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Posting Computer Tower From Melbourne Australia To Chiang Mai


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Hi there,

I'm currently moving to Chiang Mai at the end of November from Melbourne, and I have no need to ship any belongings that don't fit in my luggage apart from my computer tower.

I haven't really been able to find anything online, so I was wondering what my options were, especially in terms of cost ? From what I understand it could end up being quite pricey and the item could get taxed heavily.

Also, would I just use something like Australia Post or is there another carrier that is recommended?

Thanks in advance

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Thanks for the quick reply.

I considered that, but the problem with the mobo is that I'd need to format if I choose this option. The other issue if I split it up and bring the parts with me is that I think it would be quite hard for me to transport the mobo without getting damaged. I'm hoping I can just put the tower in a box and send it- If not, I would likely have to resort to one of those options.

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Have you considered boxing it up, checking it as additional luggage, and paying the overage fees? Might be cheaper than shipping and bypasses the additional hassle of dealing with shipping customs people. This is what I did with all my belongings when I relocated here form the US.


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I would just pull the hard drive, and any expensive but portable componants and bring them in my luggage.

You can buy the Tower, mobo, and PSU out here fairly easily.

I bought a tower in uk 3 years ago and put it in my hand luggage and the air crew taken it away form me until i arrive BKK then i went through customs and was stopped and the asked me if the tower is over 5 years old then it canot enter thailand ?? its was not and not sure how they would know just by looking ? so if its old then i would say back your data up and buy a tower here and they are cheap here. Rob. Oh the customs did not charge me any inport tax as i said its my personal pc

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i thinking posting your com tower here would not be the best choice . to consider the postage as well as possible damage , and i would suggest you totto order it here in thailand .

if you need help with ordering let me know , i know door to door service for some very cool brand like .

Enermax as well as Coolermaster and logitech stuff :)

would be more then happy to help you if you are in chiangmai

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If you send it unaccompanied you will be charged a lot of duty, I would pay the excess baggage on it or as suggested take the expensive parts. I fail to see why you would need to format it. I am moving to Thailand in a few weeks and we are sending our furniture etc by container. I am stripping the guts out of my main pc and taking it on the plane for the reason that I will be charged duty on more than one in the shipping container.

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I have gone through the declared channel a number of times with a computer tower. Once they looked at and said oh it's secondhand no problem. Other times the ask is it new I said no and was waved through.

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i shipped my house over many years ago - cost me like 200,000b just to do it . but i did bring all the good and junk from my house , even set of old table and chair , and 3 set of PC with ancient CRT 21" monitor and the old Pentium 2 CPu .

all you need is bring the HArddisk for your data . or back it up on a mini drive .

get a new system here .

is easy . if you need help getting a new system Pm me i would be happy to find you find anything you want .

my home system is running on a water cooling system for my computer running on a older Quad cord 6600 , and my wife running Q9550 i am working on 8GB of ram and she is usually just play with kids game .

i am running dual 24" HP monitor and she is going 22" HP .


is not really that expensive - a simple set up can be about 20k-30kb and a high end set up maybe 30k - 70k

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Have you considered boxing it up, checking it as additional luggage, and paying the overage fees? Might be cheaper than shipping and bypasses the additional hassle of dealing with shipping customs people. This is what I did with all my belongings when I relocated here form the US.


Thats what l did from the UK so you have full control of where it is at any time. No problems with Customs here as it is for your use

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