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Chiangmai Travel Agent- Be Very Wary Of


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I found this lady through this site when I searched for travel agents. These reviews of her didn't show up the first time and it showed good reviews and praise for her service. Too bad they haven't removed the good reviews with all the bad ones in place.

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I've got news, good news, and bad news. First off is the bad news.... I had three different friends, one an 80 yrold man get taken by her to the tune of US $3,000 in November. his explanation was that he found her ad, had used her before many years ago, and she is always so friendly. He also, at his age, feels uncomfortable navigating websites and doing online booking. So he booked a special holiday travel ticket to the States to visit old friends - never knowing when might be the last time. He shows up, the ticket is fake, Korean Airlines says she's banned from booking with them, but that's all hindsight and from the other party though, isn't it ? Tow other friends had Dec holiday plans and booked with her. Had seen her ads as well, and it was their first time to use her. One friend, already moved out from apt, takes bus down, then straight to Swampy to catch flight to Europe. No flight. Printed ticket was fake. She's got to scramble to understand, find a place to stay, and then come back and straighten out her visa as work permit was canceled the day she was at the airport. Brilliant ! Thanks, K. XXXjana !

Brief interruption - be it noted that, if any of these three friends were not naysayers of TV and skeptical of it being nothing more than old crotchety gits, they'd have been well up to date on who to avoid dealings with in this town ! TV is an indispensable resource to us and our communities and it's too bad for some that they don't come on here and make it what they want it to be. Their loss... literally !

So...general news, the police captain seemed to be fed up with all of this. Two of my friends did a little digging, and nope ! She's not police connected ! Her hubby works at an ice plant. Quite different from the rumors. She may however be being squeezed by mafia or somebody may have a serious gambling problem to so belligerently start printing fake tickets and pocketing money so blatantly in such rapid succession. I can only imagine how many others got stung in Nov/ Dec that I don't know about. I'm also sad it hit three of my friends ! Especially my sweet 80 yrs plus buddy. Shaaaaaaame on her ! Shame, shame, gaam, gaam ! (Karma in Thai กรรม)

Speaking of karma, the police for some reason - probably her getting so out of hand - have finally moved and she was arrested and put up in the pokey for a couple of days. Not sure what the game plan is, but she's feeling the heat and something's gonna come to a head quite soon, I believe. Her office had already closed, disappeared in the last couple weeks. Let's hope she's out of business for good and some of this money or her assets can be seized !

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You guys with so many people almost scammed and been scammed , why not get together and make a protest infront of her Shop and make it Known .. Thailand love Faces.

when there lose faces there will do anything to get it back . call it . Thailand news agency . and soeard the news to local news and talk to reporter to put them on paper make them FAMOUS in the way there will end .

why wait till the NEXT people get SCAM or cheated .

PM me their name i would love to know .

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Has she been reported to IATA or the Airlines ?? How can Thai know about this but keep accepting bookings from her ???

Oh! and how did you get the E ticket if it wasnt paid for ? In my experience you cant get the ticket "E" or otherwise unless it is paid for!!

Best advice ive seen is use your credit card and buy from the airline.

Sorry to hear about your bad experience!

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  • 2 weeks later...

What would happen if a farang paraded outside a scum bag travel agency with a picket sign, which explained the details of their incident? Maybe even phone a couple of Tv and radio stations and tell them there is a crazy farang marching up and down the street with a sign.

Is this type of action legitimate in Thailand?

Edited by cigar7
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Some thing is going on, Received an email from them, cc'd to hundreds of presumably past customers;









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Here's what to do if you got burned. This is second-hand info that I'm passing on trying to help out. I'm not sure of the actual police guy's name, but this is how I received it.

"It's gonna help your friend to go with a Thai, as the coordinating police officer has little to no English. Unless, of course, you speak some pretty good Thai. My friend also recommends bringing a Thai person anyway, since this is a frustrating issue and Thais dealing with Thais are more likely to remain properly polite and even-tempered, even though this is an annoying situation.

You will need to go to the Phu Ping Police Station which is up Huay Kaew and near the zoo. It's on the opposite side of the street (zoo entrance is on left, police on rt side when facing the mountain with city behind you), and actually just past the Royal Project Store/ Foundation. It may take a bit of searching but that should help.

Contact person - as per my info - is named Natkapong 089-852-9327. The recommended thing is not to call, but to go in person and bring any/all documents like tickets, calendars, stubs n receipts, printed out emails. Anything you can think of to help document your situation as justice is sought. And if it's a cold day in h3ll, you may even get some recovered funds if they ever turn up.

