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Young Dutch Man In Love With Beautiful Thai Lady


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I've got a message on my You Tube from unknown Dutch guy named Davie.

I think the message is genuine and the young man needs some advice or guidance and some facts about Thai education system and school fees as well. As I was thinking what to replay, in order to be objective as much as I can, I've got an idea to share this with you experienced expatriates and Thai Visa readers. I will send him a link to Thai Visa forum, so he can read all your suggestions and opinions. I hope Davie wont mind me doing so.

Here is his message and link to his You Tube profile: Davie's You Tube

Hello sir,

My name is Davie from Netherlands. I was on vacation in Thailand and met my new girlfriend Jang from Chaiyaphum. She is very special for me, and her nephew now 4 years old is not going to school, because they have no money.

I m setting up an organization for children, and I hope you can help me, because I need information about schools in Thailand. Like names, and the cost for 1 year school, the material like books and stuff, and about the uniform. I m going back in January, and want to visit some schools and places where children not going to school.

My girlfriend have enough problems to think about, and i try not to talk so much with her about my project, because she need to take care about her parents too.

I hope you can give me some valuable information, maybe you now some volunteers who works with children. So i can put it in my plan, and maybe work together. If i have collect enough money i go back to Thailand and sent some children to a school nearby. I want to have the first year about 3 children to school. And after 2 years maybe 10 or more.

Greets Davie

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State school is free in Thailand from age 7 and up (and includes a free lunch).

The only fees are uniforms and books ....

This year I paid 4000bht for 5 uniforms, various shoes and school books

In some regions Uniforms and books are provided free of charge.

One of the popular SCAMs in Thailand is for foreigners to be told you have to pay for children to go to school.

Of course you can pay for private and nursery school, if you have spare cash.

Edited by sarahsbloke
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