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Singaporean Arrested By Thai Customs With 4,000 Ecstasy Pills, Attempts Suicide


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Singaporean arrested with 4,000 ecstasy pills in Songkhla, attempts suicide

SONGKHLA: -- A Singaporean man was arrested Tuesday at a Thai-Malaysian border checkpoint in Sadao district of Songkhla province with more than 4,000 ecstasy pills and other illicit drugs, worth Bt3.5 million (about US$113,800), according to a Thai customs official

When the authorities found the drugs and arrested the man carrying them, he went berserk and tried to attempt suicide by cutting his wrists and throat.

Paisarn Chuenjit, head of Sadao Customs House, said 46-year-old Ang Beng Bee was stopped when customs and immigration officers randomly checked a passenger van coming from Malaysia to Thailand on which Mr Bee was a passenger.

While searching the vehicle, the officials noticed the Singaporean man behaving suspiciously. So they checked his baggage and found 4,384 pills of ecstasy, one gramme of crystal methamphetamine or ‘ice,’ and five Erimin 5 (nimetazepam) pills, with an overall street value of about $113,800.

The detainee, who can understand and speak Thai fluently, said that he travelled from Malaysia’s Johor Bahru state to sell the illicit drugs to tourists in Sadao and Hat Yai.

Initially, customs officials seized all the drugs and detained the Singaporean nationalat Sadao customs house for further investigation.

While being detained, Mr Bee apparently lost his mind and slashed his wrists and neck with a blade. He was immediately sent to Sadao Hospital for medical treatment and currently is recovering. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2010-09-14

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If he was "detained" where did he got the blade....anyway that is not important, what is, is to give him the singapore own medicine...' death penalty '

As long as there is demand, there will be supply. As the man said, he was going to sell to tourists in Thailand. No matter how harsh the penalties, even

the death penalty, it will never stop some people from trying to make some money. Prohibition doesn't work, it only fuels criminality, the "war on drugs" can

never be won...

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If he was "detained" where did he got the blade....anyway that is not important, what is, is to give him the singapore own medicine...' death penalty '

As long as there is demand, there will be supply. As the man said, he was going to sell to tourists in Thailand. No matter how harsh the penalties, even

the death penalty, it will never stop some people from trying to make some money. Prohibition doesn't work, it only fuels criminality, the "war on drugs" can

never be won...

Luckily, the British did not think that way in WWII.

Defeatism must give you a miserable life.

With the right mental attitude and the right laws in place, of course the narcotic trade can be eliminated. One just needs to have the will and determination to go through with the necessary measures.

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If he was "detained" where did he got the blade....anyway that is not important, what is, is to give him the singapore own medicine...' death penalty '

As long as there is demand, there will be supply. As the man said, he was going to sell to tourists in Thailand. No matter how harsh the penalties, even

the death penalty, it will never stop some people from trying to make some money. Prohibition doesn't work, it only fuels criminality, the "war on drugs" can

never be won...

Luckily, the British did not think that way in WWII.

This statement is wonderfully ironic considering the Brits were the biggest opium pushers in the 19th century.

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If he was "detained" where did he got the blade....anyway that is not important, what is, is to give him the singapore own medicine...' death penalty '

As long as there is demand, there will be supply. As the man said, he was going to sell to tourists in Thailand. No matter how harsh the penalties, even

the death penalty, it will never stop some people from trying to make some money. Prohibition doesn't work, it only fuels criminality, the "war on drugs" can

never be won...

Luckily, the British did not think that way in WWII.

Defeatism must give you a miserable life.

With the right mental attitude and the right laws in place, of course the narcotic trade can be eliminated. One just needs to have the will and determination to go through with the necessary measures.

Your dreaming. Reality is not defeatism with an accompanied miserable life.

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Singaporean Attempts Suicide in Bt3.5m Thai Ecstasy Bust

A Singaporean national arrested smuggling more than 4,000-ecstasy pills and other narcotics across the Thai-Malaysian border on Tuesday reportedly later attempted suicide, according to customs officials.

Thailand, the 14th of September 2010: Arrested smuggling narcotics at a Thai-Malay border checkpoint in Sadao district, Songkhla, the offender was taken back to the Sadao Customs Offices were he is reported to have later attempted suicide.

Full story HERE


-- 2010-09-14


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If he was "detained" where did he got the blade....anyway that is not important, what is, is to give him the singapore own medicine...' death penalty '

Send him back to Singapore and let him taste the full gambit of the law there. He thinks the law here is more lax and he can get away lightly, that's why he peddles them in the south and not in Singapore or Malaysia. Poor guy probably in huge debt and took the risk, now regreted being caught and wants to end his life from all the misery. Unfortunately he wasn't sure if he wanted to die, that's why he is still alive.....hoping to get sympathy?

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Singaporean who speaks fluent Thai - has to be more to this as people don't attempt suicide for USD100k of crap. Maybe he is part of a larger scale operation and certain elements want him out of the way. But drugs in Malaysia and in Singapore are death penalty as has already been stated. If so - som num na! Bye bye... ph34r.gif

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Luckily, the British did not think that way in WWII.

Defeatism must give you a miserable life.

With the right mental attitude and the right laws in place, of course the narcotic trade can be eliminated. One just needs to have the will and determination to go through with the necessary measures.

