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Chiangmai Travel Agent- Be Very Wary Of


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I recently used a tavel agent in Chiangmai who turned out to be a scam. Before I continue I will say I ran this by a moderator who advised me to not mention names. You can P.M me tho if you want the name of the agency.

Let's call this agency Miss" L" as it is a single person female agency.

On the 12th of September I booked a flight from Chiangmai to Melbourne return leaving on the 21st. I paid my 30,500 baht (Thai Airwars) recieved the ETicket and a reciept from the agent. Arrived at the airport to check in and was advised that the agent had not paid Thai Airways for the ticket and I could not get a bording pass. Rang the agent and she says "Oh I am so sorry forgot to transfer the funds ti Thai Air" Will come out to the airport and fix for you. I said my flight leaves in 2 hours and she says will be there in 30 minutes. Her office is approx 3 kms from airport. After 30 minutes no show so call her back and she says will be there in one hour. I attended the thai airwars counter at the airport seeking help and they told me that this particular agency has an extreemly bad reputation for taking money and never paying airlines. I had to go to an ATM and so did my wife to withdraw another 30,500 baht to pay for the ticket. The Agent never turned up at the airport and we are still trying to get the money back from her and she says it was a non refundable ticket. and does not have to return the money even tho we paid twice.

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Always better to pay by credit Card. Even if you have to pay a small percentage on top It's good insurance if it all goes Belly Up

That way you are in a stronger position to get your money back.

I Have used PM travel in Chang Mai and had good service from them I hope they are still giving the same service now

The last time was over one year ago, So who can say it's OK now, Things can Change Best to use Credit Card.

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I think many people had problems with her, so did I, so did my friend. I don't even have to PM you to know her name. Oh it is in the previous post :))

Altough I have to say: my problems got sorted out in time and she has arranged a Business class ticket for two on an international flight. But I haven't booked a ticket there since, and that's four years ago..

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I think many people had problems with her, so did I, so did my friend. I don't even have to PM you to know her name.

Altough I have to say: my problems got sorted out in time and she has arranged a Business class ticket for two on an international flight. But I haven't booked a ticket there since, and that's four years ago..

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Does it have no use to go to the police ?

He he her husband is a Lt Col in in the Police. My wife tried that, Lamai Can give you full details if you want.

Well well well... in that case indeed very wise to not mention any names here, for your own safety.

guess you still have a good chance to get your money back, just by talking with them on a polite way, using tact however is important in this case.

I'ld probably tell them in person that 'I have a little problem that I like to solve and hope you can help me' and never point at them etc.

T grab your slightest mistake to change the cards, and will be angry AT YOU instead.

It's just a game, use the right tactics, and the Ct Lol is probably a very jovial dude when you meet him in person. Just in real they are all ***ssh*ls**.

Edited by bangkokcitylimits
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I used to go to a lady with a very lovely smile, great English, whose office used to be by CM Gate but moved a cpl yrs ago. I had found them because they advertise in all the local rags, and the ad looks clean and professional. Over the years, I had sent many ppl there too, who bought tickets onward to Lao, Vietnam, Singapore, Australia, and a couple to USA. And then she crossed me in a sneaky kind of way. Though I'd had a few scares with friends waiting up until the taxi was ready to get them to the airport to deliver them tickets that should have been there the night before at their hotel, I had always looked the other way.

What happened ? Well, I had friends in town for a honeymoon and SE Asia adventure trip. I entertained them awhile and then let them wander off onto a pre-booked Lahu village stay up in CR. They had already bought their travel-on tix thru the lady mentioned above as per my instructions. They grew to trust her quite a bit. When they came back from the trek, they trusted this new friend to help find them a room during the 'busy' Loi Kratong time. They didn't call me as they didn't want to disturb me the whole time they were here - their thinking not mine. This lady tells these guys all hotels in CM are booked thru the holidays and they're lucky if they can find a room ANYWHERE. However, she just happens to have an apartment she keeps off Loi Kroh, Soi 1 where she could let them stay, though it's modest.... and 600B per night ! They called me after the first night there wondering if I could help them find anywhere for their last 2 nights in CM as: They didn't like sleeping on an old matress with no pillow and just a sheet, on a tile floor. There were giant dead cockroaches in the unswept hairball stairwell, also dead roaches in said apartment, the tv didn't work, and the a/c had only one setting. This is the kind of place an 'owner or renter pays like 2,500B/ mo for and she's charging my honeymoon friends 600B/ night ! I saw what happened and made excuses

that they were gonna stay with me and not stay in or pay for her place for another night. Then I walked them around the corner to that old hotel on the rt of LK, close to the girlie bars, but respectable enough. Plenty of rooms. Same 600B/ night. Also across the street at the new Raming lodge, rooms for about 2K/ night. Rooms everywhere! They couldn't believe they'd been lied to by the nice lady! Neither could I after bringing her hundreds of thousands of baht in ticket sales in the three yrs or so I'd known her.