Good Luck ! Keep us posted on TV !"


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And so..... Moetown, did you read my post right above yours or not ? And did you read my other one from a week or so back saying she's in the pokey (the can, the hoosegow, JAIL, etc.) ?

I hope you have, 'cause now there's a line of action to be taken. The letter sent out via email is of little consequence. It still leaves you without some next step to take. I'm quite curious to see how many people will start to trickle in now.

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Good luck in nailing the scammer. It ruins it for everyone. I'm surprised she hasn't been shut down before this.

I always deal with JIMMY'S TRAVEL. His shop is a few doors down from the corner where Th Chang Khlan road runs into the Night Market. They also offer the fish tank spa. Either Jimmy, his wife or their partner Ef will help you. I've been dealing with them for years and never had a problem. There shop is cross the corner from the Pantip Plaza.

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Why can't we name and shame this grub for what she is ? So as other members of Thaivisa.com won't fall into the same trap. I thought this website was designed to help other members.

Personally I go straight to the Thai Airways office and buy my tickets there to avoid people like "Miss L". Trust me when I say she is not the only shark out there lurking in the muddy waters.

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I got ripped of by mrs L aswell....

What a forum if we cant name her and prevent other forum readers to get ripped of..

Talking about defamation.. how many time is Taksin named in a bad way..or other people I think TV is beeing to strickt in this matter.

Nobody will get hurt if we name her..

Anybody can PM me if you want her name and the the name of her shop..

Wish I could publish it here..

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I have edited out the name of the company as it is against forum rules to publish it.

I would be very grateful if you do not mention it again until a court has proved guilt


She's in prison. Police has sent out emails to potential scam victims. That's not enough to print a name??? Jeez... anyway, she's no danger to anyone at the moment.

Talked to a Thai lawyer once and he explained how you can get justice in Thailand - hire a good lawyer. It's that simple. Anyone has police / military connections - a good lawyer's job will then be to find better police / military connections, and once they do there's a very good chance you will win.

Gambling / drug addiction are both very good explanations for the rather short-sighted behavior of this lady. Especially gambling... "I'll take this customer's money, win much more at the local gambling parlor, and then.... whoops, money's gone..."

Edited by nikster
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No reason to get bent out of shape and question forum rules or moves of a moderator ! It's not a wise thing to do anyway, as per forum rules. There are many ways to name people without outright naming them per se. You can use metaphors, describe them, explain the area of the city where a business is, maybe call them by a rhyming, but different name or moniker (as I did a pg back or so). It's quite easy to speak indirectly, and oh so good to develop this most important Thai skill. I appreciate that we have rules, and that there is always a little wiggle room if you are conscientious.

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No reason to get bent out of shape and question forum rules or moves of a moderator ! It's not a wise thing to do anyway, as per forum rules.

Dear realthaideal!

You seem to be discussing forum rules. That, unfortunately, is against the rules. Please be more careful in the future.

Thank You!

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Are we talking about xxxxxx Travel? My suggestion is stay well and clear of this woman as she is a scammer will rip you off very quick. I booked with this company once turned up at the airport to check in and was told sorry can't check in as the agent had not paid. Thai airways told me that they have a lot of problems with this company. Lost my money and missed my flight.

Well done Moetown for posting this, you beat me to it. You have done a great service to all those on Thaivisa especially in the Chiangmai area.

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I can assure you that ifyou go to the Tourist Police or division 5, you will get excellent help. There is a Thai employee who is a lawyer and speaks about three language and wil tgake your statement and the police WILL investigate and I believe you will be successful.. If you need details please pm me.

Hahaha, you are quiet naïve, just as I was.

I got scammed by the xxxxxxxxx lady for about 90.000 Baht.

I had to buy a return ticket at the airport because she cancelled my return flight while I was traveling. She pocketed the money. I was in queue for 2 hours at Emirates check in and only then I learned I disappeared out of their booking system. Nobody of the Emirates airline wanted to help; I could not even make a phone call. Showing them my e-ticket and receipt of full payment, they told me I got scammed and had to try to find a solution by myself. I was angrily watching Emirates flight taking of. For about 14 hours I was looking for a solution inside the airport. Finally I found a ticket back to Bangkok / Chiang Mai at 90K. 120.000 Baht was the highest fare.