Yeah, American Prohibition took the same attitude and was a huge success.

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If he was "detained" where did he got the blade....anyway that is not important, what is, is to give him the singapore own medicine...' death penalty '

As long as there is demand, there will be supply. As the man said, he was going to sell to tourists in Thailand. No matter how harsh the penalties, even

the death penalty, it will never stop some people from trying to make some money. Prohibition doesn't work, it only fuels criminality, the "war on drugs" can

never be won...

Luckily, the British did not think that way in WWII.

Defeatism must give you a miserable life.

With the right mental attitude and the right laws in place, of course the narcotic trade can be eliminated. One just needs to have the will and determination to go through with the necessary measures.

Realism. Not Defeatism. Look what prohibition did in the US. Demand creates supply, along with the profits from whatever. When Gvmnts work out how to make a profit out of the "drugs trade" and the demand is high enough, it will happen. I am not for harmful drugs, but I am a realist - with a lot of cynicism thrown in.The use of "illegal narcotics" goes right through every level of our society.

Edited by newtronbom
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If he was "detained" where did he got the blade....anyway that is not important, what is, is to give him the singapore own medicine...' death penalty '

As long as there is demand, there will be supply. As the man said, he was going to sell to tourists in Thailand. No matter how harsh the penalties, even

the death penalty, it will never stop some people from trying to make some money. Prohibition doesn't work, it only fuels criminality, the "war on drugs" can

never be won...

You are right no matter what the drug menace will never be eradicated....but deterrence can work wonders look at Singapore they don't have much of such cases... :ph34r:

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If he was "detained" where did he got the blade....anyway that is not important, what is, is to give him the singapore own medicine...' death penalty '

As long as there is demand, there will be supply. As the man said, he was going to sell to tourists in Thailand. No matter how harsh the penalties, even

the death penalty, it will never stop some people from trying to make some money. Prohibition doesn't work, it only fuels criminality, the "war on drugs" can

never be won...

You are right no matter what the drug menace will never be eradicated....but deterrence can work wonders look at Singapore they don't have much of such cases... :ph34r:

Yes, I don't understand why we don't introduce the death penalty for ALL crimes, that would nearly eliminate speeding.

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If he was "detained" where did he got the blade....anyway that is not important, what is, is to give him the singapore own medicine...' death penalty '

As long as there is demand, there will be supply. As the man said, he was going to sell to tourists in Thailand. No matter how harsh the penalties, even

the death penalty, it will never stop some people from trying to make some money. Prohibition doesn't work, it only fuels criminality, the "war on drugs" can

never be won...

Luckily, the British did not think that way in WWII.

Defeatism must give you a miserable life.

With the right mental attitude and the right laws in place, of course the narcotic trade can be eliminated. One just needs to have the will and determination to go through with the necessary measures.

My life is not miserable at all, and realism is something else than defeatism. Besides, I do not think it is very polite of you to judge my life because of my opinion.

Just have to look at the US of A, where the world's largest prison population mirrors the world's largest drug consumer market.

Also the very harsh laws in Thailand don't seem to stop to endless flow of people bringing the drugs to Thailand. In the few weeks that I have been a member of this forum

I have read at least 6 posts of smugglers bringing Amphetamines to Thailand, so obviously the market is there...

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If he was "detained" where did he got the blade....anyway that is not important, what is, is to give him the singapore own medicine...' death penalty '

As long as there is demand, there will be supply. As the man said, he was going to sell to tourists in Thailand. No matter how harsh the penalties, even

the death penalty, it will never stop some people from trying to make some money. Prohibition doesn't work, it only fuels criminality, the "war on drugs" can

never be won...

Luckily, the British did not think that way in WWII.

This statement is wonderfully ironic considering the Brits were the biggest opium pushers in the 19th century.

Better to be polite.Brits were chasing the dragon more than any other nationalities....

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Yes, I don't understand why we don't introduce the death penalty for ALL crimes, that would nearly eliminate speeding.

You are exactly correct!!!!

I'm sure that all crimes would drop to a very low percentage if we, the voters, insisted that all criminals be exterminated :lol:

As an added bonus, we could unrestrict age limits on crimes so that very young people could be included in this 'extermination of criminals' process. This would be very beneficial to the already overpopulated world in general because population is primarily influenced by the 'infantile death rate'. As the infantile death rate increases, the population should decrease.

I'm sure that all the 'control freaks' out there would love to prevent any kind of criminal emerging from society's womb. As such, the quick extermination of any 'defective' human would no doubt (in their mind), prevent the proliferation of criminals.

All we need now is something like 'religion' to make it happen & be globally accepted.

Let's talk about reality now:

Legalise drugs now & prevent the profits from going to individuals & governments!!!!!!

Edited by elkangorito
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With the right mental attitude and the right laws in place, of course the narcotic trade can be eliminated. One just needs to have the will and determination to go through with the necessary measures.

Ah, so what would that mental attitude and those laws be then? The attitude and laws that have prevailed for the last 70 years, perhaps?

What part of "prohibition doesn't work" don't you understand? The "prohibition" bit, or the "doesn't work" bit?

I think you need to come down from your ivory tower and soak up a bit of reality.

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