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"Hangover 2" To Take Place In Thailand


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Looks like the Hangover fellas will be heading to Thailand for boom-boom time with some mama-sans and get into a whole host of hilarious trouble – just like they did in Vegas (baby). Hangover 2 director Todd Phillps denied to Collider back in March that the movie would be heading Far East, but looks like he was lying, or being playful?Coming Soon are currently adamant the new film will see Bradley Cooper, Zach Galifiankis and the other two prepping for a Thai-based shoot this coming Autumn. Wherever the hel_l it’s shooting, they better be fast: Hangover 2 is scheduled for release 26th May, 2011.

Most people were surprised by the success of Todd Phillips’ original movie that saw four buddies head to Las Vegas for a weekend of partying. When one of them goes missing, they search high and low and get into more scrapes than a destruction derby.

Expect lady boy gags, much silliness and probably a laugh riot. There’s a lot to live up to after the success of the first one. Sequels are notorious for not matching the quality of the original. Will this buck the trend?


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I thought the first one was so stupidly funny i kept laughing out loud...not many films do that too me...

They could just ask each TV member to list one memorable night in Bangkok....

I woke up once in my old moo baan in the morning dressed as santa minus my wallet and fast asleep in the middle of the road..the security guard put me on the back of his bike and took me home :lol:

(me and my mate went out down town dressed as santa it was chrimbo time...he put me in a taxi to go home...and thats as much as we can put together..the other 8 hours are lost from my mind...the 8 hours from getting into a taxi then waking up in the road..minus my wallet and house keys)

I have grown up since then and refuse to sleep in the road...i have woken up in the morning lying on my front and my head inside the fridge....i woke up once ontop of my mountain bike and had slept on the back cog and the spikes indented my skin on my arm for 2 days...

Happy memories so many more of Bangors :wai:

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I thought the first one was so stupidly funny i kept laughing out loud...not many films do that too me...

They could just ask each TV member to list one memorable night in Bangkok....

I woke up once in my old moo baan in the morning dressed as santa minus my wallet and fast asleep in the middle of the road..the security guard put me on the back of his bike and took me home :lol:

(me and my mate went out down town dressed as santa it was chrimbo time...he put me in a taxi to go home...and thats as much as we can put together..the other 8 hours are lost from my mind...the 8 hours from getting into a taxi then waking up in the road..minus my wallet and house keys)

I have grown up since then and refuse to sleep in the road...i have woken up in the morning lying on my front and my head inside the fridge....i woke up once ontop of my mountain bike and had slept on the back cog and the spikes indented my skin on my arm for 2 days...

Happy memories so many more of Bangors :wai:

got one of my best mates once while he was out here on a two week vacation with some other friends from back in the u.k. last get together before he tied the knot.

laced his drinks when he wasnt looking, depth charges and all that. as well as all kinds of drinking games that he lost at.

anyway next morning was woken up outside the local buddhist wat by one of the soi dogs licking his face, hair and eyebrows shaved off wearing the traditional golden brown robe worn by a monk.

his wife has never forgiven us for doing that to him and now forbids him taking any holiday breaks in the LOS.

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Collider: There's a lot of talk that "The Hangover 2″ is going to Thailand.

Phillips: I don't know. There's a lot of rumors. There was rumor also that it was going to Mexico or something and neither are true.

Huh, i would like to know who's the producing company in Thailand as I have not heard of this. Should be easy to confirm if any of this is true....

Edited by BigPanda
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Never saw the first film Hangover 1 so can't really comment except to say in terms of hangovers I've got so many of the tee shirts I can't close the closet door.

A in terms of filming such a movie in Thailand expect the Ministry of Culture to wade in. We can't have movies implying, or otherwise, that Thailand is a place for drunken debauchery.

Crikey no! That would put off all those quality tourists.

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That's one movie I would never see in Thailand. I saw The Matador there, and, besides the fact that the humor was totally lost on the audience, there were a few references to Thai teenage hookers. I wanted to crawl under my seat. I liked the movie, though, and I love Pierce Brosnan. Hangover was ok, but mostly toilet humor. I can't begin to imagine the Thai version.

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