to you!! If you can't add anything positive please don't bother posting :D !!

Jump on any motorcycle taxi and tell them " Rot doo bai Padang Basar" (crappy Thai, but it will work) or why don't you head to Sadao?? might be a bit easier. Should be about 40 - 50 Baht and takes between 45 minutes to an hour.

Hope this helps :)

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Just FYI, as I wasn't aware of this when I was going to the Malaysian border; Padang Basar closes around 8-9 pm. I asked a taxi to take me to the border of Padang Basar, but instead he took me to Sadao.. Well, it was better I guess, as it was open until 11 pm. And there are more taxis and buses to go from the border to Malaysia. The taxi to Sadao from Hat Yai airport cost 500 Bht.

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It's very simple. Go to any travel agent. They know people that live in Padang Besar and work in Hat Yai or vice-versa. We contacted a travel agent and she arranged for us to be picked up at her office the next morning by a gentleman who worked in Padang Besar. He was a professional or a business man; knew everyone at the border crossing, and charged my g/f and I 300 Baht total to ride with him in his comfortable, air conditioned car. He said there are many people who do this on a daily basis. It pays for their gas every day and they enjoy meeting new people. He dropped us off right at the front door where we were headed.

The mini bus trip back was miserable and uncomfortable and took hours while they stopped at least 8 times to let others off sometimes in the middle rubber plant farms!

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When you get to the border get a motorcycle taxi across, the cost is 60 baht there and back. I used to take my car across but found the motorbike method much quicker and easier. The motorbike just goes down the side of all the traffic, which is useful because it can be busy depending on what time you hit it.

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