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Centipede Bite


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Hope the foot gets better Dunc...........Mr Aqualina shhhhhhhhhhhhhh or my secret will be out

You bad man you ! Your secret is safe with me ;)

Well had to go to the hospital that night as the pain was so intense. They gave me an injection and some very strong pain killers and various other tablets that took the swelling down. The next day it was still a little sore but nothing compared to the day before. I wont forget to give my shoes a shake in the future. :)

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This reminds me of my Dad in north Africa during world war two, my dad use to tell me that they were put on a charge if they got bitten for the simple fact they did not check there boots before putting them on.

He said there main problem were what they called boot lace snakes that would snuggle up inside the boots.

Edited by Kwasaki
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Hope the foot gets better Dunc...........Mr Aqualina shhhhhhhhhhhhhh or my secret will be out

You bad man you ! Your secret is safe with me ;)

Well had to go to the hospital that night as the pain was so intense. They gave me an injection and some very strong pain killers and various other tablets that took the swelling down. The next day it was still a little sore but nothing compared to the day before. I wont forget to give my shoes a shake in the future. :)

My Friend who worked in Afghanistan is now back in BKK if you need to contact him at all, good luck with the foot:(

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I'm guessing that these huge centipedes won't just sting you for no reason if you're lying down or sleeping. A bit like a bee, it has to feel threatened or be harmed first?

What do they eat in the wild....small insects or do they use their stings and poison to kill small mammals?

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I'm guessing that these huge centipedes won't just sting you for no reason if you're lying down or sleeping. A bit like a bee, it has to feel threatened or be harmed first?

What do they eat in the wild....small insects or do they use their stings and poison to kill small mammals?

Actually they are quite quick to bite, but they prefer to run. They eat whatever they can kill, I have seen one eat a mouse on you tube, but I think mostly it is other bugs. And they don't sting, they have venomous pincers on their mouth, so I think it would be called a bite.

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And scorpions! I saw one headed to our shoe rack the other night. Big and very black.

Wifey got bitten on little finger by scorpion last night..under the f..g pillow ( I had been using it outside on wicker lounger..so probably should have stung me!)..Nothing one can do it seems for the intense pain from the likes of wasps , ants and scorpions. I have been stung so many times on the farm by scorpions and wasps etc.last month twice in one day one on each hand!.....f... it hurts!!

....best "cure" is a large glass of Thai rum and good swear. Once put my hand in my reef runner type shoes I use for climbing ladders etc..to remove a leaf ?..NOT f..g family of scorpions..mum got me...wear youre glasses stupid..lol

the little pale orange bastards are the worst....problem is they "freeze" and wait for you..lol

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Best thing to do with centipedes is catch them and drown them in a bottle of Lao Khao.

The venom leaches out and next day the resulting cocktail is said to give you more "power" ;) .

The problem is that it still tastes like Lao Khao. :sick:

and no, no discernable effect on any body part. :(

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I'm guessing that these huge centipedes won't just sting you for no reason if you're lying down or sleeping. A bit like a bee, it has to feel threatened or be harmed first?

What do they eat in the wild....small insects or do they use their stings and poison to kill small mammals?

Actually they are quite quick to bite, but they prefer to run. They eat whatever they can kill, I have seen one eat a mouse on you tube, but I think mostly it is other bugs. And they don't sting, they have venomous pincers on their mouth, so I think it would be called a bite.

Not just the mouth, back end stings too I've been told? Centipede had me once while gardening in flip-flops, you won't catch me without my boots on these days, at least with a snake there's only one end you have to be careful of! We had two of those bright green pit-vipers in the missus' wardrobe one day (mating couple come in to nest allegedly?), that was a tricky extraction process.

They also say the big, black scorpions are the least venomous; larger pincers, less toxic venom? Don't fancy trying it all the same...!

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I'm guessing that these huge centipedes won't just sting you for no reason if you're lying down or sleeping. A bit like a bee, it has to feel threatened or be harmed first?

What do they eat in the wild....small insects or do they use their stings and poison to kill small mammals?

Actually they are quite quick to bite, but they prefer to run. They eat whatever they can kill, I have seen one eat a mouse on you tube, but I think mostly it is other bugs. And they don't sting, they have venomous pincers on their mouth, so I think it would be called a bite.

Yes these large centipedes are quite aggressive because they are the apex predators in their insect-centric world. They will also hunt and eat small mammals like mice/rats and also seek out small bats in caves. Therefore, unlike most insects who try to flee us large humans, these guys will often stand their ground and fight!

Edited by FarangBuddha
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I had one of the LARGE ones in my bathroom last year. Used up half a can of Mortein to take it out . It was really quick and running around for a minute in the spray, and then writhing for about an hour more after becoming immobolised. My apartment was pretty much uninhabitable for a week because of the toxic fumes.