What I can say is that it takes 'big balls' to do that. So I'd call this place 'HamYai' Travel if I had to, to commemorate those big balls. Any pertinent rhyme scheme is purely coincidental.

In the land of Karma it is sometimes shocking what you see take place.

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I've dealt with this woman a few times many years ago before I knew of a better agency. She made me nervous each time. Notice the way she practically drools at the chin when dealing with every farang, semi-comical really..., Lt. Col. Policeman married to her?.... You see Lord Buddha does serve up justice in the LOS. Cute couple.

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This scam is going on for years. I, by myself lost 1.000 US with her and had to pay 2.500 US to get a ticket back from Europe. I spent the whole day finding a solution at the airport. Coming back I went to the police. They have hundreds of complaints and are doing nothing at all. We are talking about millions. She canceled my return flight while I was in Europe and pocketed the money. I had to buy a new return-ticket.

I put my story with names and all on TV about 2 years ago. Yes, with names, I am not afraid of bad things even done by policemen.

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I used to go to a lady with a very lovely smile, great English, whose office used to be by CM Gate but moved a cpl yrs ago. I had found them because they advertise in all the local rags, and the ad looks clean and professional. Over the years, I had sent many ppl there too, who bought tickets onward to Lao, Vietnam, Singapore, Australia, and a couple to USA. And then she crossed me in a sneaky kind of way. Though I'd had a few scares with friends waiting up until the taxi was ready to get them to the airport to deliver them tickets that should have been there the night before at their hotel, I had always looked the other way.

What happened ? Well, I had friends in town for a honeymoon and SE Asia adventure trip. I entertained them awhile and then let them wander off onto a pre-booked Lahu village stay up in CR. They had already bought their travel-on tix thru the lady mentioned above as per my instructions. They grew to trust her quite a bit. When they came back from the trek, they trusted this new friend to help find them a room during the 'busy' Loi Kratong time. They didn't call me as they didn't want to disturb me the whole time they were here - their thinking not mine. This lady tells these guys all hotels in CM are booked thru the holidays and they're lucky if they can find a room ANYWHERE. However, she just happens to have an apartment she keeps off Loi Kroh, Soi 1 where she could let them stay, though it's modest.... and 600B per night ! They called me after the first night there wondering if I could help them find anywhere for their last 2 nights in CM as: They didn't like sleeping on an old matress with no pillow and just a sheet, on a tile floor. There were giant dead cockroaches in the unswept hairball stairwell, also dead roaches in said apartment, the tv didn't work, and the a/c had only one setting. This is the kind of place an 'owner or renter pays like 2,500B/ mo for and she's charging my honeymoon friends 600B/ night ! I saw what happened and made excuses

that they were gonna stay with me and not stay in or pay for her place for another night. Then I walked them around the corner to that old hotel on the rt of LK, close to the girlie bars, but respectable enough. Plenty of rooms. Same 600B/ night. Also across the street at the new Raming lodge, rooms for about 2K/ night. Rooms everywhere! They couldn't believe they'd been lied to by the nice lady! Neither could I after bringing her hundreds of thousands of baht in ticket sales in the three yrs or so I'd known her.

What I can say is that it takes 'big balls' to do that. So I'd call this place 'HamYai' Travel if I had to, to commemorate those big balls. Any pertinent rhyme scheme is purely coincidental.

In the land of Karma it is sometimes shocking what you see take place.

Yep you are talking about the same one as I am.

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If flying to Australia from CM go Silk Air/Singapore ........cheaper than Thai and a million times better.No need to put a foot in scabby Suvannaphum. I buy the ticket at the SilkAir office at the Centara Duantawan Hotel in Loi Khroh Rd. Pay and get my ticket on the spot. I never give any travel agent here the opportunity to pocket my cash for no ticket. They forget to pay the airline sometimes.

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Always do the ticketing yourself on-line. Never have to worry.;)

I could not agree more. I do not see what value a Travel Agent offers. And of course you can always go to the THAI office in the city or at the airport. I make at least 4 intercontinental trips a year & have not used a Travel Agent here or overseas for many years and have never had a problem with the bookings or the prices , only with the airlines like Kenya Airways that was a shambolic and unpleasant experience a few months ago.

