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B12 Shots


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I've recently started getting monthly injections of vitamin B12, and it's made a huge difference in my life. I am moving back to Thailand in a couple months and I am wondering how available it is there? Specifically in Hat Yai...or better yet would they have it available in the smaller hospitals?


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I got one last week in a doctors clinic in a small Thai town close to Rayong. Seems readily available as the doctor had a bunch of ampules close to the top of the drawer. Cost 70 baht for the injection.

Didn’t do anything for me. What did it do for you?

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Nevramin is available here..just google it...it's B1, B6, B12, 2ml ampoules. My wife had daily injection for about one year, now about once/week. A box of 50*2ml is about 630Baht. PM me if you want to know anything else. Medivitan N is another option, not available here though...I got it brought from Germany..it's B1,B9,B12. B9 helps the absorption of B12.

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Why can't people get these vitamins from their diet.

Unless you are anemic (excuse the American google spelling) after child birth or have an underlying medical condition I would have thought a complete diet would supply enough of these nutritional needs.

(I stock up on my B groups with Vegemite when I'm back in Oz.)

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mark45y - I didn't notice much after the first few (weekly) shots, but have been doing it for about 6 months now, and after being 2 weeks late for my last one, my energy levels dropped insanely...so much that I could barely get out of bed. My b12 level was really low to begin with, though. Perhaps yours isn't, so you don't notice much? Still good for you though :)

krading - I don't know why some people don't absorb these vitamins from a relatively well balanced diet. B12's main source comes from meat, so it is hard to get enough if you are on a vegetarian diet. As well, women who use horomonal birth control methods have a harder time absorbing it. Many women in general have a hard time with it, most likely because of other deficiencies.

I wish I didn't have to get these shots all the time!! But it's better than feeling sick :S

Glad to know it's easy to get though. Thanks!

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Why can't people get these vitamins from their diet.

Unless you are anemic (excuse the American google spelling) after child birth or have an underlying medical condition I would have thought a complete diet would supply enough of these nutritional needs.

(I stock up on my B groups with Vegemite when I'm back in Oz.)

Because some people as they age are unable to digest or absorb from food sources. Often a B-12 deficiency is indicative of a thyroid problem. It can be masked by over correction with folic acid. Usually, a B--12 supplement is sufficient and the injections can be avoided. It is not unusual to see the problem in males as well as females. Injections are used when a normal diet and supplements do not work.

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Sunspun - just returned from my B12 shot at BNH in Bangkok, the medicine was 410 baht for 1000mg plus the nursing fee etc of another 400 baht. 810 baht - might be expensive for some but my insurance covers it, plus it's WAAAY cheaper than when I used to get it in Australia and the medication cost more than that on it's own.

Krading - there are a number of medical reasons why people take B12 as an injection. Personally I, and many of my female relatives, have Pernicious Anaemia which is not a disease that can be resolved through diet. People with PA do not absorb B12 from food because they are missing the "intrinsic factor" in their stomach. Intrinsic factor converts the B12 so it can be absorbed/used by your body. In people with PA there is no intrinsic factor so the vitamin just passes right through the body. Thus the injections...trust me, i'd much rather just get the vitamins from mushrooms!

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is that 810 baht per shot? :S yikes! i assume my regular traveler's insurance will not cover that as it's not emergency...

i paid about $9 (350 baht) for a whole bottle of the stuff here in canada - so far it's been about 10 shots and still some left...and the doctor's visit is free!

think i best try marky's clinic :D

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Okay I think we're definately talking about different doses then, or maybe a different form - my 1000mg shots come in one small ampule only about an inch tall. The ampules cost around $30 each in Australia for the medication alone, plus the doctor's consultation fee to get the prescription plus the nurse's fee for the actual shot. So the Thai cost is much cheaper for me.Bear in mind I'm using an expensive hospital because I have health insurance. I'm sure you could go to a local hospital or clinic and get it for a fraction of the cost.

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I assume 1000 mg because the ampule was about an inch high and it took her about a minute to inject it.

I don’t think she charged me to inject it only the 70 baht for the B-12. Clinics are a lot cheaper than a hospital. No wait is nice too.

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Local clinic does the shot for 100 baht - I buy the ampule in a pharmacy for 30 baht.

Can take this intravenously or in the gluteus muscle .

Are you sure about the intravenously bit with that ampoule. I used to pay the 100Baht and supply the ampoule vile to the Dr for my wife. Then the Dr showed me how to inject into the 'bum' muscle and where...incorrect method and you can create a big problem. As somewhere above I buy a box of Nevramin, think makes them come out about 12Baht each.

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