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Crass Foreign Perceptions Of Thailand


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Like I stated earlier, I'm 25 and my TGF is 31, a housekeeper who works 16 hours a day for just 100 baht.

We are in Thailand and we get annoyed by both Thai and farang.  Even Thais have asked me, "what bar does she work at?" and "how much are you paying her?"  Thais are asking my TGF, "does he have a big dick?"  "do you like big dicks?"  Yes, I am Black.

we all have to deal with this.  To the original poster, us in Thailand with relationships are also dealing with annoyances from all angles.  The Thais are also engaging in ignorance.

How on earth do you have time to mix with other people?

Your gf works 16 hours a day for 7 Baht per hour!!!!!!! That's disgustingly low even by Thai standards.

I suppose that I am lucky enough to have enough money so that my gf does not have to work. But if she did, she would get 100 or 120 Baht for 8 hours.

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Ain't there fault that they smirk, they can't help it.

When I meet a guy who tells me that he is married to a farang woman I can't help a smirk coming on my face, sometimes even a little snigger under my breath. :o

*edited due to language*

I must say that it's the same for me! I'm 26, my Thai gf is 29. Hopefully marry her next year. But i do have a sly chuckle to myself after my work mates have taken the piss about my thaibride and i think about the hippocrocafrog their going home too!!

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Did you, Uncle Paul & thaibopeep come off the same assembly line?

Foreign Media's fault?   :D

Thailand is what it is, a beautiful country with outstanding food, climate, scenery, beaches etc., but it is also the center or one of the premier centres of the Galactic Confederation for "######in" and all the other esoteric activities  you've mentioned.

No sense in trying to deny that or cover it up!

The whole package -- its beautiful and that's that!  :D

The next sneer you get, just take the fella aside and say to him, "if you ditch that cow you're with, yeah .... !"    :o

You really must get with the times...

The preferred term is hub. HUB. Not center.


Master! :D I bow to thee! May you continue to educate me & shower me with timely lessons! :D

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Did you, Uncle Paul & thaibopeep come off the same assembly line?

Huh? :D <deleted> are you talking about Harmonica? I see you are trying to insult me, but what for I can't understand. I was defending Thailand. Which is what you seem to be doing.

So, why don't you clear things up a lit.

Peace bro :D -- remember the previous thread? Looks like more of the same sanctimonious stuff from the likes of you, Uncle Paul and now this new OP. :D

You fellas remind me of this self-righteous, pious priest during my High School days -- he told me that he was tired of giving me hundreds of Hail Marys & Our Fathers as penance for engaging in the ultimate form of moral turpitude, masturbation -- at the 20th confession he asked me, "so how many times did you succumb to the Devil since your last confession?" "3", I replied.

He asked me how much money I had in my pocket? I said I had 5 dollars.

He said, "OK go put 3 dollars into the church collection box!" That's your punishment.

Thinking furiously, I tried to pull a fast one & said, "but I got no change; all I got is a 5 dollar bill."

Said he, "Go put the whole 5 dollars in there and go home and beat off twice more!"


In hindsight he now seems the type who, despite the pious exterior, would <deleted> a chicken in a heartbeat! :D

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