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I think sometime in the future this woman's karma will catch up with her. Even though she has a police connection in her husband being a Lt. Col in the police force, you should file a police report to at least document the incident. Some day sooner or later this will all come back on the both of them if no action is taken. Administrations change and as they do sometimes they look for ways to purge those in power below them that are problematic, such as police Lt. Cols who have protected racketeering relatives. Sooner or later there will be an incident that will open an investigation and then the authorities will be looking for previous reports especially if the Lt. Col is ever investigated for corruption. Being polite but formal, make a police report to at least document the incident.

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This woman seems to have been quite popular. Why? There must have been some upside to dealing with her.

BTW, I've use Charal Travel for over five eyars and have NEVER had any problems there.

I always used Manit Travel and found them simply great however my wife being Thai is always looking for a cheaper rate and she found this woman who was offering the same ticket at 150 baht less so she insisted on using her. In the end it turned out to be double the price. We have written off the money and learnt our lesson. The reason for this post is just to warn others and hope they don't get stung.

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I think sometime in the future this woman's karma will catch up with her. Even though she has a police connection in her husband being a Lt. Col in the police force, you should file a police report to at least document the incident. Some day sooner or later this will all come back on the both of them if no action is taken. Administrations change and as they do sometimes they look for ways to purge those in power below them that are problematic, such as police Lt. Cols who have protected racketeering relatives. Sooner or later there will be an incident that will open an investigation and then the authorities will be looking for previous reports especially if the Lt. Col is ever investigated for corruption. Being polite but formal, make a police report to at least document the incident.

If it is for sure that her husband is a Lt. Col in the police force and they are 'happily married', my guess is that he will know exactly what's going on, or even be the mastermind. In that case I would say, do not file a police report as you do not know what sort of repercussions might happen.

I say get the message out to as many people as possible and try and get the money back, but write it off if you have to.

TIT - DO NOT put yourself in a position that might be dangerous.

Thanks very much for the warning. smile.gif

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Tip: I always go to K&K Business, halfway Tapae Road right next to Tapae Inn hotel, just before the + junction (AIS office).

This guy is an Indian, straight and down to earth and he does a lot for his customers. Always finds you the best rates, sometimes advises to wait with a booking if a little later you will save money etc, he really cares..

I prefer him over any Thai as I know I can trust him, and most Thais have too much reserves.

A smart guy you can trust, his wife is lovely too..

K&K Business


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If it is for sure that her husband is a Lt. Col in the police force and they are 'happily married', my guess is that he will know exactly what's going on, or even be the mastermind. In that case I would say, do not file a police report as you do not know what sort of repercussions might happen.

I say get the message out to as many people as possible and try and get the money back, but write it off if you have to.

TIT - DO NOT put yourself in a position that might be dangerous.

Thanks very much for the warning. smile.gif

100% true, filing a police report will be seen by them as an offend, beside this you make them lose face and they will see themselves as victims, the next is he will show you (and his wife) who is the boss, and he DOES have the power ! Very dangerous.

Probably I would invite him for a diner at a nice place and have some fun together.

Think wise - think of how Thais think.


Edited by bangkokcitylimits
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Could the op give some google search words that would narrow down the possibilities? I think I know who you are referring to but not 100%.

You can PM him if you want the name.

I was thinking more of the many unregistered forum readers who can't pm the op but would like to know who to avoid, and I imagine google search avoids Thailand's defamation laws.

Just received info - thanks.

I might pop in and annoy them. I enjoy annoying charlatans.

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Could the op give some google search words that would narrow down the possibilities? I think I know who you are referring to but not 100%.

You can PM him if you want the name.

I was thinking more of the many unregistered forum readers who can't pm the op but would like to know who to avoid and I imagine google search avoids Thailand's defamation laws.

Just received info - thanks.

I might pop in and annoy them. I enjoy annoying charlatans.

Good thinking - the more people that this sort of thing gets out to the better!

It's about this time of year that you plan your round the world trip isn't it? wink.gif

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Could the op give some google search words that would narrow down the possibilities? I think I know who you are referring to but not 100%.

You can PM him if you want the name.

I was thinking more of the many unregistered forum readers who can't pm the op but would like to know who to avoid and I imagine google search avoids Thailand's defamation laws.

Just received info - thanks.

I might pop in and annoy them. I enjoy annoying charlatans.

Good thinking - the more people that this sort of thing gets out to the better!

It's about this time of year that you plan your round the world trip isn't it? wink.gif

And it takes around 6 hours for me to go through all the different options with the travel agent before telling them I'll think about it.

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Could the op give some google search words that would narrow down the possibilities? I think I know who you are referring to but not 100%.

You can PM him if you want the name.

I was thinking more of the many unregistered forum readers who can't pm the op but would like to know who to avoid, and I imagine google search avoids Thailand's defamation laws.

Just received info - thanks.

I might pop in and annoy them. I enjoy annoying charlatans.

Cool ! Do we get the juicy details later ? kwijl.gif

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