I'm really wondering what to do if I see a scorpion - does Mortein or any other spray kill them or at least paralyse them so I can find something to whack them with?

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I had one of the LARGE ones in my bathroom last year. Used up half a can of Mortein to take it out . It was really quick and running around for a minute in the spray, and then writhing for about an hour more after becoming immobolised. My apartment was pretty much uninhabitable for a week because of the toxic fumes.

I'm really wondering what to do if I see a scorpion - does Mortein or any other spray kill them or at least paralyse them so I can find something to whack them with?

In comparison, scorpions are pretty slow, and usually they will stand there so you can whack em.

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Best thing to do with centipedes is catch them and drown them in a bottle of Lao Khao.

The venom leaches out and next day the resulting cocktail is said to give you more "power" ;) .

The problem is that it still tastes like Lao Khao. :sick:

Nobody is forcing you to use Lao Khao or any other kind of rocket fuel. Use Patron Tequila then. :thumbsup: (This applies to other infusions as well; just use a decent Vodka or Tequila)

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I'm guessing that these huge centipedes won't just sting you for no reason if you're lying down or sleeping. A bit like a bee, it has to feel threatened or be harmed first?

What do they eat in the wild....small insects or do they use their stings and poison to kill small mammals?

Actually they are quite quick to bite, but they prefer to run. They eat whatever they can kill, I have seen one eat a mouse on you tube, but I think mostly it is other bugs. And they don't sting, they have venomous pincers on their mouth, so I think it would be called a bite.

Not just the mouth, back end stings too I've been told? Centipede had me once while gardening in flip-flops, you won't catch me without my boots on these days, at least with a snake there's only one end you have to be careful of! We had two of those bright green pit-vipers in the missus' wardrobe one day (mating couple come in to nest allegedly?), that was a tricky extraction process.

They also say the big, black scorpions are the least venomous; larger pincers, less toxic venom? Don't fancy trying it all the same...!

this is a myth. when fighting prey they will hang on with the back legs while biting with the front two legs that have developed into fangs.

Myself and a group of friends once watched a 2 hour battle between a takaab and a tokay.

the tokay won but was bleeding extensively. It was also never seen again despite the fact that it had inhabited the same wall long enough to rate a name.

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I have lots of centipedes at my house in Thailand I always work in the yard in thongs and have never been bitten. A couple of years ago was back in Oz for a holiday and cutting some firewood and sure enough was bitten by a centipede. I can only ever remember seeing 2 in Oz and 1 had to bite me.

In April this year I walked into the computer room just as one of those big black wasps flew past the fan and it was blown in behind my glasses, it bit me a few times before I could get the glasses off. My wife was on the computer and thought I was going crazy.

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  • 4 months later...

i've just stood on a red centipede and the bugger bit/stung my right big toe - 2 hours later and the pain is increasing into a sharp throbbing, but almost no swelling. The wife told me there was nothing to do and has gone to bed... any chance she'll awake to see a corpse lying on the floor in the morn?

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i've just stood on a red centipede and the bugger bit/stung my right big toe - 2 hours later and the pain is increasing into a sharp throbbing, but almost no swelling. The wife told me there was nothing to do and has gone to bed... any chance she'll awake to see a corpse lying on the floor in the morn?

If you were to have an anaphalyatic shock I think it would have happened by now. (I'm no doctor though)

Also, if he bit you properly, you would be experiencing more than just a sharp throbbing. A full on centipede bite is something you will never forget.

Maybe he didn't penetrate the skin properly or only got to inject a tiny amount of venom.

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I tried to kill one before. Took like 30 mins. I vaccumed it only to have it climb right out of the vacuum cleaner. I poisoned it with various pesticides. ARS, shellnox, etc. nothing, no effect. The best way is to just smack it.

I killed one once; held it down with the plastic handle-part of a mop and took off it's head with a shovel...they are very strong, resilient from normal whacks...and even a metal shovel needs several attempts to sever the head from the body...tough little critters, and huge. This one was around 30cm, dark back.

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I'm guessing that these huge centipedes won't just sting you for no reason if you're lying down or sleeping. A bit like a bee, it has to feel threatened or be harmed first?

That is right. I just showed my gf this thread and pics and she retold me the child-hood (or, teen) event of her resting under a tree and a big centipede walking over her. I didn't bite but she remembers the event in shudder...

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I don't like to wear plastic boots when working in tall grass, everything get inside, and worse, stay inside. I either work with open shoes or if I need strong grip I bought those army boots that are cheap, strong and very comfortable. And nothing gets inside :)

The only problem that worries me is, is tapping enough to get rid of all the local creepers that can chose to hide in your boots ? Before putting my foot inside, I always feel the urge to try with my hand first. Not that smart, I know, but what are the other option ?

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