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Government Approved Vet

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Hello all,

I'm in search for a government approved Vet in Bangkok. I need health certificates and rabies shots for my cats as we are moving out of Thailand.

If anyone knows of a vet and can provide experiences/details, would really appreciate it.

Thanks in advance :)

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Hi Bina,

Thanks I'll have a search. We're moving to Shanghai. I have the required information for the move from a pet travel agent but I'm at a loss at finding a vet that is government approved for their relevant health checks and certificates.


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Hi Bina,

Thanks I'll have a search. We're moving to Shanghai. I have the required information for the move from a pet travel agent but I'm at a loss at finding a vet that is government approved for their relevant health checks and certificates.


Hi, Thonglor Pet Hospital can do this. They deal with a lot of pet export.

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Hi Bina,

Thanks I'll have a search. We're moving to Shanghai. I have the required information for the move from a pet travel agent but I'm at a loss at finding a vet that is government approved for their relevant health checks and certificates.


Hi, Thonglor Pet Hospital can do this. They deal with a lot of pet export.

Official Export licence and Health Certificate only done at Suvarnabhumi airport ( Health certificate from Thonglor not accept by China AQS )

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Cuki it would be great if you could post updated information, we will be moving our cat too in a few months (she's off to Singapore for a l-o-n-g quarantine before going to Australia). Friends that recently left Thailand with their cat found out at the last minute that some of the Thai export paperwork at the airport can only be done 1-2 days before your cat travels. So don't plan to leave your cat with friends to be shipped after you depart. You need to be here to sign the documents, unless you formally appoint an agent (expensive).

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  • 1 month later...

We've had to postpone our move but I have done the leg work. Apologies that its so belated but better late then never.

1. You would need to get a health certificate from a vet at suvarnabumi airport 3-7 days prior to your flight. They are located in the Cargo section of the airport. I had heard that the process to get the health certificate can drag on from a few hours to the whole day, so I will be using Dr. Maitee Tangnapit from Ari Pet Hospital to assist me in obtaining the health certificates from the airport as he came recommended partly due to his excellent english. His quote included a pick up from my house and delivery once the certificates were obtained. I had heard that Thonglor pet Hospital have the same service but I don't have any experience with them.

2. As you are all probably already aware, ensure that they all your pet's vaccinations are up to date. Below are the vaccination requirements that I'm aware of and reputable pet agencies in countries that I've been in contact with.

Singapore: Annual F4/F5 vaccination and Rabies vaccination to be at least 6 months prior to import. I got in contact with www.petmovers.com.sg, they're able to assist with all importation requirements for a reasonable fee.

Shanghai: Annual F4/F5 vaccination and Rabies vaccination to be at least 1 month prior to import. SHG also has a mandatory 7 day quarantine for all cats/dogs and they have a one-pet-per-passport policy. I got in contact with www.worldcarepet.com, they were very helpful with loads of information. They are able to assist with export (from Bangkok) and importation requirements.

Australia: Annual F4/F5 and pets need to be a resident of a country such as Singapore or Malaysia for 6 months prior to import to Australia. (There are other countries pets could do their 6 months residency but I'm only aware of these two as they are closest to Thailand) I used www.Jetpets.com.au when we moved out of Melbourne without a glitch, and they are able to assist importation requirements as well.

A pet is a friend for life. Hope this helps. Good luck :)

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