Going to her office near the Chedi hotel (now closed), she called immediately her friend at the Police station 5 to scare me off. Nevertheless, I went to that same police station as I wanted to talk to the highest ranked officer there. After a while we got in his office and explained everything in English and my wife in Thai. He understood and knew very well what was going on. He left us in his office, asking us to wait, and came back after 20 minutes. He told us he could do nothing as that lady had some problems right now but for sure would do everything to refund us. After telling him I wanted to leave a declaration and had many doubts about the good intentions of the Mau-tours lady, he replied I had to give her some time and better not put everything on paper.

On the e-ticket was some other information and that led me to another address. It was the big travel agency near the Warorot market on the corner next to a klong. Apparently, Mau tours booked most of the tickets there. The owner is a Pakistani (I guess) Sikh and owns a big gun shop next to his (licensed) travel agency. Having that shop, and maybe the only licensed gun shop in Chiang Mai, he knows all policemen and other people alike. The circle is round and closed my friend.

I made up my mind and I think I know why this scam can go on for years and leave hundreds of farangs stranded all over the world. Talking to some staff at Thai Airways, they confirm they know about the problems for years but they can do nothing as well.

This is LOS; LAND OF SCAMS instead of land of smiles. We all know very well after some time. Be suspicious in everything and trust nobody, thats the only thing we can do.

The lady is operating now at the Wat Pra Sing area.

Sawasdee pi mai.

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Let me clarify Thai Visa's policy regarding naming and shaming on this thread or any other.

if information regarding this company's alleged crimes is in the public domain and supplied by a credible source, eg The Nation, BK Post, CM Mail, then there is no reason why TV would not publish it, in fact should publish it, but until there is a verifiable source of information then TV cannot publish the name.

It makes no difference if the person concerned is in police custody or not, until such information is released to the public from a credible source then I'm afraid it's a no go.

But once any info regarding this company is out in the open and you can provide a credible link then please post it.

I hope this is clear, I have had to remove a really poor effort to disguise the name, next time warnings or holidays will be given to those blatantly flouting forum rules or discussing the moderation of it.

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Let me clarify Thai Visa's policy regarding naming and shaming on this thread or any other.

if information regarding this company's alleged crimes is in the public domain and supplied by a credible source, eg The Nation, BK Post, CM Mail, then there is no reason why TV would not publish it, in fact should publish it, but until there is a verifiable source of information then TV cannot publish the name.

It makes no difference if the person concerned is in police custody or not, until such information is released to the public from a credible source then I'm afraid it's a no go.

But once any info regarding this company is out in the open and you can provide a credible link then please post it.

I hope this is clear, I have had to remove a really poor effort to disguise the name, next time warnings or holidays will be given to those blatantly flouting forum rules or discussing the moderation of it.

What you say is fair enough but it appears that all the posters on here have had some dealings with the person and she is already well know in Chiangmai for what she is. From waht I have read everyone already has personal factual evidence which they can verify. I personally can provide documented evidence and a 1st hand account. I think a report in a local rag 3rd hand would be less credible than a story comming from an actual victim.

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Hi Invex. If you read the thread fully, or some posts that do the dance about the name, you'll find we're speaking of 'xxx xxx Travel, not 'xxx Tours'. I do remember another thread about those (Xxx Tours)ppl from a ways back and how many lost their money. It does sound like exactly the same thing as my friends experienced. It's a terrible thing showing up at an airport with a fake ticket, homes and apartments all packed up, holiday or work plans ready to go, and then feel like schmuck taken by a scammer with a fake ticket in the cue, and then the need to find a rectification that won't break the bank as you're stranded at the airport. I feel for these people.

If you read a cpl posts back, there's info about who to contact now, as the offending person is in custody.

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The sad thing is that there is probably a few very good small travel agents in CM who will suffer simply because of this ladies actions. A lot of people wll now steer well and truely clear of most of them out of fear of being ripped off. A few honest ones may even go out of business suffering the ripple effect.

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Then the good agents should get together and use their influence to stop these scams. They have contacts in the police and TAT

I doubt they will wish to get involved. Too much Mae bhen rai

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No reason to get bent out of shape and question forum rules or moves of a moderator ! It's not a wise thing to do anyway, as per forum rules. There are many ways to name people without outright naming them per se. You can use metaphors, describe them, explain the area of the city where a business is, maybe call them by a rhyming, but different name or moniker (as I did a pg back or so). It's quite easy to speak indirectly, and oh so good to develop this most important Thai skill. I appreciate that we have rules, and that there is always a little wiggle room if you are conscientious.

All that is almost useless. What do most people do if they want to check out peoples experiences with a company or shop?

