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  1. I think that poster just likes the sound of the word, as he obviously doesn't understand what one is.
  2. Decoding Kamala Harris's Foreign Policy A Blend of Continuity and Change Does "Continuity" refer to the rush to a regional war in the M E and millions more illegals over the southern border. I'd prefer it if she were to advocate for change of direction on those two things.
  3. Perhaps the author can give us directions for the money tree. Britain can't pay nurses a decent wage, but they are expected to front up with a few spare billion to give to Ukraine? Given it is a product of the odious Wall Street, I suspect it's more about making the usual suspects even richer than they already are, than a plan for peace.
  4. Did Zelensky write this? The point of Russia's invasion was about stopping it joining NATO. Madness, and more likely to cause MAD.
  5. Reading posts from the Trump hating cohort I get the impression that you guys think about him from when you wake up till when you go to sleep. That's a bit sad, IMO.
  6. What on earth are you on about? Since when was POTUS not requiring primaries? You do know that she tried to become POTUS, don't you?
  7. I assume you were in a bit of a rush when you wrote that. Did you mean "Or maybe you don't understand where spending orginates"?
  8. Agree, so the thing they have to decide between is Harris and Trump. Hmmmm, decisions decisions. Harris is still in the honeymoon phase. That could well end soon and then it's between a horrid woman and a less than desirable man. They had the same choice in 2015 and went for Trump. November is going to be a doozy. I'm predicting that it'll be a cliffhanger till the end.
  9. The "progress" has been going on for decades. One suspects that one or two of the three parties to the "negotiations" are not serious about it.
  10. There's a load of them in the US congress that are really keen on the Ukrainian war, just as long as it's not US boys coming home in a bag. Not good for their re election chances. That may change after the election. After all, why have a huge military if it's not going to get used?
  11. I'm sure he has an escape planned for when the mob descends on his residence with a long rope. Somewhere in the US IMO. In 1945 it would be a submarine to South America.
  12. Generally called "firing". Your link doesn't work for me so I can't talk about what is on it. However, you'll have to do better before concluding anything. BTW I think this site knows more about it than you or I and they refer to your "shells" as rounds, and when all is said and done a 30mm cannon just fires big bullets, or in correct military terminology "rounds". https://www.airforce-technology.com/projects/a-10/?cf-view&cf-closed I surprised you didn't mention Puff The Magic Dragon as that had actual artillery on it, but were you even in the armed forces to be trying to correct me? BTW, here's an article about Puff, and please note the terminology used when referring to using the weapons. The guns to be active for firing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douglas_AC-47_Spooky
  13. I'm surprised that you say that as if thinking that Hamas can be "defeated". Hamas likely has about the entire male population of Gaza as willing recruits to kill israelis, so how is Hamas to be defeated?
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