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Why Is There So Few Posts On South Thailand?


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Hi there, I'm just wondering why so few people post on this forum? there is alot about the "troubles" and some extremely nasty going ons if some posts even in the first 3 pages of this forum are anything to go by. Is that why people dont go to south thailand? cos its dangerous?

Or is it the scenery is not as good as the northern parts. Considering pattaya has 12,000 topics and thats just a very small city, and south thailand covers a huge area and theres only 750, that makes me wonder, whats wrong with the south,

It also makes me think, it could be a more interesting place to visit as people are neglecting it as they look at the forum and think, sounds dodgy, sounds dangerous, dont want to go there.

Also do they still do muai thai in the south, is it as popular there as it is in the north?

I dont know, on the map south thailand seems huge, yet theres hardly any posts here..... Is it better value for money than the north?

Would anyone living in the south or whos been there recommend I pay it a visit, as to be honest its the hidden un touristy places that are sometimes the best, cos the people arent used to tourists they make much more of an effort than the tourist places where the £££ signs are in many peoples eyes when they look at u.

what good points does the south have?

or are people who know of its good points going to keep schtum and hope people continue not to come :unsure:

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First let me say that this "Southern Thailand Forum" is intended for the sections of Southern Thailand that don't have their own forum. What I mean is that three other forums - the Phuket Forum, the Koh Samui, Koh Phanga, Koh Tao, and the Krabi Forum - are all part of Southern Thailand. Therefore, if you want to see all the topics posted about Southern Thailand, add up the topics from all four of these forums.

What good points does the South have? For me, I was attracted by the beaches. I met and married a woman from Southern Thailand, so I spend most of my time there whenever I return to Thailand. The troubles in the South are mostly in the three most Southern provinces.

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If you're worried by the unrest in the deepest south, then just stay away from the Muslim dominated provices of Yala, Pattani and Narathiwat.....

My family-in-law lives in Satun province, also in the deepest South and there is never any probems. Same same with Trang as nakachalet points out.....Trang is wonderful and amazing!

I lived 5 years in Pattaya - now I have been living almost 4 years in the Khanom and Sichon area, on the mainland opposite Koh Samui.

And I just love it!

10 good reasons why I live here:

  1. Clean and wonderful beaches.
  2. No pollution.
  3. No overcrowding.
  4. Not too many drunken tourists.
  5. Looks and feels like Thailand 25 years ago.
  6. Very affordable prices on land and houses; you save a lot of money!
  7. Very affordable cost of living.
  8. The real taste of Thailand, the food here is not made for tourists, so you eat the same as your Thai neighbor.
  9. Khanom is the center of Southern Thailand with easy access to other parts of Thailand.
  10. The locals of Khanom tends to give you a kind of ”I’m not a tourist, I just belong here” feeling. No selling, no haggling! The locals will more likely smile and wave at you out of friendliness rather than for commercial intention.

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