They google or do some other search for the name of that company or shop. What will the result be if they google for this woman or her shop?

I'm sure Google has a lot of smart people working for them, but we are pretty far off from that day where your google search will match any of those "clever" metaphors, rhymes, or "indirect" references when you search for the name of the woman or her shop.

Sure, the very few people reading this thread may take the bother to find a local mag or drive past the area mentioned in order to deduce the name of the shop/woman in question, but this is of no help to the vast majority of people who do not, nor ever will, read this thread, but who may still be careful enough to google the name of the shop before paying for their tickets.

Which is a pity, as it seems they will almost certainly be ripped off too. I can only hope some of the people scammed will mention the name of the shop directly in some other forum, blog, or whatever, so that google will hopefully pick it up.

Edited by Awk
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No reason to get bent out of shape and question forum rules or moves of a moderator ! It's not a wise thing to do anyway, as per forum rules. There are many ways to name people without outright naming them per se. You can use metaphors, describe them, explain the area of the city where a business is, maybe call them by a rhyming, but different name or moniker (as I did a pg back or so). It's quite easy to speak indirectly, and oh so good to develop this most important Thai skill. I appreciate that we have rules, and that there is always a little wiggle room if you are conscientious.

All that is almost useless. What do most people do if they want to check out peoples experiences with a company or shop?

They google or do some other search for the name of that company or shop. What will the result be if they google for this woman or her shop?

I'm sure Google has a lot of smart people working for them, but we are pretty far off from that day where your google search will match any of those "clever" metaphors, rhymes, or "indirect" references when you search for the name of the woman or her shop.

Sure, the very few people reading this thread may take the bother to find a local mag or drive past the area mentioned in order to deduce the name of the shop/woman in question, but this is of no help to the vast majority of people who do not, nor ever will, read this thread, but who may still be careful enough to google the name of the shop before paying for their tickets.

Which is a pity, as it seems they will almost certainly be ripped off too. I can only hope some of the people scammed will mention the name of the shop directly in some other forum, blog, or whatever, so that google will hopefully pick it up.

Can someone repeat once again (I assume it's located somewhere in this very long thread already) where the "evil" shop is located? I think I've figured out the name, but see references to the shop having moved. Where is it now?

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No reason to get bent out of shape and question forum rules or moves of a moderator ! It's not a wise thing to do anyway, as per forum rules. There are many ways to name people without outright naming them per se. You can use metaphors, describe them, explain the area of the city where a business is, maybe call them by a rhyming, but different name or moniker (as I did a pg back or so). It's quite easy to speak indirectly, and oh so good to develop this most important Thai skill. I appreciate that we have rules, and that there is always a little wiggle room if you are conscientious.

All that is almost useless. What do most people do if they want to check out peoples experiences with a company or shop?

They google or do some other search for the name of that company or shop. What will the result be if they google for this woman or her shop?

I'm sure Google has a lot of smart people working for them, but we are pretty far off from that day where your google search will match any of those "clever" metaphors, rhymes, or "indirect" references when you search for the name of the woman or her shop.

Sure, the very few people reading this thread may take the bother to find a local mag or drive past the area mentioned in order to deduce the name of the shop/woman in question, but this is of no help to the vast majority of people who do not, nor ever will, read this thread, but who may still be careful enough to google the name of the shop before paying for their tickets.

Which is a pity, as it seems they will almost certainly be ripped off too. I can only hope some of the people scammed will mention the name of the shop directly in some other forum, blog, or whatever, so that google will hopefully pick it up.

Can someone repeat once again (I assume it's located somewhere in this very long thread already) where the "evil" shop is located? I think I've figured out the name, but see references to the shop having moved. Where is it now?

P.M me I will give you names, address, phone n# and email address if you wish. If that is allowed I hope a moderator on here can confirm this for me. If it is not Pm. me for my personal email address and I can provide it this way.

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Here is a bit of info that may help when you buy a ticket from a travel agent. After you purchase the ticket then call the airline on which you are flying and confirm with them that you are booked on the flight. If you're not booked then the agent obviously hasn't paid them and probably ripping you off.

I had this problem with a travel agent here in Bangkok last July. I booked two r/t tickets on Egypt Air to Cairo. A couple of days after I paid the agent I called Egypt Air to make our seat selection and was told we were not booked on the flight! I quickly called the agent. He called back and told me his clerk "forgot" to pay Egypt Air. He sorted it out and all was well but had I not called Egypt Air I too may have been cheated out of the airfare.

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